Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 600 The Tormentor

The cult leader stood in front of me, still injured from the previous battle we did back in the underground laboratory glared at me as the battle that will lead me to fight a big boss all by myself is looming.

"So you are really trying to ruin everything that I have worked so hard for."

"If only your work is not something that would affect the world then perhaps I would have left you on your own devices. Unfortunately, that wasn't the main case and I don't like the way you are sparking the apocalypse so I guess it is much easier for me to get rid of your work completely rather than leave you ravaging everything."

"This is why I hated all that are wingless. You all are just a bunch of morons who do nothing but do nonsensical stuff. And I also hated my kind for being brainless idiots that don't know the value of this world. And I hated myself for having this curse of not dying. However, what I hated the most is that you are trying to stop my work to resurrect my god from ruling this idiotic world!"

She then pulls out her sword. She is raring to fight again but I can also tell that she is not in the best shape to fight. Her wounds are not healed and she is still looking like she was still in critical condition. Given that she won't die no matter how hard she tries, she will still suffer from those wounds but will not receive any kind of signs that her life will end and her suffering will finally come to a finale.

However, I don't really care about that right now. She is not the one I am after. And although I can keep on hitting her until the passive effect of my title that automatically kills anything hits, she still needed to be alive for her lord to appear.

"I know you are raring to fight but I have no time to deal with you."

She didn't listen and started attacking me but due to her slow movements, I easily dodged her, and I made my way into the monolith. Now here the main purpose of the Dark Core that I have collected and protected finally comes into play.

Pulling out the core dangling on my side, I pulled the Versatile Weapon out and slice my arm for blood to flow out of it. Although it was just a game, the blood still flows like real blood works in real life. My HP is also falling as my blood keeps dripping too.

I put the dark core under my arm so that all the blood that falls from my bleeding hand lands on the dark core itself. Every drop of blood that successfully drops to the core is easily absorbed. Seeing this unfold makes the cult leader realize what I am doing.

"Stop what you are doing!"

I didn't listen to her and just continued the blood to drop from it. Seeing that I didn't stop doing it, she started running to stop me from doing whatever I am doing but before she can reach me, the process has finally been done and the Dark Core is now imbued with dark powers. This process is done too forcefully manifest the boss out of the monolith. It's the less powerful version of the boss monster that should be appearing by sacrificing the living but that still works fine and dandy so I have to do this. How did I know this if the past timeline already managed to cause severe damage to the Luminous Continent? Because the Cult Leader did not summon the boss until the very end. She relied on the power of the boss that has been given to her to fight us players.

However, things are different now. I will instead do the initiative of summoning the boss and forcing it to manifest.

With the Dark Core ready, I throw the core into the air where the monolith is currently at. Due to the amount of power the core is releasing, the Monolith senses this and slowly attracts the core to be placed on the very top of the Monolith.

The moment the deed was done, the Monolith started to shake, and the whole spire started to shake. Even the cult leader didn't expect this to happen. The Monolith started glowing like crazy and the shaking gets stronger. It didn't take too long for the Monolith to start showing cracks on the surface. Then, in a split second, the monolith exploded and black smoke started to fly around.

Some kind of scream is echoing all around as the black smoke started to circle around. After a while, the black smoke gathered on the cult leader and without a warning, entered her mouth. The incident was very sudden for her so she didn't expect it from happening. All of the flying black smoke flies started to gather on her and she started screaming in pain.

Soon enough, all of the black smoke entered her body. She slowly convulsed before the black smoke is released once again this time, forming into a bigger form of an ethereal form of a monster. The reason the smoke entered the cult leader is due to the Curse. The curse that is enveloping her is the curse that is tied to the resurrection of this boss. It was supposed to be the final power that it needed to manifest once it has collected enough souls to use and a decent material aka bodies to use to manifest its body and become a strong god.

However, since I killed all of the cult's members except the cult leader, the resurrection failed automatically unless a new batch of idiots decided to sacrifice themselves. And since the core is back to the monolith, this forces the boss to escape as the Monolith can no longer handle the power that is activated. Because of its premature release, the form of the boss became black smoke and started to roam around the surroundings, looking for anything it can use to manifest temporarily before dying.

However, since the only option left was the curse left behind the cult leader's body, instead of saving it for last, the boss decided to use it instead before the boss disintegrated. And now, here we are, the boss has finally appeared. But this is the weaker version of the boss. It was a failed attempt and since the only power it has that will allow it to manifest safely without disappearing is to take the curse from the cult leader's body, the boss is now in a form that is still dangerous but is much easier to fight compared to the past timeline's version of itself.

Its manifestation is slow and to ensure that he will appear big, he decided to use the dead bodies of the followers of the cult excluding the cult leader since the cult leader is still alive, just unconscious. Still, compared to the bodies brimming with life and vigor, a dead body without any scent of life in it is just a consolation prize for the boss to use as it has no other choice. What choice does it have anyways?

Soon enough, the boss finally manifested and has finally appeared in its form. His looks are more like the same description people describe asura. He has red skin and three heads with three different faces and six arms. He is a towering giant and although his bottom half is just a spirit form due to his untimely resurrection and lack of resources, his top half is fully fleshed out. Still, he is very big and I am small compared to him. And in a while, his HP bar finally appeared. Not surprising, there are three HP bars with one as the main and the other two as a secondary HP bars.

[The Tormentor]

HP: 20,000,000 X 5/20,000.000 X 5

[The Tormentor's Cursed Sword]

HP: 15,000,000/15,000,000

[The Tormentor's Cursed Spear]

HP: 10,000,000/10,000,000

The boss has Five HP bars which is the reason why there is "X5" beside the 20 million HP. Meaning once I exhausted the 20 million HP, another set of 20 million HP will reappear to refill it back up. Anyone who must be seeing this might think this is too much but this is mild compared to the past timeline where the boss has at least 30 HP bars with 100 million HP in them. Since this is the weakened version, its HP is bearable enough for me.

The sword and the spear are still part of the boss and he will occasionally use them to fight but they will cease to function like a normal monster once it drains up all of their HP and the boss will be forced to get rid of them. Also, killing these weapons will not reduce the main boss's HP. It will just ease up fighting the f*cker down/

Carrying out the cult leader's body to the side so that she won't get crushed from the battle, I pull out the Versatile Weapon, ready to fight. The boss has finally gained back his senses and this time, his three faces frown with anger and started cursing me.

"You motherf*cking brat! What have you done is just something that I am not going to easily forgive! I sentenced you to die on my hands today and crush your bones to dust!"


I didn't want to keep on talking with this three-headed bastard. With three enemies to fight, I have to make a hustle and fight with them. Since I am alone, I have to rely on myself. And I also needed to pray that even at least once, the title effects of Death's Favorite are triggered.

The sword started moving all by itself while the spear remained in the tormentor's hands. It slams down its heavy blade to the ground. I quickly evaded it before jumping to the sword and as I run, I shoot bullets at it. It's kind of pointless to shoot a metal sword with a gun but since the gun I am using is the Versatile Weapon, its effects are not something a normal gun would normally make. I didn't use the Pain Delivery at the moment as I am saving the bullets when I am fighting the tormentor itself.

It didn't take a few seconds before the sword started moving again. Before falling, I changed my weapon into a cannon and shot a single cannonball at the Tormentor which caught the boss off guard, provoking the three-faced guy.

"That's it! You are now officially dying right this second! Prepare to meet your maker!"



Alright, ARC 7 is done although that was a cliffhanger for the next arc, I already have planned out the entire arc of this part. It's going to be a little bit longer than usual compared to the Sandurk Expedition and the Aquagius Insect Kingdom arc where both arcs featured the unlocking process for the next continent.

Compared to the previous two arcs, the next arc will be focusing on the Luminous Expedition arc which consisted of two phases. Not only will this feature one single city of the Luminous Continent but the phases of the expedition will cover the whole continent itself. I won't promise anything about it but I can only say that this arc will be a bit longer than usual. I already have the draft work done and if I fully finish the chapter construction, there might be a chance that this arc will be divided into two parts.

Anyways, thank you all who have reached this far. I salute you all who have reached this far despite this novel's absurd storyline that even I have some trouble building.

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