Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 654 The New Misfits

After the introduction of the new recruits, I recognized a few of them as they became a little bit infamous in the past timeline. Not because they are strong people but because of the series of controversies they received and many things that made them a little bit hated by the community. As for the others, I don't think I have any clue of info for them. Perhaps I already knew them in the past timeline, it just didn't make too much impact for me to give a little impression, or they just didn't have anything that made them well-known to everyone.

The first one is Leoran. He is an elf and he picked the Ranger class to complement his race. He is infamous for offending most of the parties he was in and being the Archer who does not fit in many parties and causes too much trouble in dungeon runs due to how his behavior irritates many, he was mostly shunned due to the rumors and they don't want him involved with them as they might also be added in his strings of rumors. His skills are good, but it wasn't that stellar, to say the least, but he is sure to be a good range player that can do his job. His behavior is the only problem and even I will not be able to control that temper of his.

As for the second one, she is Viola, the assassin. She is one of those people who never speak. She does not talk and only answers in gestures that even the people who know the sign language will not understand easily as her own gestures are her own gestures she made up for herself. She made a name for being a player that is very hard to communicate with. She never responds to calls and she never texts using the chat option either. The only way you can talk to her personally is by interacting with her. Despite the communication problem, it cannot be denied that she is one of the strong options among these misfits. Without counting her communication problem, she is one of the best options that joined us.

On the other hand, the other four are unknown people I don't know. The Chronomancer Kylan, the Druid Popo, the Samurai Tatsumaki, and the Cannoneer Tsuru.

Currently, they decided to take a few requests here and there to help the rebels. So while they are gone, I decided to ask Sigma about them to get more info about them. Based on her interactions with them, it seems like she had a previous engagement with them prior to joining our ragtag group, perhaps during the time she was still looking for party members to join in random dungeon runs.

After I am done with my job of healing the victims, I decided to ask Sigma about it.

"Sigma, can I talk with you for a sec?" I asked as Sigma is currently eating in the nearby eatery to replenish her hunger.

"I don't mind, have a seat. Boss, give me another of the usual and bring it to my friend here."

"Got it," the owner nodded before proceeding to make the food she ordered.

"So? What do you want to talk about? Is this about the new recruits who joined the rebels?" she asked as she stuffed her mouth with a mouthful of food.

"Yes, based on how you talk with them, it seems you and them are acquaintances already. Perhaps you can give me a rundown on them?"

"Is that so? Who do you want to talk about first? Making a summary of them doesn't work out much if I say so, myself."

"Hmm, let's begin with Kylan then?" I took a sip of water and began to listen to Sigma.

"Kylan huh... hmmm. He is an eccentric guy I met before I joined your party. He is a decent supporter with the Chronomancer skills at his disposal. The reason I say decent is that he does not support others too well compared to most chronomancers From his battle style alone, he is most of the time used in solo battles. And the main reason you can feel a bit of support from him is due to some of his skills will affect the others around him which cannot be targeted to himself alone, allowing anyone else near him to also get a little benefit. You can say that he is more selfish than most players but he is not a bad guy to interact with. Just don't expect much from him in terms of support."

I started to take note of the information Sigma told me mentally so that when the battle comes in, I can take advantage of their traits without the need to force them on the job.

"Is that all?"

"What about Popo?"

"Ah, Popo. Well, he is a different guy. If Kylan is selfish in battle, Popo is another one who seems to be too over-friendly. He supports you in any way he can, backs you up pretty often, and assists anyone who needed help and those who didn't need it. Because he is a druid, he is one of the people who can actually control animals at his disposal but most of the time, he is more on controlling birds rather than controlling other animals to fight. It's good that Popo is quite enthusiastic in team plays but due to this, it is also one of his main problems."

Hearing this, I frowned, confused about what she meant.

"Although he likes to support, he is too much of a support to the point that you might feel him invade your own privacy. He also is pretty much to handle and sometimes, will not follow the words of a leader depending on the task at hand. An over-friendly guy that seems to not know any kind of bounds which made him a bit of an unlikable guy during party making due to him being an annoyance."

I nodded in response. Indeed being too much of a support also is not a good thing as that will definitely be really annoying too and if it messes up my battle style due to this support, I would rather have no support at all.

"How about Tatsumaki?"

"Tatsumaki? Uhm... he is normal? He didn't strike out as a guy who would be troublesome nor he is annoying. You can say he is... too normal that I don't think he has many personalities. It was like he is a blank slate to the point that the other two I mentioned would be more fantastic to interact with than him. Of course, in battle, he is quite good at being a samurai and he delivers. It's just that there is nothing interesting about him, to be honest."

I was surprised when I heard that on Sigma. A guy who was too normal that he is boring is the last description I would hear from Sigma in terms of describing people. If she describes it like this, this guy might be too plain than he should be.

As we continue talking, the server arrived carrying the order that Sigma ordered and placed it in front of me. It was a hot beef bowl with a raw egg as a spice for the food. I can't believe Sigma was addicted to this food but I must admit, this was a tasty dish I wanted to try cooking in the real world too.

"Alright. Then, can you tell me about Tsuru last?"

"What about Leoran and Viola? Are you not curious about them as well?"

"Nah, I know some things about them. They are not that unknown to me after all,"

"Oh, so you also heard their rumors huh? Not that I am surprised. Then, how should I describe Tsuru?"

Sigma started thinking and went silent for a bit. I frowned when I saw this as this is the first time I saw Sigma think while trying to describe one person.

"How should I say this?"

"Is something the matter?"

Sigma scratches her head and sips a mouthful of water before she sighed deeply.

"To be honest Bladeheart, I don't have much information on him. The only thing I know is that he is quite strong. But he never had much interaction with me or the others. He is also too much of a mysterious guy that even the info brokers have less information about him than you."

"He is mysterious?"

"To be precise, Enigma should be the right word to describe him. Despite only using a cannon, he is one of the best DPS players out there that are capable of taking down various enemies in a one-on-one fight. He was an expert in using it to the point that he would be much more lethal than the cannon itself."

Hearing this, I finally realized who this guy was. No wonder I don't remember him. He was the guy who died after he was killed due to offending an opponent in the arena that was defeated by him couldn't take the defeat he received and decided to assassinate him as a result. In short, he was dead before his fame could spread.

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