Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 684 Loki

The big shadowy figure of his is something that I have not seen in my entire life. There's something from this enemy that carries an air of mystery. He is shown to be a shadow but I can also tell that this is not his real body. Despite being not a real body, he still has the authority of aura around him that I didn't know.

"For coming this far and surviving for so long, it is a normal privilege for all of you to know who really I am. You all know me as the Tactician, the mysterious angel who is helping the government for some unknown reason, however, that is just one of my many faces. My true name is Loki, the Trickster, the man behind the death of Baldur and the one who plunge the continent of the Angels to chaos. I am also the one who organized the events happening all around you as well. Now, let's get this event started shall we?"

Loki, one of the gods known in the Norse Mythology as the Great Deceiver, the god of mischief and the most well known nickname for him, the trickster. To think he is the final boss to defeat the Pope, its unimaginable.

"Atlas, we will need your help here, Tsuru, fire at will. Sigma and I will be the main attackers against him."

Tsuru nodded and drops his cannon to set up a stationary one to fire periodically at the enemy. Atlas, Sigma and I looked at each other before understanding our intentions without saying anything. We proceed to split up in three different directions.

Loki didn't move. He just remained there, his shadowy figure remained stationary, as if waiting for us to make our first move.

"[Chains of the Heavens]!"

"[Break Blade]!"

Sigma and Atlas unleashed their attacks, straight to Loki. But...

"I missed?" Sigma frowned. All of her gold chains didn't even hit anything.

Atlas also landed in the distance and instead of hitting any enemy with his skills, he hit the floor instead but the enemy is unscathed.

As for me, I fly high up into the air until I reach into the level of the neck of Loki.



The skill was performed and the attack hit the target from what I can see before me... so why does my blade didn't touch anything solid? It just passed through like I was slicing the air.

Landing on the ground, Loki started laughing.

"Hahahaha, how does it feel to hit the enemy that you all are trying to hit? Satisfying right?"

"Bullsh*t, we didn't hit anything at all," Atlas is pissed.

"Exactly. I am a god and mortals are not fit to fight against me. No one is worthy to best me in combat. Because I am a god."

"You are pissing me off, bastard," Sigma who is always calm and collected didn't like the sound of Loki's proclamation. Though even I didn't like it too.

Instead of moping, we continue to hack and slash the shadowy body of Loki and yet... our efforts are futile. All of my attacks missed. All of them, whether magic or physical attacks, they all miss and none of them hit at all.

"Don't you all see the inevitability of what you all are doing? I am just standing here, not moving and I let you all do your thing. However, you all disappoint me. I thought you all would be able to bring something new to me. Now, let me do my move this time around."

The tentacles that disappeared after Loki's main body appeared popped up, appeared beneath our feet and launches us in the air. Before we can even react, the giant shadowy hands of Loki came rushing to ours and smashed us to the ground flat.


The three of us were in critical health after that and we just got hit by the enemy that we can't defeat. I don't know whether Loki really have no weakness. Remember, the gods of Alternate World are not the absolute. They are not omnipotent and they can be defeated.

I slowly stood up even if my HP is almost ready to dip into zero anytime, I snap my fingers and the there of us healed up on our injuries. I refuse to believe he is invincible. He might be right now, but he will not remain as an impenetrable fortress. He is not invincible.

"Don't underestimate us, Loki. Just because you already know the weakness of the humans and have known them for far longer than we have doesn't mean you are already someone who can pass the judgement on humans and angels alike. You are the one who set this whole plan of ruin, And while we are still alive, we will continue to oppose you!"

I pulled out a bottle of Potion and activated the [Blood Weapon] of my Versatile Weapon. My whole health has been drained to the brim, leaving me with 1 HP before I drink the potion to regain my health.

"Hoho, well then, show me this so called "opposition" you talk about and let's see how you all will fare."

"Oh yes, we are going to beat your ass and make sure that even if you are just an impostor and your real body is located somewhere else, I will make sure you f*cker wil not forget about us. Sigma, Atlas. After my attack, follow my lead and unleash everything that you all have got."

If this is the traditional games, this is a scripted invincibility due to the story plot bullcrap that is already set up. However, because it wasn't one, its either you die without knowing, or fight until the way to overcome him reappears.

I fly back into the level where the shadow form of his head was. And despite knowing that there is no way I will be hitting anything here, it's now or never for me.

"[Mammon's Curse]!"

The Versatile Weapon revealed the shadow dragon, already drooling and opened its wide mouth. I know there is no physical form there, however, the shadow dragon has a different idea instead and Loki who was confident before didn't expect the Shadow Dragon to appear and suddenly take a chomp out of his head, devouring one of his glowing eyes.


The hollow scream of pain is defeating for us and I didn't even get to prepare on his scream which made my ears bleed for a bit as a result. That scream was a scream of real pain and not just some kind of pain that is scripted. It was a literal pain.

"How?! How is that forbidden weapon here in the human realm?! That should have been sealed to the deepest of the Earth, never to return! Why?! Why is it on the hands of a human?!"

The confused Loki flustered and his shadowy form wavered, revealing his true form, a lone puppet dressed in a clown or trickster outfit. It's clearly not his real body but if it was the only body he is using at the moment, destroying it is the only way.

"Sigma! Atlas!"

"We got it!" Sigma fly high up in the air before diving straight to the puppet and sending multiple gold chains as well. Her usual mace as a weapon has changed to a greatsword and as she dashes to the puppet, the sword glows gold, storing up energy into the blade.

"[Sanctified Slash]!"

The puppet was sliced into two as Sigma passes through followed by piercing it with multiple chain. Atlas comes in next, with his palm, charging up the flames. From the looks of it, it looks similar to the flames that Lucia uses in a fight. Perhaps a new move he learned from her?

"[Flamma Obscura]!"

The puppet pieces has been engulfed in flames and the screams of Loki echoed throughout the whole place until the puppet was reduced to ashes and the shadowy form of his has crumbled.

"Pesky humans... one day... one day...I will make you all pay!"

And everything after that ended. We landed back to the ground but it felt underwhelming to be honest. It's kind of like, we are not done yet. Then, right as we are still wondering what happened, a message appeared before us.

"[You have bested Loki, the God of Mischief and the Ultimate Trickster...however, defeating him from that doesn't mean he is gone. He is alive and well and he has yet to die. He received a minor injury due to your attack but he is now aware of you all and your powers as well. Just remember that this is not the final time you will all meet Loki.]"

[Based on your recent actions, you have arrived into the current conclusion. The expedition to the Luminous Continent has finally drawn to a close, however, the trickster will once again reappear. Until then, players. Prepare for the inevitable battle against the trickster once more.]

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