Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 914 The Primordial War in Another’s Eyes

Chapter 914 The Primordial War in Another's Eyes

Manato sat there, watching everything unfold. Everything to the point where they arrived at the familiar tree and the dragon awaits. Everything happened so fast that he didn't expect things to end that way. It was like he watched a movie, and then everything went to a dark ending.

Also, seeing the Goddess of Death lie down weakly on the tree made him feel the urge to protect her. Although Manato did not know her personally and only learned and experienced her actions via the eyes of the baby dragon which has grown to be a majestic black dragon, he can still feel that the Goddess of Death doesn't deserve all of the hatred she accrued.

Yes, she handles the deaths of people all over the world and she takes their souls to their final ground, but isn't that much better than letting their souls wander in the world without getting the peace they deserve? Not even the Goddess of Life can solve that and in fact, the way the Goddess of Life just gives life willy-nilly and ignores the pleas of the people is somewhat troublesome.

Now, the dragon is once again waiting. Although Manato has no idea why it was waiting while guarding the Goddess of Death, it remained steadfast and stationary, keeping the Goddess of Death away from harm.

And the dragon waited for hours. Nights and days passed by and Manato lost count of it. Despite that, the dragon is capable of protecting the Goddess and even gives her some food to eat from time to time.

Manato thought things would stay like that for long but it changed when someone came along. A hooded man pulling a cart full of tools that Manato immediately recognized as tools for weapon smithing. Due to the size of the dragon, he cannot really see much on the face of the man who arrived but it seems that he was the one that the dragon and the Goddess of Death were waiting for as the dragon was totally on guard earlier has lowered it and revealed the Goddess of Death, lying weakly.

"My Goddess, it seems that the inevitable war that the Goddess of Life waged against you cannot be stopped. Your followers have stalled you enough time to retreat and find you a way to safely escape," the hooded man spoke with a hoarse voice. Low enough but understandable. Hearing his words allowed Manato to know that the current timeline is during the climax of the Primordial War.

"No... just escape. Don't bother to provoke the Goddess of Life anymore. There is no point in losing your life to a goddess like me who only governs the authority of the dead," the Goddess of Death weakly coughed.

"I didn't know you suffered too much from the surprise attack the Goddess of Life did to you. But thanks to your immediate action, the Goddess of Life is also injured and has retreated to treat her wounds. But due to that, everything is now in chaos and all the followers of the Goddess of Life are now trying to hunt you and your followers down."

"Don't battle them any longer. There is no point in denying this battle. It is a battle they want, then they will have to receive the battle as well."

The Goddess of Death did not respond and only looked at the Hooded Man quietly.

"My Goddess. As your loyal knight, the sole reason why I exist is to protect you and your legacy. You might be retreating to a world where no one will reach you except only you, but we will have to remain here so that you will not be forgotten. The Goddess of Life might have given us breath and life to move, but she isn't someone who can dictate what we will do and what we should do. We are free people and her rule is constraining and only shackles us to her own set of rules. She does not understand the concept of your power and why it is important."

"I am but a goddess who only relieves the pain of those who are suffering and dying to reach their final resting place. I am just a minor goddess and comparing myself to my sister is something she wouldn't even like to hear."

"Ha, I can't believe that you and the Goddess of Life are both sisters. You two are nothing alike."

The Goddess of Death chuckled.

"But it's time, my goddess. You might be departing from the world of mortals but we, your followers will always remember you. Please remember us once we are gone."

"You guys might die someday, but you will not be gone and forgotten. You all will just arrive at your final destination and your eternal rest. Live your life to the fullest."

The hooded man nodded pulled something in his cart and revealed a box. The same box that she was carrying when I saw her in my dreams. The moment she held the box in her hands, her black kimono turned white and her hair also turned white, erasing the traces of black in her clothes and hair.

"Farewell, my Goddess. I hope I get the chance to serve you again."

The Goddess of Death smiled as she slowly faded into existence. Whatever that box was, it is the reason she has now disappeared from the mortal realm.

When the goddess disappeared, the dragon lying still and waiting for everything roared.

"Looks like you are itching for a little fight buddy, but honestly, I am the same. Let's show those bastards that messing with us was not a good idea. Let the Goddess of Life know that we are not her machines and that she can just create and command as she pleases. We are the followers of the Goddess of Death and we will protect her legacy."

After that, everything begins to fast forward once more. It's fast but it stops in some important scenes and based on the scenes that I have seen, the battle has been brutal and dangerous. This is not just some random war, this is a war between people who refuse to yield.

The Dragon became a menace and became the symbol for the people who believed in the Goddess of Death and the battle lasted for several years. However, despite all the wins that the faction of the Goddess of Death did, the Goddess of Life became stronger than ever and the faction of the former slowly and steadily declined.

The hooded man is now old and his body is feeble. The dragon is also getting weaker as well. It has lots of injuries that it accrued and it even lost some claws as well.

"It seems we are on our last legs, aren't we, my friend?" the hooded guy chuckled as he leaned to the body of the dragon. The dragon responded with a light growl which made the guy chuckle.

"I don't know why you keep on growling when you can clearly speak the human language. Perhaps to ensure that you won't stray to yourself that you are a dragon and not a human?"

The dragon looked at him and shook its head. And to my surprise, the dragon spoke. A voice that I wasn't even expecting to hear.

"No. I just refused to speak the human language as it doesn't suit me to talk like that for long. I prefer my usual mannerisms as a dragon to do the talking."

"Haha, can't believe it, you really are quite something. However, what are we going to do? Are we just going to end our crusade now? Everything is now on its final preparations, what are you gonna do?"

"I will fulfill what role was given to me. Now that it has come to this, then I will have to do this."

The hooded old man chuckled. "I see. Who would have thought you would soon agree to fuse with a weapon, huh?"

"This is my fate and my obligation to fulfill. I have no regrets."

"But are you sure about dividing yourself into multiple parts? Shouldn't you be made in a whole weapon instead of being used in multiple weapons?"

"This is a way for me to evade the eyes of the Goddess of Life. One day, I will become whole again and I can deliver all of the promises that I failed to deliver to the Goddess of Death one day."

The old man sighed and nodded. "Alright, it's time to forge the weapon that will end this long war. I will exhaust all of my remaining life force to activate my Forge and release the weapons in different directions. Your wielder will come and one day, you will be returning to a single entity again. Now, fall asleep, my friend. Your journey will be long and hard, and you will have to wait for a very long time until then. May we meet again, farewell."

And soon, the sound of the hammer can be heard and I soon lost the sight that allows me to spectate the things.

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