Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 755 Queen Tanya's Letter

My little trip to the Island of Avalon only took a few hours but it felt like I was just there for a few minutes. It was a short trip but I managed to receive the Galatine, managed to keep Cath Palug in the bay, and also gain a little bit of valuable information about the importance of the weapons the previous knights of the round table wielded.

Still, it is a little bit sad that the Galatine is not going to be a permanent weapon I can wield as they are only loaned weapons. I was planning on letting the Versatile Weapon devour it, but the world will be so screwed if I let it do that. I might find a chance to use it but only in a few instances if my guess is to be expected.

Without anything to do, I returned to the mansion and sighed in relief seeing that the amount of players gathering on Almira's storefront has significantly been reduced and I don't see those "fanboys" of Almira all around which means they left for now and I will be able to do some peace for some time.

I was about to enter the gates when I noticed Almira call me. I looked at her on what is the problem and she made a sign that she had something to give to me. I was not sure what it was but I entered the gates and went to Almira's blacksmith shop.

"Young man, next time, you should build a mailbox outside the gates for incoming letters as it is pretty annoying to have the letters meant for you delivered to me. My shop is clearly not a mailbox and I am clearly not a servant of this mansion as well. It's disturbing my little job if interrupted by postmen ya know," Almira angrily puffed her smokes out and handed me a letter that has the brand of the royalty in Sandurk.

"Guess it might be important since it bears the royalty mark. Now go, I will check your blacksmith level progress next time."

She proceed to kick me out of her store and closed the door.

"Ugh... At least you should have been gentle, Master!"

"You should be grateful that you received a kick from me, so many people flock to my store and are even asking me to step on them many times. Perhaps young men like you also like that as well."

"Hey, I have self-control and also I don't have a kink like that so quit associating me with that!"

Her kick was quite painful, evident she still have the same power she have back then when she was still a warrior. If she made a full-force kick on me, my spine would have been in pieces now.

Anyways., I stood up and started checking the contents of the letter. The letter is clearly from Queen Tanya herself. I don't remember anything interesting happening on the current date in the past timeline, and yet, I can easily see that something had already changed and this resulted in the current situation. The letter is a bit shorter than formal and regular invitations. This one is a personal letter addressed to me.

"Hello, my rival. It's been some time, how have you been? The kingdom is fine and flourishing thanks to you and your friend's contributions. I barely see you in these past years, perhaps you are busy huh? Well, perhaps this piece of information I recently obtained might get your interest a bit up. The other day, we discovered some kind of ruins and based on the records that we have, it seems it has some kind of connections to the old demons during the primordial times. I think Lucia-chan is a primordial demon, right? Perhaps she will have some idea of what these were all about?"

Ruin of the old demons during the Primordial Times...certainly sounds similar to Lucia indeed. Also, it seems Queen Tanya had already been aware of Lucia's real age for she already knew she wasn't supposed to be alive in this era anymore.

It sounded like the next destination is Sandurk. It's been a while since I have visited Sandurk indeed as I am more focused on Luminous Continent most of the time due to the Dark Sea and just recently, the even in Aquagius Continent as well. Since Resurgia Continent is my current home address in the game, it's also natural I also have time here. When it comes to the Sandurk Region, I barely have time nowadays and last year, I already handed my title as the champion to the new champion of the arena as the old champion can only reign as one for 5 times only. I never lost and my enemies at that time were not that troublesome so yeah, easily defended it 5 times and ended up handing it to the new champion.

Sigma didn't bother to participate in the battle anymore and Kaisar at that time is more busy finding treasures to get stronger so I don't have main competition. In short, I don't have any motives to visit Sandurk Continent unless I plan to visit the Frozen Region or pay a visit and spar with Queen Tanya.

Because this is about the lineage of Lucia, I went inside the mansion first and called Lucia to discuss the matter about the discovery that Queen Tanya found which might be possibly connected in some way to Lucia's lost heritage and perhaps even some clue to her parents as well.

"Master, what's the reason you called for me?" Lucia asked.

"Here is a letter. It seems to be involved with your old family and your heritage of some sort. I don't know if it was indeed connected to you or not but there's no bad reason for us to not try it out."

Lucia opened the letter, read the contents and her face suddenly lit up.

"Master, perhaps, this is similar to that tomb where I was sealed before! Perhaps, we could find some clues related to me, and my family as well!"

"Are you sure about it? I needed to make sure that we are not just chasing false leads and wasting our time."

"I heard from my parents that the one I was sealed in was not the only one they made and they made another somewhere a little bit far from mine to be used for the same purpose as my room at that time as well."

"Which means there is a huge chance that this ruin has some connections related to your family?"

"Indeed. It might not be connected to me at all but since this is still related to the olden times and related to my race as well, perhaps this will give us some clues and some information we are missing as well."

"Then that settles it. Prepare some stuff, we will depart immediately."

With renowned vigor filled on Lucia's face, she prepared the stuff she is going to bring as I prepare the stuff we will need to prepare for the battle that might occur there as well.

It only took a few minutes before Lucia is fully packed with stuff as she entered the summon's area. We are now ready to depart.

I was about to tear the teleport scroll to arrive immediately at the Teleport Stone that will send us to Sandurk Continent when Almira stopped me for a bit.

"Yo, slow down. Since you will be meeting up with the queen, hand these to her. And if you ever get a chance to return and visit the Frozen Region as well, hand this one to Yuri as well. You don't need to explain as they already knew what they were. I will share a good trick involving the shard enhancements with you later on once you are done with the delivery, alright?"

"Wait, shard enhancement, really?!"

However, Almira already closed the door and she can't hear me anymore with the hammer loudly echoing inside already. However, I didn't hear that wrong, she said she would be sharing a trick regarding the shard enhancement. There might be a chance this will help me a lot in the future and since my only task is to deliver whatever these things are covered in black and white clothes to both the Queen of the Sandurk Continent and the ruler of the Frozen Region, it's a little bit easier.

I tear the scroll and teleported to the Teleport Stone that will transport me to Sandurk. There are still so many players passing back and forth from this place and it's still as popular a place as ever. Although I could just fly and not waste my money on the payment, it is much faster for us to use this mode instead of flying from Resurgia to Sandurk and besides, this will immediately transport us to the city, this is only a good place.

And so, I am back once more to the hot sands of Sandurk Continent. Time to do our current bidding.

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