Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 661 Preparations For The Final Battle (IV)

This is definitely not part of the past timeline. This dragon does not have its second phase as he died after being cornered and attacked by players. Seeing him turn from red to black gives me an ominous feeling. This guy was just holding back earlier and right now, it is now getting serious. Perhaps, things have changed or this phase is there but it just didn't get to activate after the dragon ended up being killed before it can recover.

If that was the main case, we would be the first people who will experience the second phase of this dragon.

"Be careful everyone! This is not looking good."

The dragon raises his left arm and a giant fin-like part popped out from his skin and then solidifies and turns into a giant blade. Before I can even say anything, my body reacted immediately and changed my Versatile Weapon into a Shield and Spear before deploying the shield to defend myself.


A loud thud echoed through the cave as something collided with my shield. Although I defended it, it felt like I didn't defend against it, much similar to when I fought the king of the insect kingdom when the Weapon of Pride possessed his soul during the time his attacks felt like they were trucks.

Then I immediately realized something. I stopped defending and looked at the other two who were also there before the attack occurred. I don't know how big the radius of that attack he did earlier was but soon I realized it when I saw Harmless Sparrow divided into two and her death timer started counting down before her soul will left and arrive at the Cathedral to revive herself.

As for Sigma, she managed to survive but her armor is broken and her whole health is down to 95%. She just managed to survive because of her overwhelming defense. If she defended properly, the attack won't be as strong as it should be but since it caught her by surprise, she didn't get to defend and the only reason she was still alive is because of her innate defenses being too high. If it wasn't that high, she would have been immediately killed by that as well.

I immediately cast [High Heal] to Sigma to recover the lost health she had while I immediately cast the [Resuscitation] to revive Harmless Sparrow. Her body which has been split into two slowly merges back to each other alongside all blood and flesh as well. Her lifeless eyes that remained open, who can't believe what happened to her after suffering the attack finally regained some of the life she got.

"Holy, I died multiple times in this game but I never got sliced like that and died immediately!  That is something I have not experienced before!" Harmless Sparrow holds parts of her body that were sliced before and she still can't believe she managed to die a few seconds ago.

"Drink some potion, the battle is just getting started."

I couldn't keep on watching out for Harmless Sparrow as the battle has yet to finish. The dragon did not bother to speak at all and started attacking once again. Thankfully, he didn't use the same blade in his arm again which means it only works a few times and he can't keep on using it consistently. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't keep on using it anymore. He can still use it but it will take a little bit more time before he will do so again.

He roared loudly and rocks started to fall all around us and its not just small rocks falling but large boulders that can squash anyone who is not careful enough.

We started running around to avoid the boulders but the dragon took advantage of this and started attacking us by using some dark geysers that pop out from the floor whenever we are very near it.

"SH*T SH*T SH*T! This is getting out of hand!" Harmless Sparrow who just got revived is getting overwhelmed by all the attacks that she felt like she wasn't gonna survive the next attacks soon enough if she was not careful.

"Hey, don't panic! Just focus on the falling boulders for a little bit and worry a little bit about the geysers if you are near one! They might give a lot of damage but they are not fatal! They are just little distractions so that you get squashed by the falling boulders!" Sigma shouted. She immediately figures out the main reason the attack was done.

And since the dragon is busy releasing attacks and more attacks, I took advantage of this and started to get closer to him. A little closer but not that close enough that would cause the dragon to take notice of it. Once I get sufficiently near, I whip out the cannon form of the Versatile Weapon and whip it out for once.

"Take a cannonball to the face for once!"


Three cannonballs repeatedly shot at the dragon making the dragon stagger multiple times. He roared loudly after taking the brunt force of the cannonball multiple times and this time around, a splitting headache started to cause us to stop fighting and grip our heads. It's so painful you will think that your head might have some sort of tumor growing inside and you just didn't notice it until it is fully big, That kind of pain is just totally painful and it was something I wasn't expecting just now.

However, Sigma was quick on thinking what to do immediately and immediately cast a little spell.

"[Truth Domain]!"

A shining temple suddenly got erected all of a sudden all around us and the splitting headache that the three of us are suffering earlier disappeared like we didn't experience it. Not only that but the darkness of the cave slowly cleared up as we are inside the domain itself.

[Truth Domain], one of the Holy Knight's abilities allows the players to enter a domain free from any kind of illusions and immune to any kind of mental attacks. Pretty powerful against enemies who are specializing in that kind of attack making them quite trivial. But to think she would be able to think through what to cast in that pain just proves that Sigma has never been a top player for nothing in the past timeline. Compared to me, she is way leagues capable of many things than I do.

"Alright, let's strike back! Make sure that the dragon ends up losing! We can't afford to lose here!"

Our little battle has yet to conclude, however, we are almost close to see who will emerge the victor.

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