Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 746 Surging Mana

Back in the real world...

I finally got the time to relax. Although it's not that bad to keep doing some of the work in the game to earn lots of stuff, it's a bit heavy in my mind and tiresome in my body. So my plan for today is just to take it easy and take a break from the game. Riko and the others are going to prepare for the next raid though I can't tell them that the next raid will no longer happen especially after defeating the parasite and getting the boss to be my subordinate, it will be barebones left since even the expedition will be a pile of useless stuff left behind.

As for me? I am in the living room, relaxing and eating popcorn while watching a movie. I am not alone this time around as the elves are also watching as well. For the past few days, it seems Renatta has been teaching them how to live and adapt to our lifestyle, allowing them to fully enjoy their stay while they are still recovering.

Even though the elves have already recovered from their wounds, the trauma inflicted takes time to heal so instead of forcing them to disappear, I allowed them to take their time on forgetting about it. It's not easy but they can do it if given some time.

"Movie is awesome," Renatta happily munch the popcorn while talking our language in a robotic manner. It seems she is enjoying the movie even though it was a comedy film and most of the punchlines are not something she can easily understand the meaning immediately.

"It seems your speech is becoming better nowadays huh?"

"Riko helps. Practice made easy." Renatta nodded in agreement.

It's only a matter of time before Renatta as well to be able to speak Japanese fluently. She still needed practice but with her way of speaking now, she will be able to do so. Even though she does have some weird pronunciation, she is now capable of conversing with me in short sentences. She still has to rely on Pixie to speak in long instances or if she wants to relay a few long sentences, she can't rely on her short words speaking pattern which would once again rely on Pixie.

The two elves are also incapable of speaking our language so as usual, Pixie's translator's job is as busy as ever now, she got two additional peeps to have her translation relayed to me.

We are at the climax of the movie when Pixie's ears perked up.

"Kyosei-sama, it seems we have some intruders in our backyard."

I wouldn't notice the presence of the intruders if not for Pixie alerting me. And it seems that not only Pixie got alerted but the elves as well.

"Intruders1" Renatta readies her magic ability but I stopped her for a bit.

"Don't. Protect the two there and make sure to inform me if there are other intruders who successfully entered as well. Pixie, stay with them. You will become my relay and connection with them while I check out who are these people brazen enough to invade my home."

I stood up and sneakily checked the windows. Outside, I saw 5 masked people carrying weapons and duffel bags. It's clear that they are not just sneaking in just to retrieve something that got in accidentally inside my backyard. There is even a van outside, waiting for them, which might be a getaway vehicle in case they need to scram.

Not only that but it seems they are also magic users as well. Not the same kind as us who have already awakened our mana and developed elemental affinities. It's the same state that someone who just awakened with mana does.

These guys are now brave enough to invade other people's homes now that they have powers. As always, there are people who would take advantage of this new power and use it for exploitation and crime. And since this is still during the early times where the magic power is barely developing just yet, the Judgement patrols that appear every time someone used magic the wrong way have yet to be implemented and used, which will make doing crime with magic much easier.

Sadly for these f*ckers, it seems they have invaded the wrong house.

My stored mana that has been surging in my body for quite some time has finally been unshackled, ready to be used anytime. I grab the nearby trash bag and went outside the door to meet them up.

The men were surprised as they didn't expect someone would come out and meet with them, but they didn't flee and instead, started to arm themselves up and are very confident with their weapons. The small guy who seems to be the brains of their operations grinned as his companions wore various masks to avoid their faces from being seen surrounding me.

"Well, well. It seems the homeowner seems to be going to be having a bad time if he thinks he can still get out of here without being injured."

I can only sigh at them. I was very ready to go in a rumble and do some testing on my abilities especially since the Judgement patrols have not yet existed which means I can go full all out with my abilities but it seems I was overestimating them. Although their newly awakened abilities are giving them some power, their body is too weak. Even the biggest guy who seems to be the strongest out of them is much weaker than Pixie.

"It seems you guys decided to break into the wrong house."

The men started laughing as one of them snap their fingers and a bounded field appeared around us. It blocks all sounds and noises from leaking outside, allowing anyone who is inside to be able to do anything they please.

"Now, no one will hear your screams as you beg to stop."

I grinned when I heard the leader say it.

"Welp, thanks for putting up a bounded field, saves me time putting one," as I teleported behind the big man, kicked the back of his left knee, and charged up my fist with electrical charge before discharging it to him.


The big man screamed in pain before he fainted as the electric charge flows into his body. He didn't have any resistance or even immunity to it, causing him to faint. It's strong enough to knock him out without killing him.

"SH*T... He is also a magic user!"

The leader is pissed seeing one of his men fall. "What are you all f*ckers doing? Get him!"

Seeing that I am a magic user, they didn't hold back and pulled out their guns instead of their weapons to shoot me but when they shot me with multiple bullets, I immediately waved my hand and the soil beneath my feet rise up and covered me from the barrage of bullets.

They emptied their magazines in one burst and cursed seeing as I am unaffected and all of their shots are all now embedded in the soil that I raise.

"Is that all you all have? I am disappointed. I thought you all can do something amazing but it seems you all are just worthless."

I don't want to stay too long for them to be doing this and that and so I immediately started doing quick work on them by teleporting behind them and hitting their necks. It would have been great if I have to kill them but this isn't a game, this is real life and if I did, I will be going to jail and the magic abilities act will come close.

Since they are too weak, everyone fell except for the leader that I purposely left out.

"F*CK THIS, I didn't sign up for this..." he didn't hesitate and started to escape but I am not someone who would just let them escape. I snap my fingers and vines that are growing in my yard extended their length and bind the legs of the fleeing intruder.

"Gah! Let me go!"

I grinned as this was one of the best feelings of emerging victorious in a fight with armed people. Although it's a total one-sided battle, it doesn't change the fact I still managed to suppress them before they can even enter the mansion.

"Why would I do that? As you said earlier, no one will hear your screams as you beg to stop."

He screamed as I tested my new abilities on him before he fainted not from the injuries but due to fear. After that, I also dealt with their driver who was waiting for them to return. After that, I drove them to the police station nearby I call their hotline, by using the nearest payphone and escaped before they get to the van. I disguised my face before leaving in case the police wanted to know my identity and checked the security cam of the payphones.

As for why I didn't call the police and let them go to my mansion, I don't want them to learn about Renatta and the others for now. As far as I am concerned, its better for me to keep the peace of my place as much as possible.

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