Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 631 Magic Goes Public

It is one of the main turning points in history that causes magic power to become a hot topic. It will eventually become the norm in society and soon enough, magic is no longer be part of the fantasy world as magic spells will soon dominate the world, and most of the time, it now revolves in using them allowing the advancements in technology and reliance in using magic spells.

It's a fortunate thing that I already taught my friends about this. I am planning to contact my parents too to learn magic spells as well so that once the magic spell boom happened, it's no longer something that they are unaware of.

"Manato, just now, isn't that the magic? Does that mean, not only we knew about it?"Janus asked in a hushed voice.

"It seems like it. From the looks of him, he forcefully got awakened due to the stress he was experiencing in the hostage-taking incident. Seeing he was standing there with a gun, perhaps he attacked them to stop them from shooting, and with his desire to protect the civilians, a mana shield manifested and protected everyone in the civilians' vicinity. As for the "bomb", my guess is that after he awakened his powers, he manifested the fireball but due to the uncontrollable nature of mana once you awakened without anyone helping you to control it, plus the gunpowder from the bullets of the armed people and whatever they have in the arsenal, it might be part of the reason for the big explosion."

"Does that mean, we can now use magic in public?"

"No, don't do that. We have to wait for further development on whether it is safe for us to do such a thing. It might destroy our daily life if we recklessly use it without any reason. We have to wait and see whether the public populace will accept and allow the people to publicly use it. In the meantime, we should just keep on practicing our abilities so that we can keep it concealed for the time being," I explained.

"You are right. Showing off unnecessarily might trouble our whole life just like what I see in some manga plots I read before. Yes, we should just wait and see, I guess."

And the final bell rings, which means it's time to go home now.





Since this time around, every one of us is there, we decided to go on a little meeting. Rika is also with us while Rennata decides to listen in with Pixie translating my words to her. We really have to discuss these things with everyone and although I already discussed some topics with Janus, I needed to remind some things to him since he sometimes forgets them and gets dragged by the situation. It's better he knows what to do before things get worse. The publicization and legalization of using magic will take some time and in this current timeline, there might be some complications and different things that might happen so it is necessary for us to properly learn based on what I know in the future me.

"Alright. This afternoon, a bank robbery occurred not too far from our school and there, one magic user appeared and saved the day he was brought to custody to ask for a statement though we are sure what will happen to him and they will ask to get more tests on him especially since he used magic. I am here today to ensure that everyone has to at least learn why I decided to gather you all here," and turned on the television showing the news about the magic power incident.

"So that thing that went viral was not just some fake news? I have seen it on social media when I am scrolling on them,' Rika pulled out her phone and revealed it to us, Riko peeked in to also see what she was talking about.

"Yes. Janus and I saw it live earlier and I am 100 percent sure that the guy who saved the day used magic the same as us to save the others trapped in the bank to subdue the armed men. I may not be in there but I can see the traces of mana in him after he used his ability. I have to inform everyone to be careful with the mana in their body. Sooner or later, they might be able to find a way to detect mana in our bodies and unless the people will soon allow everyone to use magic, we have to hide it until then."

"So, no using of magic until then?" Akira asked.

​ "I will still permit the usage of magic but when it is necessary and you have no other choice but to use it like for example, self-defense. Unless really necessary, we will not use it until we have to do so. I allowed you all to awaken early so that you guys would be capable of handling things yourself when doing some self-defense but since things have come this way, it's better to keep a hold of it until then."

Then, I looked at Rennata.

"Pixie, please translate this to her please."

"Okay! I am all ears!"

"Rennata, just wait a little bit longer. There will come a time you will soon be able to come out normally without any problems. We might be keeping you in here, but we have to do so or else the government will take advantage of you especially since you are a person from another world. You don't want them to be sniffing and experimenting on your body without your permission, and barring your chances of returning to your world. In fact, it might even risk your homeworld if you come out too quickly. Knowing the greed of humans, once they knew that there is another dimension other than this place, they will try to do inhumane things just to achieve and create a link that will connect this world to your world."

Rennata started speaking and Pixie nodded for a while before she relayed the translation.

"She knows what will happen if she reveals herself too early. Rika-san showed her some stories and movies about it and it is very likely to happen to her as well if she does reveal herself like that. She can sacrifice her limited freedom for a bit just to ensure that her world will remain safe from human greed."

As we are talking a little bit, more people awakening to the magic spells starts to pop up. There are even some who are caught flying without any jetpack or devices that can allow them to fly. Just like what I expected to happen after the magic of the first guy goes public, the people who learned they can also do that decided to showcase it too, and now, they are also on the news.

However, we will have to keep our powers in check. I didn't mention it to to everyone but once the people with abilities starts to appear, police will suddenly have the ability to subdue everyone who has abilities and will be put to jail. Anyone who are suspected to have abilities will be captured and will be only freed once the magic abilities are controlled and are already something that the law can easily handle without any problems.

It was kind of unreasonable to everyone at first but since it was only during the first month, it will take some time before everything returns to normal.

"I know these people in the news are showing their abilities like they are some kind of pro but be sure to not do that. With the public populace still unaware of the situation, showing off your abilities like that will get you likely ostracized by the people and they might treat you like a monster as a result. It's best to wait for the confirmation of the law that it is now safe to use our abilities. I can't risk everyone to be sent to jail just because we used our abilities accidentally."

"Manato, it seems you knew about this too much," Rika frowned as she looked at me with suspicion.

"Ha, did you really think I am getting suspicious on this? I am just making sure to make some contingencies in case things gets messier that magic abilities are now available and are now known by the populace. I am already visualizing things that are possible to happen and made sure to think of possible outcome. I might look like I knew something but trust me that I don't as I am just thinking of everyone's safety. I don't want to see everyone inside of a room, locked up by the government and police just because of a dumb reason that we have abilties."

Although it's a lie that I didn't know anything, I have to do that just to make sure that anyone of them don't bother using the abilities until it is finally ready for the public to accept and everyone knows how to obtain it.

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