Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 706 Kicked Out

Riko decided to stay at my house for the night. She is worried for the two elves so she decides to hit the sack here in the meantime and return back to her house tomorrow morning. She is always welcome and has her own room, so I am not against it. Besides, the mansion has plenty of vacant rooms so it's fine if she occupied one. It would be better if she does than let it be covered in dust.

We continue to alternate healing the two from their wounds. Some of their wounds are too severe so it takes time to heal and some just needed for them to have their bodies heal naturally so boosting their healing factors helps as well. All we can do now is wait but since elves are quite resilient, then it won't take that long for them to wake up again.

The next morning, Riko went back to her house. Not at her parent's house but at her own house that she was currently living in. After seeing the two elves are in stable condition, she returned to her home and will visit again later to check up on them again. She feels bad that she left them here even though it was her responsibility to help them after taking them away from her parents.

Before she left, we gave our gifts on her birthday that we didn't get to give to her since so many things happened before we can even hand them to her. And as expected, she loved our gifts and hugged us from making her happy even though he birthday last night ended up in big trouble. My gift was one of the things she immediately used as it was practical and she was surprised by its form-adapting ability she was happy since the design was also to her liking. I didn't say anything about the ability it possesses but knowing her, she is clearly not going to take it off and will use it until the very end. She was also very happy about the gift that Janus has given to her.

A necklace.

This is also one of the main reasons I didn't make the charm a necklace as that will be overlapping with the gift of Janus and obviously, I don't want to block the two from progressing so why would I insert myself on their romance?

Anyways, I decided to send Riko back home. Since her current clothes are the gown she used last night and she doesn't have any clothes to change into, she borrowed from Rika's clothes as they both have the same body build so the clothes fit properly. She is returning for a while to fetch some change of clothes as she is planning to stay at my mansion for a few weeks. I would have made Janus send her instead but since the guy has work to do, I decided to be the one who will do the honors.

"Do you still remember where my current house is?" Riko asked me while we are in the car.

"Of course. I already went there once so there is no need to worry about it."

"Well, if you say so," Riko put on the seatbelt and lean on the chair, closing her eyes.

The ride is quiet as Riko didn't say anything. She is relaxing but I can tell she is a bit tense, perhaps due to what happened last night, perhaps she still has some doubts about her decision. But that made me able to focus on my driving and we immediately reach her house.

However, some men in black are currently moving out the things inside the house without Riko's permission.

"Riko, what's going on? There are some men moving your things out of the house."

Riko opened her eyes rapidly and looked out the window and found what I saw earlier. She didn't say anything and went out of the car and immediately head over to the men to confront them on what is happening.

"What are you all doing to my things?! Who sent you all here? Father, right?"

One of the men in black suits approached Riko and answered her questions.

"Yes. The master specifically ordered you to remove all the things you owned here out of the house. From now on, this house is no longer yours according to him. Although the things that we bring outside are things bought with his money, he said that it's fine for you to keep them as that is his last parting gift as a parent. Whatever you do now, is no longer part of his business."

Riko is very angry but she can't do anything as the men continued to bring out all of her things including some appliances and all the cabinets and drawers as well.

In the end, I have to rent a truck to carry the items that were brought out from her former house. Riko is sad about the development of the situation but she is accepting it so easily.

"Why you didn't argue with them? Shouldn't you have explained things to them and forcefully try to say anything to them at the very least?" I asked Riko while moving the things to the truck.

"Ha, it's not worth it. Knowing my father, he will just reinforce his decision more and he will make matters worse for me so instead of defying him more, it's better to just give it up and let things go as it is."

I don't know the circumstances but since Riko knows her father much more than I did, then it's only natural for her to know this and see things through.

"Anyways, Manato. As you can see, I am homeless now and no longer have a place to live and a roof to go under this night. Can I live with you all back in the mansion? I promise to pay the rent."

I chuckled when I heard that. To see Riko begging for help is something I didn't expect but I am not cruel enough to leave her in this pitiful situation.

"Haha, why would I let you sleep on the streets? You are always welcome there. Now, let's hurry and transfer all your stuff before it rains, the sky is looking darker now, perhaps it will rain soon."

Rika is happy that I agreed. But it's only a natural answer from me, it's not even something that I would hesitate to respond on.

With all of her things packed inside the truck, I decided to leave the car parked in the nearest parking lot and drive the truck back home to deliver all of her belongings to Riko. Everyone was shocked when we did as Riko stated that she will just bring a few changes of clothes but when we came back, she brought back all her belongings.

"Sorry for the sudden announcement guys, but it seems that I am officially a homeless girl now. Since the owner of this mansion is so kind, he let me live here which is kind of him, you know?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately welcomed Riko and helped her out of moving her things. I only helped out putting out her stuff before I went back to the truck and didn't help with the move now since I needed to return the truck back to where I rented it and fetch back my car.

Returning the truck and paying the right amount, I went back to the parking lot when I noticed a few people outside the former house of Riko. I am far from them but I can see them clearly enough to see that the people there is none other than Riko's father and mother. Perhaps they went there as soon as possible after hearing from the grunts that Riko arrived and talked with them earlier.

My assumption on why they are there is that they want t meet Riko one last time and try to convince her to revoke her decision of cutting ties with them. So hearing the grunts who move out things meet up with Riko, they immediately rush here to at least see her again but failed since we finished up early from moving her things out so they still failed to do so and failed to cross paths.

I can't hear what they were talking about and I am quite curious so I immediately cast [Stealth] on myself and went close enough to hear what they were talking about.

"...she didn't think this through enough. What a foolish daughter," Riko's father angrily clenches his fist.

"Hon. what can we do about it? She has made her choice. And from the looks of it, it seems we are also in the wrong too. I don't think we are not at fault there."

"Ha? Are you hearing yourself dear? We are not at fault here! She failed to realize our intent, and she even took the slaves with her despite being against it. This is enough punishment for her to learn her lesson in life. Sooner or later, she will realize her mistakes and she will start begging for us to accept her back."

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