Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 695 The Looming Insect War

The topic that the King and Queen are talking about is something that didn't occur back in the past timeline. If there was something that happened back then, I should have been able to learn what it was. After all, anything big events were being snared by the guild I was in back then, and anything that could increase the fame level of their guild will also be used to make sure that they will be famous enough to recruit more people they could exploit. Of course, I might just be assuming that this will be big. It might just be small talk so there's nothing I think I remembered to be happening at all.

"I heard your exploits in many continents and it's not only exclusive to one. I even heard you have gained the trust of the Merfolk people as well as they are talking about you about the exploits you have done before. Therefore, when we receive the news, we immediately think of you to talk to. With the connection you have with our daughter, we used that to contact you about it," the king explained.

"So you used her as a way to contact me, is that it?" I repeated.

"Ah..." the king realized what he just said and went speechless as he didn't expect to slip out what he just said. It's kinda sad but that's just how it is for them and their daughter huh?

"Go on. I am interested in what you want to talk about with my Master."

"Ahem... ah yes. Anyways, this event shouldn't have happened for quite some time but due to some conflict, the decennial event that is supposed to happen next year will be happening this year."

"Not sure I follow..." I shook my head as I still have no idea what they were talking about."

"Looks like it was the Decennial Insect War, Master. Have you heard of it?"

When Tina said it, I immediately remembered that war, and it was called the Decennial Insect War. It's about the annual invasion of Parasite Insects. It's a very infamous war due to how gruesome it was for many players, not because of blood and guts spilled but because of how disgusting the Parasite Insects are which doesn't matter whether they are dead or alive as they still looked gross.

It was a massive-scale war but it was also a war that lost almost half of its participants after the players found and have seen the enemies. Since the event spanned for a few days, those who signed up but decided to withdraw after the first battle didn't log back into the game until the event ended. Thankfully, there are still a lot of players who remained till the end so the war ended up in spectacular colors.

I still remember that event quite well due to how that event allowed me and the other members of the guild I belonged to manage to level up properly without being deleveled to zero since the event has a double experience gain, beginner-friendly mobs that are easy to kill and a grind that is reasonable as well. It's also thanks to this event that I managed to rebel myself and remove myself from the oppression of the guild and become independent since the guild members couldn't defeat me anymore when they were now tasked to delevel us.

The event was pretty fresh in my mind but I didn't know that the event only happens once a decade until now as the event just sorta happened and most of the info was not given to us and only the guild leaders were given tasks and left us to our devices that time. Since it never happened again during the time this event happened until the day I almost died and returned to the past. Perhaps if I continued further into the game instead of returning to the past, perhaps I would have experienced the event once more.

The king continued his explanation once more.

"We will start recruiting people to help out on this upcoming war. I heard that Adventurers like you are very eager to join battles like this as long as there are rewards and monetary value to your actions. And the more enticing the rewards are, the better the reception and actions being done as a result. Since we wanted the best of the best, we immediately thought of you who previously saved us from demon control and has multiple feats in different lands. If we recruit you for this, perhaps we would have an easier time in this war compared to the usual."

I didn't say anything. Although the event is pretty interesting, its not something I would really need to participate in. Aside from the fact that I already hit the level cap, from what I can remember, the rewards are pretty lackluster to players who have played a lot almost everyday and almost 24 hours a day gameplay is already quite insane so most of the items given out are only beneficial to players who are still around level 150 to level 200. Other than that, its pretty much not that great for me.

Then, instead of me, the one who responded on the notion was instead Tina.

"My master is quite a busy person but since you all are asking nicely and  personally asked us, perhaps we will give it a chance and properly prepare for the upcoming days. It's not that big of a deal so we might be able to finish the problem faster than expected."

I thought the answer of Tina regarding the offer is quite remarkable and I thought these guys would be pretty happy that we are considering on accepting their request for help but it surprised me when the queen suddenly made an outburst of anger.

"I know that you are now a companion of the great adventurer but you shouldn't forget to have manners. Suddenly inserting yourself in the middle of a conversation of other people is a rude thing.  We are talking to this young man, and not you. You are just a companion and you don't have the rights to butt in to our conversation. Remember that! So you shut your mouth and let your "Master" talk instead. Look at him, he is now feeling awkward since you keep on butting in to our conversation that he doesn't get the chance to talk."

When I heard this, it's no longer something I can tolerate into. I have been holding back since earlier but I think my temper meter is about to burst already. i looked around and the others seems to agree with the sentiments with the queen. It was like they don't even see Tina as someone who has the right to talk.

"Looks like our discussion is over," I stood up from my seat followed by the others as well. Tina was shocked at first but then smiled after seeing my decision. She also stood up and followed as well.

"Huh? But we have yet to finish the discussion and you didn't say anything just yet!" the king stood up from his chair as well.

"Exactly. There is no need for me to finish the discussion so we are leaving. Is it that hard to understand?"

"But why?! I thought you are always ready to help anyone in need! You even accepted the request of many people from other continent! Why not from us?"

"The decision was already made before but you guys got angry on it. So what now? Why further the discussion if you guys get angry over it?"

"Get angry? I only reprimanded my daughter about talking while we are discussing things!" the queen explained.

"But Tina has the call for this matter. I am not really interested in this matter as it is pretty much a mediocre war but I let Tina do the honors of accepting the offer since you people are her family. She still has familial bond left on her that she wanted to help you all out. But look what happened, you guys got angry when she decided to help. It was like slapping away the hand of someone who is willing to help because they wanted others to help them instead. If you can't even respect Tina and treat her equally, then forget about cooperation. I wouldn't even bother about helping you all in that goddamned war."

"But why would we respect someone who is not even fit for a royalty? She has the blood of the royals and yet she failed to exhibit the traits of being a royalty herself. That alone is a big reason she is not worth talking to," the queen then proceeds to condescendingly glare at Tina like she was staring at a dirty beggar.

"Not fit for a royal huh?" I looked at Tina and nodded. Tina understood my gesture and smiled before she snapped her fingers.

In a flash, the old form she was using faded and her new form appeared, revealing the current true form of Tina after her awakening. She slowly opened her big and colorful wings and proudly flaps it, releasing a sweet smell aroma, similar to a honey and flowers that are in full bloom. The guards and servants who saw the spectacle couldn't believe their eyes and stare at Tina in disbelief.

"T-t-t-the Ancient Wings?! Y-y-you possess the Ancient Wings?!" the king keeps on rubbing his eyes.

Even the queen couldn't believe it as well.

"Now then, who is the one who is not fit to be a royal huh?" Tina turns her back as she followed me, out of the room, leaving everyone stunned and bewildered.

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