Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 603 Battle Against A False God (III)

Finally, without any unnecessary enemies left to fight, it was just me and the Tormentor left along with his 5 break bar HP.

"Why does a human like you try to defy me? I can grant you anything you wish for, money, power, everything you can imagine to gain, you will be able to obtain it if you just follow me."

"Because I heard that line sh*t ton of times. I am sick and tired of all the self-proclaimed gods such as you think you all are all big shots that have the big chance to rule this world by using anything at your disposal. Let me tell you something, you ugly piece of sh*t. You are not the only one who tried to bargain with me so that we stop the fight. However, none of them are currently alive right now."

"Cocky little bastard!"

Black lightning started to appear around him and the scourge around the surroundings started to creep out on the floor. Although it doesn't have the same effect as the scourge that I needed to burn like in the villages before, this scourge cannot be damaged as that was part of the props in the area that allows the Tormentor to power up himself.


He slams his first two hands down the floor, shaking the area while his second two hands slam together like he was about to pray. The last two hands started to flex and the muscles in them bulge out. If I was a genuine gym nut, perhaps I might have appreciated those muscles but it wasn't that spectacular to me.

His eyes started to glow black and the surroundings started to grow darker. His body also started to get some armor too as metal plates started to cover his body.

"Now then, since you refuse to die, allow me to show you the ropes on how to die easily."

He then began using all his six arms to slam me to the floor, with the intent of smashing me flat. I took this chance to finally utilize the Flight system in my fight. He slams down his six hands very quickly so that every time his palms land, the area would produce shockwaves that can break boulders to pieces. It's a bit terrifying if you just experienced it for the first time but to someone who has experienced it already and survived it, this one is not that terrifying. More annoying especially if you don't know how to deal with it.

I changed the Versatile Weapon into a pistol and pulled out the Pain Delivery along and fly straight to the face of the Tormentor.

"Have some taste of this!"


Two shots from the Versatile Weapon's gun form allowed me to net a total of 50k damage then one shot from the Pain Delivery immediately net me 45k damage. A little bit unfair for a weapon that is already a God Tier, has swallowed two weapons belonging to the strongest weapon series in the game, and has swallowed countless weapons and its damage output was easily beaten by a weapon that is a replica of a real pistol in the real world. I don't know if this was cracked or perhaps just a bug that was never found by the programmers.

Either way, it's still a win, the Versatile Weapon might lack a punch while in pistol form, but it never disappoints in other forms so it doesn't really matter as it also has infinite bullets unlike the Pain Delivery that only has a limited amount of bullets and I have to manually reload it to shoot again.

Anyways, even though I made some damage, it wasn't something phenomenal with the Tormentor's HP and the boss didn't seem to mind losing 95k of health. It has plenty to spare anyways, it wasn't even something that this guy would worry about.

After those shots, I landed not too far from the boss but far enough for his attacks to not hit me. I put back the Pain Delivery. Looking at the bullets left in my pocket, I didn't realize I used up the majority of my bullets back then and now I only have at least 2 more full mags of bullets left. Not enough to deal with the boss. I can't craft any bullets until the battle is done so I will be relying on the Versatile Weapon in this battle.

"Trying to run away?!"

The Tormentor's eyes glows and a beam started to shoot out from his main head in my direction. I changed my weapon into the Spear and Shield immediately and hide behind it to tank the beam.


I grit my teeth the moment the beam hits my shield. Not only the heaviness of the beam is pressuring my hands but the shield itself is also getting pretty hot to hold my HP is slowly decreasing while I remained behind the shield. I pulled out one of the potion bottles and drank its contents when my HP is getting lowered more.

I could have tried to use the skill of the shield to take the beams and bounce them back but it wasn't that strong, to begin with, so I will just be wasting a limited skill on something that can barely hurt the boss so I didn't do it.

It took at least a minute before the hot eye beam finished firing. If my Versatile Weapon's shield form was something that normal and has durability, it might have already disintegrated a few seconds ago already. Thankfully, this weapon of mine does not possess that so I can keep the weapon to any brutal stuff and still come out fine with it. Drinking the rest of the potion, I dodged to the side and immediately changed my weapon to a hook and chain.

Usually, I only use the Hook and Chain for purposes like dragging an enemy close or by using it as an emergency grappling hook which has proven to be quite useful. However, I am not using it as a weapon but to make sure that this will earn me Alchemist SP.

There are already a few skills I have learned before this battle because it will aid me in creating potions once I get the ingredients and then sell them for a profitable price but since most of the ingredients are either too rare or just plain hard to obtain, I barely made any potions and now that I needed to use them, I decided that its just time to manifest them using my skill. I might not be able to sell them but at least this will help me decrease the battle time I needed to fight against this bastard.

Closing into the Tormentor, the big guy once again slams his hands down but I made sure that I am only a few meters away from him. I opened my hands and two potions appeared out of thin air. One bottle is color green while the other is color violet. They do look like plant extracts but trust me that they don't come from any plant extract but from the intestines of random monsters.

My throwing skills are not that great but I still trust that they will not fail me in this small distance between me and the tormentor.


Throwing the two bottles might look like they won't do anything but I am aware it will. I opened my hands again and another two bottles appeared on my hands again out of thin air. This time, the color is red and yellow. Like the first two, I throw them again into the hands of the Tormentor before he lifts them up.

Once that was done, I changed the Versatile Weapon's form into a pocket watch. Many might have not seen a lot of action with Chronomancer and although it was a good class, I only wanted to use it for support. I might change it once I am good enough at using this class but until then, this class will remain as something of a support class for me.

So what is the connection between this pocket watch, chronomancer class, and the bottles I just have thrown to the boss? Well, there is none but chronomancer has a skill called [Extender]. It has three options and the player will be the one to decide which effect will be used.

The first one is the ability to extend the time of the buffs. Personally, this was an amazing skill but because it only adds a few minutes or seconds depending on the buff, it wasn't that useful to me who does not rely on buffs too much.

Now here is the second effect and I think it was much more useful in the battle in PVP especially if you are fighting against a player that has a class that focuses too much on debuffs to take down enemies like the Alchemist and other Chronomancers. The second effect helps on this one as this second effect reduces the duration of debuffs cast on you. Means, all of the debuffs that have timers like defense down, attack down, poison, paralysis, burn and many other debuffs will be significantly shortened to the point that it was like it was healed if this was used as it can shorten the debuff to 5 seconds or less depending on the debuff.

But that was not the reason I wanted to use this effect. Chronomancers control time, so it's natural that buffs and debuffs that are usually tied in a timer will also be affected. I already talked about the first function and which was to increase the duration of the buffs and the second function is to decrease the debuff duration that was inflicted on yourself. The third effect was what I am gonna need right now.

Its effect is to increase the duration of debuffs inflicted on the enemies. And this time, this effect can extend the duration of the debuff to an hour or more but that will cost a lot of mana. Now, see what is the reason why I am going to use this. Simple. Those bottles I used? They are bottles that can cast debuffs to enemies. And to ensure that this boss will slowly but surely suffer, I am going to extend that and slowly make sure he regrets that he is born and was about to be reborn.

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