Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 585 Post-Investigation

Alynna arrived at the final village which was told to be the biggest village in the near vicinity where the other villages were destroyed. Alynna already expected it but seeing how only the villages that are affected by this so-called "scourge" in the reports are the only ones that are destroyed beyond recognition and the remains of the angels who once lived here are all mutilated to the point they no longer looked like angels before. However, compared to the previous villages that they have visited before, this village only has a little number of bodies that are burned. It was also clear that they are only burned so that they don't rot and smell after a while and burning isn't even the main reason they have died.

"General! We found a dead but still intact corpse of the monster! We currently secured it nearby."

Hearing the report of the soldier, Alynna followed the soldier to see what the monster looks like. After all, she cannot recognize the burnt remains of the monsters found in the area which is why a dead body that has not been burned will be very good to see to make sure they know what they are and if they are really warranted to be killed.

When Alynna arrived, the smell of a rotten corpse wafted on her nose. No, it's not even considered a smell of a rotten corpse as that smell can still be endured for a bit but the smell she just smelled just now is something that her stomach seemed to reject. She covers her nose with a handkerchief and checks the corpse that is found.

Her face shows her visibly shaken expression. It wasn't something she expected as she have expected a more normal-looking look from the monster. Seeing that the monster is a morphed version of an angel is just pretty disturbing. Imagine seeing a normal person in front of you getting crumpled like paper and then adding some monster-looking appendages, legs, and claws, plus the morphed wings, that alone makes Alynna disgusted. What makes it more disturbing is that the face of the monster kept the original face of the angel that morphed into it making it look like they were stuffed inside the monster.

Alynna who isn't that good with grotesque and body horror stuff didn't last long enough before she puked all of what she had eaten during lunch. Perhaps the smell also contributed to that but thanks to all the factors, her stomach was not able to handle everything.

"Get rid of it! Immediately!"

A few of the angels escorted her away from the site and some of the on-standby magicians blasted the dead body with flames just like what most of the corpses found were.

"To think the problem we are dealing with is capable of transforming people into that kind of stuff is no laughing matter."

"Are you alright, General?" one of the angels handed her a container containing water.

"Clearly I am not fine. I must thank whoever was killing these guys as they have just spared me the horror and disgust I would feel seeing those things laid bare for my eyes to see. No wonder they are burned, they are not pleasant to the eye at all."

"General, we found traces of holy aura explosion in this area. It's off the charts and we can assume that whoever defeated these guys have someone who are capable of wielding Holy Magic."

Alynna wipes her mouth before she headed to the one who reported the sightings of Holy Magic. As someone who is adept at Holy Magic, she is pretty sensitive to it so when she arrived at the location of the area where the Holy Magic was supposed to be used, she immediately confirms it.

"Indeed. This is Holy Magic. However, there are some signs that this is not a pure Holy Magic. It was like it is mixed with something else that is not supposed to be part of the Holy energy but for some reason, it blended well, allowing of it being used as a result. It's pretty interesting."

"What are we going to do with it, General?" one of the angels who discovered the remnants of Holy Magic asked.

"Extract the remnants that can be extracted out of this Holy Magic. There is no way an adventurer is capable of doing that as they are all the same as us. Following the rules that the Goddess of Life had laid out for the world. The one who did this should be a different person that is currently obliterating the scourge. We should be really thankful that they have helped us out but I am still not sure who they were. Once you guys have collected them, hand them to Karasi, she should be able to analyze that and see whether we can identify who is the one helping us."

Alynna sighed as she looked at the villages that are now scorched by the fire to get rid of the scourge that is spreading. Although all of the threats have been eliminated, a moment of peace is a clear temporary thing. Knowing that this incident is happening, there must be someone who is manipulating the strings at the current situation. And the only thing that Alynna knows is that this is the work of the same  cult that is currently doing their absolute best to ruin the Luminous Continent in whatever means necessary.

She knew, that things were just starting and nothing has yet to end.




While Alynna and some of the angels are currently investigating the last village, I am currently camping not too far from the first village to get some good rest. Although most of the work that was done was all due to the Skeleton's hard work, it is still a little bit tiresome to fight straight, jumping from one village to another and destroying it after. It's not easy at all.

Also, the Holy but corrupted skeleton knight that evolved from a normal skeleton saved the day. Not only does this guy gained a taunt ability but it also has the ability to use [Holy Aura Blast], a skill most Holy Knights have. To think I would see her being capable of all of this, it all comes down to the main reason this guy is capable of doing that.

As of earlier, I lost 4 of my skeletons from the battle and I only have 6 of them remaining including the evolved skeleton. The next situation will occur 10 hours from now on. And since I am a rogue, there's no need for me to keep playing here for a while. I will be taking a proper rest for the rest of the day for now.

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