Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 895 Meeting

Chapter 895 Meeting

With the beast I hunted already prepared and stored inside the containers that I brought along to carry it easily back home, I return to the mansion before the meeting with the chieftain's wife happens. I don't want to be late and then let the others handle the negotiations. It will end up badly and poorly as a result.

There are monsters on the way to the mansion after they smell the meat on the containers I carry but they aren't a big deal, to begin with, and it also helps me gather resources as well as they naturally come to me instead of me searching for them.

It took me some time before I arrived and when I did, I already spotted the incoming tribe members arriving in the distance. I immediately returned while carrying the supplies and the gift that I plan on giving them once our discussion ends in a good way.

When I arrived, Almira once again started complaining again.

"Manato, those guys are back again. Go deal with them, we can't keep on entertaining them for long like this. You better have this stuff wrapped up nicely sooner or later."

"Ah, don't worry about it, I already plan on doing so as it is indeed annoying to keep on dealing with them when we have our own sh*t to worry about."

Soon enough, we hear a voice below the walking mansion.

"We desire to speak again to the one who challenged our chieftain and won. We are here to discuss the matter regarding our loss and the safety of the princess!"

I leaned over to see them currently looking up at us, waiting for an answer.

"Uwahhh, you really are not kidding Riko, they're numerous indeed!" Rika was amazed as she peered down as well.

"Right? I held all my thoughts in attacking them for quite a while even though they felt like hostiles to me. Thankfully, I have my full self-control," Riko nodded in satisfaction. I can only say if I am not there, you wouldn't have that self-control you are talking about though.

I scanned the people below and I saw the chieftain with the woman I saw during the surveillance looking up at us, waiting for my answer.

"How is the girl that is currently tied up?" I asked.

"She is still sleeping but we can wake her up anytime you want us to do so," Riko answered.

"That's good. Wait for my signal and bring her down once I give it out. I will talk to them by myself."

After that, I dived down and landed similarly before once more but I didn't make any attempt to look cool this time. I just stood up after landing and walked up to them who were waiting for my arrival.

"Looks like you woke up a lot later than usual, chief. Still amazing that you did though as most of the people who suffered the same fate as you remained asleep for about a week or two."

"..." the chieftain was silent and didn't give an angry rebuttal. Just a disappointed grunt, showing his frustration for his weakness.

Then, I looked at the woman beside him who immediately bowed down respectfully.

"You must be the one who defeated my husband and has my daughter captive."

"Are you the wife of this guy and the mother of that girl up there? Because if you are, then I am indeed the one who beat the living sh*t out of your husband and has your girl captive."

"Yes, indeed."

"So what is your deal? If you want to fight ask for another challenge and battle, I won't hesitate to fight again," I tried provoking them to see whether she would get angry or remain in a neutral stance. I needed to make sure she came on friendly terms and not just to save face.

The guy who talked with the wife earlier while the chieftain was unconscious seemed to get angry and was about to attack when the chieftain's wife raised her hand to stop the angry guy.

"Calm down, Raul, you will cause us to lose our chance to negotiate. Don't do this."

"I am sorry," the guy reluctantly backed off though he remained to show his hostility to me. Not that I mind a small hostility like that. It's cool.

She returned her attention to me and bowed down again. "I am very sorry for what my husband and my daughter have done to inconvenience you in some way. Please forgive us and we offer our peaceful negotiations. We will offer offerings in return for peaceful negotiation and to allow us to retrieve our daughter safely as well."

I sighed and looked at her before making my decision. "We will have to discuss this matter. As much as I want to take pity on you due to your plea, your daughter caused me big trouble and even planned to kill me if not for me, triumphantly winning from her attack. I don't want to make things harder for you but it's best for you and your husband to come with me back there and we will discuss it there."

"What about our soldiers?" the chieftain asked.

"They don't need to be there to help with the discussion. In fact, they are more of a distraction. It's best we exclude them and let them wait for you two to finish what we discussed."

But then, the guy angrily refused and this time, he decided to show his ferocity to us.

"I refuse this! We just needed to attack this guy and finish him off with all of us attacking at the same time!"

The wife facepalmed and shook her head for a bit before facing the soldiers.

"Didn't I tell your Raul to step down and let us handle this? Just because you are the trusted young man of my husband doesn't mean you can just cause trouble like this. We are trying to offer peaceful negotiations and here you are, trying to ruin things and making things harder for us."

"But Ma'am, we can't afford to trust the invaders. Even if we act friendly with them, once we show our back, they will show their true colors and betray us! It's better to nip the bud before we get destroyed in the process."

I thought the wife would be the only one who would try to appease the guy but the chieftain decided to intervene as well.

"So Raul, are you saying what my wife said is a bad idea?"

"I..." Raul seems to be ready to proudly say yes, but then he realizes that the one who is questioning him is none other than the chieftain himself.

"I think my wife has a point. Therefore, stand down and wait for us until the discussions are over. Wait for this matter to be resolved instead of disagreeing with us. We will have to proceed with what my wife wanted," the chieftain declared.

"But chief...your safety..."

"Is there any problem?" the chieftain gives off a menacing aura and Raul has to gulp his saliva a few times.

"But what about the safety of both of you?"

I then joined in the conversation and answered the question myself.

"Just because I attacked the chieftain and caused him to get knocked out, I don't have a reason to fight him and attack him out of nowhere just like that. And besides, we will just talk, nothing out of the ordinary there unless you try to give meaning to it."

"Khhh," the guy is angry but he has no choice about it.

"Now that we don't have anyone who will disturb us, please order your soldiers to move a bit further away. That way, we can allow you all to go up there without the need to fly. Do you guys know how to fly though?" I asked.

The chieftain shook his head. "Humans don't fly."

While the wife shook her head. "Just like what my husband said, we humans don't have the ability to fly.

Based on that conversation, it's clear they don't know that humans are capable of flying in the sky. No wonder they are behind in many areas.

"If that is the case, then you guys will definitely need this."

I snap my fingers and the Summon's Area portal opened up and I called Leona out. As soon as Leona appeared, everyone was stunned at Leona herself.

"A-a gryphon!" everyone exclaimed and some were ready to even move away in fear.

"A gryphon?! How come there is still one alive? Aren't they wiped out during the primordial era of the gods?"

"We will answer your questions later. Anyways, go inside the carriage at Leona's back and we will have to send you up there."

Although reluctant, the chief and his wife climb up to the little carriage on Leona's back.

"Alright, now that we are ready to go, brace yourselves. Once we arrive there, you will meet your daughter once more but we will be discussing things later. So be prepared."

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