Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 649 Laureen's Memento

Alain pushed the final button on the computer and the MK-CS19 shook the three below him and took advantage of it to attack, but to their surprise, the golem was not actually stunned but instead, just did something to shake the incoming stun off. As a result, the three failed to attack it. It also slowly turned into a humanoid golem version with the same tetrahedral shapes on its body.

"Alain! The Golem is not stunned at all! What is going on?!"

This made Alain confused. The systems already indicate that the golem's systems should have shut down already. But seeing it still move made him really confused.

"The systems are already off! It shouldn't be moving right now!"

Seeing the result, Alain is now having trouble with what to do. There are no more things he can do with it. The systems should have shut down already but seeing that the golem only have a slight reaction after the shutdown but resumed its activities, Alain immediately knew what is happening.

"It seems this guy had some components that allow it to remain alive despite its main systems should have been severed and shut down by Alain. Our only choice left is to manually defeat it. But I think this is the time I will test what I just repaired," Bladeheart opens up a portal beside him and Alain was not expecting something familiar went outside of his portal.

A golem.

Based on the golem's main design, it's the same golem type that can be found in the ruins and mostly in ancient times. This was one of the golems that Alain studied before and most of his designs came from the inspiration of the golems from ancient times. He knows that the Angels had the habit of abandoning the past technologies if they are outdated or have been forgotten by modern times.

But not for Alain. Without the prototype of the golems in the past, the golems he invented and created will not be born today, there will be no golem factories built and nothing will kill his daughter in the process.

However, that is not the main reason why he felt the golem seems familiar. He couldn't pinpoint what it was but he is sure that he had seen it before. He is not sure what it was but for some unknown reason, there is something in his mind that wanted to learn what that thing that keeps haunting him that wanted to know what it was.

Still, Alain couldn't help but be surprised. The golem might be from ancient times but seeing it move again and has been retrofitted with some parts that are clearly not part of itself is kind of amazing for Alain as he also had something like that in mind before he quit making golems. He wanted the golem to not only be useful in one job but in different jobs depending on what was equipped on it.

Bladeheart's companions were surprised when Bladeheart suddenly pulled out a golem on his own. It was bigger than a normal human's height but it was much smaller than the golem before them. However, seeing that Bladeheart seems pretty confident, they decided to see what would happen next.

The tetrahedral golem seems to be intimidated by the golem that Bladeheart summoned. Despite being a machine, it showed some kind of minor emotion for being on guard against the golem before it. Perhaps by detaching itself from the computer controlling it, it gained a minor intelligence? Perhaps, but no one cares about that as they still needed to beat it. With intelligence or not, this golem is an enemy and that is an undeniable fact.

"Gamma! ADVANCE!"

Bladeheart gave a command and the golem he summoned swung its arms and two blades appeared on them, not just any blades but blades made of mana, a blade that can cut through anything and can also pass through anything.

As soon as the golem that Bladeheart named Gamma revealed its weapon, the tetrahedral golem started to make its move by shooting its laser-like before, Bladeheart and the others were about to defend but Gamma suddenly performed a Blink. In just a second, it covered the distance between the golem and Gamma and in one cross-swipe attack, the lasers that were attached to the monster were immediately destroyed.

Not only that but its Hp has been reduced to 700,000 immediately just by removing those two weapons attached to the golem. Electricity sparks covered the whole body of the Tetrahedral Golem before it disappears and started to attack again. But this time, it divides its body once more and sends off the parts of its body with blades to attack at the same time.

But Gamma not only flinches but strikes against the attacks. It started moving in quick succession as golems shouldn't be capable of doing so, especially with a body made of metal. However, for some unknown reason, its movement is fast enough that it's able to deflect all the incoming blades from the Tetrahedral Golem.

One by one, most of its parts fly back to its main body. Gamma tried to attack its core but the tetrahedral golem immediately used its parts to stop the attack.


Golden chains started to pierce through the metallic parts. Then, it forcefully pulled them over, revealing the core bare.

"LET'S FINISH THIS!" Bladeheart looked at Harmless Sparrow and the latter nodded, already knowing what she is about to do.

The two sprint at their top speed towards the core and the two leap up high in unison as they charge up their blades to flames.



The two landed as their blades slashed the golem's core in a cross pattern. Another slash appear and this time, Gamma added a piercing attack, creating a hole, big enough for a person to head in before landing in the middle of the two. And as they put their weapons back to their sheathes and the golem retracted its blades, golden chains entered the big hole gamma created and forcefully destroyed the core forcefully. As a result, the tetrahedral golem exploded to pieces.

The scene before Alain immediately sparked the memory he wanted to remember for a while. The golem that helped in the fight is none other than the prototype golem that he donated to the Spire in the past which someone still uses until it was abandoned after a freak accident. This golem is a joint operation between him and his daughter that both of them created at one time. It might look ancient due to the fact that his daughter wanted the golem to look like one and Alain liked it due to its simplistic design. He can't be wrong about it. Although this was a join operation between him and his daughter, most of the work was done by his daughter, and the only work he did was supervise her and guide her in case she gets wrong in some steps and an accident might happen.

This golem is something that his daughter made. The final memento of his daughter. He didn't know that the golem will reappear again, this time, aiding the rebels to finish the legacy. The golem that will fight with him to rebel against the oppressors.

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