Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 646 Tetrahedral Golem (II)

Alain immediately went to the nearest computer platform where the two women earlier used to call this tetrahedral-shaped golem out. I can't see it clearly, especially since we are on the ground while the computer and Alain are on the platform positioned above. But based on what I can see in a glimpse, Alain seems really adept at using it that he sorta looked like a hacker to me but what he is doing is basically hacking indeed.

It didn't take that long before the tetrahedral-shaped golem stopped moving and seems to be struggling with its movements.

"I managed to stop it but this ain't permanent! Hit it while it's immobile! Once it moves again, I have to stop it again which will take some time so hold out a little bit!"

Hearing that, now we will be able to actually deal damage against this golem without having to hit its body that has an infinite amount of HP.

Sigma immediately shot out her golden chains to the center and its HP is revealed to us.


MK-CS19's core

HP: 4,876,991/5,000,000

Type: Construct


5 million HP. A lot of HP but it's a bit average for most enemies right now. The golem doesn't have a level too which means it doesn't have any measure of strength at all. It can be great or bad depending on the situation. But seeing the damage that has been done by just using the golden chains, there is no need to be too worried about it. All we have to do is hit its core as hard as we can, if it recovers, we wait for Alain to do his thing, then we rinse and repeat the process.

"Alright, let's bust this thing out! With everyone helping out, I don't see this big chunk of metal not going down sooner or later!"

Harmless Sparrow activated her wings to fly and let her sword gets engulfed in flames. Sigma remained on the ground but she keeps releasing the chains and several holy spears left and right. Her damage is the fastest to land on the core so it was very helpful in reducing its HP. Of course, Harmless Sparrow and I won't just be standing there and letting Sigma do all the work and hog all the hits, we will partake as well.

I don't want to use my gun this time as it is a waste of bullets and I am running out of materials that I needed to make the bullets so I will instead use a different range weapon and that is the Cannon. I barely use the Cannoneer class myself but I would like to use it for battle too.

Approaching it while flying, I then transformed the Versatile Weapon's cannon form and aimed it at the core. After Harmless Sparrow finished her slashes, I shot out one cannonball and blasted it to the core. The power of the blast was huge but it was only mild damage. I can assume that my damage only got that big due to the passives I have with the Versatile Weapon plus the passive in some of my other classes.

Soon, the crackling noises from the Tetrahedral Golem stopped and it started moving again.

"Guys, hold out a few more minutes! The Golem is back at it again! Please refrain from attacking for a while, I needed a little bit more time to stop this machine again! Stall it for me!" Alain shouted.

"Leave it to us!" Harmless Sparrow shouted as the two of us landed back on the floor next to Sigma.

A few holes appeared on its body and a few laser points opened and started to target us one by one.

"Come here guys, behind me! I will tank all the attacks!"

Transforming my Versatile Weapon into the Shield of Pride, I let everyone hide behind me and held my shield tight. Thankfully, the Shield of Pride has the function to expand its cover a lot allowing me to use it. The moment the laser launched at us, the attacks were completely blocked and the other two were also safe but letting the lasers hit the shield is something I underestimated.  Not only do I have to deal with the laser's power but also the heat and pressure it was exerting on my shield.

The heat that accumulates on my shield is not a joke. It's burning hot and it's painful to handle. The heat was not a joke. It's causing my hands to even have trouble getting the shield up as the shield itself is like a melting metal on the furnace. The Versatile Weapon is indestructible but that doesn't mean it is safe from the heat of the laser.


"Don't worry about me!" I can manage ghhhhhh! F*CK It stings!"

The laser continues to fire and if this shield of mine is one of the normal shields you can find out there, this would have already melted and become scrap metal. As I was still holding on from the laser attacks, the crackling noises can be heard once more.

"Guys! The golem is down! Hit it again!"

Hearing that, I transformed the weapon into a magic sword and imbued it with [Ice Sword], to cool it down. Although the cool effect of the ice helped, it didn't help much in the situation for me as the handle and blade itself are still scorching hot despite the ice.

"Guys! I have bad news! Continue hitting it while I talk!" Alain shouted.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"This massive thing seems to have activated its self-destruct mode! It's counting down as we speak!"

"What? Self-destruct function?! What now?!" Sigma frowned.

"If this thing explodes, everything around the vicinity will explode as well, and seeing its size, it might capable of reaching farther areas and causing disaster to appear as well! Continue hitting it! Destroy the core! Destroy the golem as soon as possible!"

"How long before the self-destruct timer ends?!"

"Around 5 minutes only left!"

"Sh*t! We don't have much time! We can't hit it harder enough! We are still halfway through! Bring it down as soon as possible!"

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