Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 702 Phone Case Of Damage Nullifier

The phone case is already done but the charm that it needed to be attached with should be intact on it. To make sure the intended effect has to work, I break the Mana stone into pieces and placed them on an intricate design that is a magic formation to activate the intended effect. The design that is placed on the back of the phone case is made from pure silver to aid the mana stone flow to be much better than it should be.

Carefully putting them on the design is not easy. Still, it's not that hard either, it's just that it takes time to finish up before I manage to complete the additional mana stones on it, and once those are placed, the formation glow, meaning the effect has now activated. Anyone who holds or possesses this phone case will have any damages done to it nullified. Plus, it was on the phone so even the phone is safe in case it will fall to the ground. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

There is a reason why I decided to make this item. First, there is a big chance that she will still obey the will of her parents. We did persuade her in the past but it didn't work. I don't think we can persuade her much to decline it as well in this timeline too. Of course, there is a possibility but that doesn't mean I am certain that we can convince her. My persuasion skills are subpar and even Janus has a very mediocre ability on it, so the two of us cannot be good candidates for persuasion.

The second reason is that this is a failsafe that will help Riko at the time of the future accident. If she had this, whatever things that will happen to her that will harm her life, will be deemed "nullified" and she will be safe in the process.

The third reason? It's almost her birthday. Before the date of the accident., she will be celebrating her birthday. It's a good excuse to give the gift to her. Plus, she is looking for a new phone case since she can't find any suitable phone case for her phone. If she has this, she can solve her phone case problem plus she will have a phone case that can morph into any kind of phone model to encase it, making it very ideal for those who are looking for one even if she changed phones, the phone case will remain useful as it can just morph itself to another different phone which is convenient and good in the budget.


As the final piece of the mana stone has been embedded into the phone cover, the mana stones started glowing. which means the effect has finally kicked in and is ready for action. I am pretty confident in my work and I am not just saying it blindly, its a confidence with my pride as a craftsman. I might not be an official one but I never degrade the quality of my products including this one.

"Finally done."

Putting the phone case flat on the table, I grab my hammer and proceed to swing it to the phone case. Before the hammer could even land on the phone case, an invisible force the hammer to a halt and instead created a barrier that made the hammer stop midair, hitting on something like metal all of a sudden.

I grinned seeing the success. Who would not be happy if my creation is working as properly intended? Not only that, but this kind of thing does not exist in this world just yet. This is the first of its kind.

Now that I am done with the little project, I went to do my other project as well by using the leftover mana stones I gathered. While I am doing it, I decided to create some accessories for myself as well. Because, why not? It's better to be prepared now than later.





Closing down the workshop, I received a call from Janus. He is not in the mansion and at the moment, he has no work which means he is free and currently staying in one of the coffee shops nearby. I answered the call with my holophone, revealing the video of himself in a projection and my guess was right indeed. He was in his favorite cafe, sipping his coffee.

"Yo, Manato. Where are you?"

"I was walking around the streets for the moment, what's up? Why do you suddenly make a call?"

"We can't discuss it on the phone. Come to the coffee shop. I know you already know what I am talking about. We will discuss that there."

"Alright. Be right there."

After ending the call, I already knew what is the thing that Janus wanted to discuss. After all, it also happened back in the past and I was involved in it as well. It's not that far from my position, so I headed there to meet up with Janus.




"Yo. Thanks for coming. It seems you are just nearby since you easily reach the cafe in a few minutes," Janus waved his arm who is already waiting for me at a table.

"Yeah, pretty near already. Didn't think you would be in here though, I thought you would be grinding some items for amalgamation?"

"Nah, that can wait, this one though, is not. And I needed your help on this bro," Janus then put his holophone screen up and shared it with me, revealing the circled date where he put a reminder "Riko's big day".

"I never thought you would bookmark someone else's birthday since you stated before that you remembered most of them and you don't need reminders for you to be reminded of it, how come you have one for Riko though?" I asked him,

"Hey man, you already know that I liked Riko ever since we three became close friends. There is no way I would forget her birthday and treat it just like another day."

"Woah, so my birthday is just a normal day to you?"

"Haha, depends on it bro, especially if you have food available to chow down while we celebrate. Also, bro, your birthday is pretty much easy to remember especially since the next day, it would be already Golden week. No way I would easily forget that, right? Anyways, that's not our topic here."

"So why are you showing this to me then if it's not our topic?"

"It's related to it. You already know that her birthday is coming soon, right? Even if you don't, I already showed the date, and the fact that you have a photographic memory doesn't mean you can forget anything so easily."

"Yeah, yeah. Get to the point bro?"

"Oh, right, right. See, since her birthday is almost here, I wanted you to help me pick out some gifts for Riko, alright?"

"Gifts? You already got a good budget?"

"I have money due to the game though I set it up for at least a little bit of money for me to spend on the gift that we are planning for her. However, I suck at choosing gifts which is why I wanted to ask for your opinion on what to buy for her present."

"A present huh, cool. Alright, let's go. Let's find some stuff you are planning to give to her. I am not gonna choose since I already have a gift for her."

"Bro, why you didn't tell me you already bought one in advance?" Janus was shocked about it.

"What do you mean?: I didn't purchase my gift, I made it myself."

"Ugh, you really had to show off that crazy ability of yours to make items is something I didn't expect to be a real deal in the real world as well. But seeing you have that makes me a little jealous, if only I have some kind of talent like that as well."

"Bro, don' envy it. It's not like it's a good idea to be jealous of me, every person is unique. So don't worry too much about it in any way. We should go back to the topic of giving Riko a gift. So what is it gonna be?"

"I have a few ideas so I want you to help me on that one and allow me to know whether it's a good or bad gift. I don't want to waste my money on something that Riko wouldn't use or be happy with. Please give me advice, I am not sure whether I needed to find the best item for her gift or something else."

"Let's go then. We shouldn't waste any more time. While the sun has yet to set, we should find something good soon, I guess?"

"Thank you Manato!"

And so, we are now going to pick a gift for Riko with Janus as the sender as well.

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