Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 888 Land of Beasts

Chapter 888 Land of Beasts

3 days have passed by ever since the incident of dealing with the dragon in the Grand Lake. Everything is now back to normal and things have been more peaceful than ever. Aside from the monster killing from time to time and some power leveling, we do in the Dark Sea whenever it isn't that busy of a time, the extra levels we gain are helping enough as there is a chance our enemies get tougher and tougher.

Aside from those things, nothing much is happening so most of the time, we took any kind of time-consuming work that could pass the time during our time in idle hours. For me, I am trying to earn back all of my masteries in Blacksmithing and Cartography once more. The blacksmithing process is easier since I just needed to have Almira reissue me the apprenticeship to her. The problem was with the Cartography mastery.

Back when I was still a player, it was one of the mastery manuals sold in the Auction so I managed to nab it knowing its function and without going to a real Cartography Master, I still managed to master the ways of the Cartography. Right now is a different story as I don't have any idea where to find one again Cartography experts are counted by hand and are pretty much always on the move so finding one Cartography master will sometimes take almost forever.

Of course, I could just self-learn and wait until I get the Ex Job once again as this Ex Job can be learned if it is being self-learned by anyone. It takes time, but it is possible. So I decided to take the longer route. Not only will it allow me to learn from some of my mistakes in creating maps, but this might also allow me to get some epiphany as well.

Right now, we just entered the [Land of Beasts] area. It's a dense rainforest area that I didn't know exists. Much like common rainforests, this place is very thick in vegetation and the trees are tall and huge. Our mansion is not even something that can even compare to the trees here. The ground is also full of dead leaves and some critters that flee the moment the mansion legs start to step on the ground. It was like going to a place that was only previously available in pictures in books and on the internet. Seeing the place up close is marvelous and quite amazing of an experience. I never heard of this place in the last timeline and I also don't have much knowledge of this place as well. Is this even an accessible area before? No idea but I am quite sure this place is a place that has barely any documentation.

Seeing how it has less modernization done and most of the areas are forests with no signs of civilization, it's either an uncharted land, or it has not been fully explored. I took advantage of this to create a map by surveying the surroundings. Flying around the mansion's area of vicinity while keeping an eye on new landmarks.

As I was going on about my survey, the radio I am carrying buzzed and Almira's voice sprang up.

"Manato, are you out there currently surveying the area?"

I pulled out the radio and responded to the question. "Yes, I am. Is there something wrong?

"Ah, no. I was just reminding you that we will be stopping for a bit to allow the core of the mansion to cool down. It's also a way for the core to recharge its lost energy as well."

"Oh, thanks for the heads up. I will be going back soon once I am done with what I am doing."

"Alright. Just head back soon. Your mother just finished baking a pie earlier. If you get a little later than usual, you might lose your chance to nab a piece."

I just laughed it off but I do understand what she meant. After ending the transmission, I started working on the survey as fast as I could so that I won't have to worry about losing the share I have with the pie. As I was putting the final finishing touches on what I was doing, I suddenly noticed something peeking behind the trees. I don't know what that was but I didn't notice the presence of that peeper until I noticed it in the corner of my eye.

"Hey, wait!"

I didn't hesitate and followed the one who was peeping earlier. I thought I would be able to catch up to that person but he was quite fast. After chasing it till I got a lot farther from the mansion, I lost the one I am chasing and realized that I have went deep into the forest without knowing it. I also realized that a few people started to gather around. I enhanced my senses and tried to check whether they are players or not.

They were still hiding but I am quite capable of determining how many of them were there. And I think the person from earlier was just there to lure me deep into the forest and away from the mansion, away from the safe haven.

I look around and soon saw the hiding people and realized that they are not players. More like they are more like natives due to how they wear their clothes. Is this somehow similar to those movies I saw about cannibals and stuff where the natives would hunt unsuspecting visitors, capture them and try to eat them?

I don't know what is their deal but I am not someone who is easily intimidated by them and easily felt threatened. They started to circle around me, trying to get a good angle on how to attack. Seeing how they are circling me around and taking their time, I decided to just do it myself instead of waiting for them to do it in my stead.

Picking up a rock by kicking it up in the air, the people suddenly got defensive and backed away but they are too late. Catching the stone, I throw it to the person on the left before dashing straight to the person on my side and striking his abdomen with my elbow before pulling an uppercut and knocking the guy out.

The others were agitated and tried to attack as well but since they lost their tempo already after the attack, I easily defended myself and knocked them out before they can even do something else.

After the attack, a few of the other natives realized that they cannot hope to defeat me and decided to escape. They left and leave behind the others who are now curling in pain from my attacks or either passed out after receiving some of my punches. No one died though as there is a chance they will try to get some sort of revenge if I did kill them.

Once I ensured no one else is present there, I tied up the natives I defeated and tied them up on the trees. I tried searching on some of their belongings but I don't see much of it rather than some primitive tools and stuff. Not only that but these guys are humans. I thought they would be some sort of beast with human appearance or something but they were real humans.

I even knocked down a few women as well. I just can't tell as most of them are wearing the armor that hides their femininity. If not for the fact that I searched for their belongings, I wouldn't even discover that some of the people I knocked down are girls. Most of them are boys though but I don't really care.

When all of them are tied up, I didn't bother to interrogate them and left. I don't have time to spend on their drivel and I don't have the time to interrogate them. I left them there and just let their comrades take them back, I doubt they will be waking up soon enough with how strong my strike was on them.

Anyways, I have to tell everyone what I discovered when all of a sudden, an arrow suddenly pass through my cheek. I managed to dodge it at the last second but earlier, I didn't notice it just now.

Looking around, I saw someone standing in one of the tree branches, aiming an arrow at me. Based on how fast they were and how stealthy they were at using arrows, this person is pretty skilled. As skilled as Renatta and the others or maybe much more skilled than them?

I am ready to attack if she shoots another arrow at me but she didn't shoot and decided to speak.

"Who are you, invader? What are you and that huge golem you are using doing on our sacred grounds?"

I was surprised since the one speaking to me was quite fluent in the universal language despite how I heard some of them speak some incoherent language.

"If you don't answer my questions, we will be drilling arrows into your body. State your business here or die!"

And before I knew it, the? whole branches emerges multiple archers aiming their bows and arrows at me.

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