Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 759 Ruins Of The Ancient Demon Ancestor

Last night between Queen Tanya and I was pretty wild. After our little conversation, the two of us sparred all night long. Using the wooden weapons, we started clashing our skills with each other, hitting each other with the wooden weapon with the intention to bring down the other. Queen Tanya has improved quite a lot on her footwork and her combat maneuver with her improved way of handling her weapons as well, she is quite a terrifying opponent. If she wielded her real weapon, I am gonna say that our battle would not just end up with just a few bruises on our bodies but actual wounds as well.

Of course, I also improved a lot myself by being able to go toe to toe with Queen Tanya. Just remembering how I did it, I am amazed at myself for being able to survive without being obliterated by her. I guess my ability to fight has been embedded in my mind already to the point where every action I made is just made subconsciously.

In the end, there is no clear winner. We managed to fight till the very end but no one from the two of us fell over. We remained standing but both of us are exhausted. Queen Tanya decided to stop when both of us are tired and decided to hold off on who is the winner of our fight. And I must say I enjoyed that a lot as I barely do any PVP nowadays and I barely spar with the others, fighting with someone who can give you an edge and almost beat you up is a big challenge that I like to do.

I rested in the room that Queen Tanya provided me with, Lucia is in the other room sleeping and so I went ahead and have a good night's sleep to recover the strength that I will need later to fight and use to explore the ruins.






Heat starts penetrating my skin and sweat starts to trickle around my body which means the cold night is gone and the sun has finally risen. The difference between the weather in Sandurk and the rest of the continents is just different. Just sleeping here once makes me feel like I just went abroad.

After reequipping all of my stuff and preparing myself, a maid of Queen Tanya knocked on my door to check if I was already up. Seeing that I am already good to go, she bowed down and left after giving me the instructions that Queen Tanya has already assembled the group that will join us for the exploration. Lucia is also with her already which means they are already ready to go and explore. It seems I am late already.

"Looks like you slept like a log, Bladeheart. I thought you are an early morning person," Queen Tanya grinned and pat my back.

"With how much you almost beat me up last night, it's normal for me to be almost out of commission.

"Hahaha, if that was the case, then you needed to train up on that body of yours more to keep up with me."

The other people who are joining us are whispering at each other and based on their whispers, it seems they didn't expect someone else would be capable of surviving Queen Tanya's attacks. Some are even assured that the group is in great and safe hands with someone like me who can withstand a monster like Queen Tanya in combat and survive without being left bedridden.

I don't know what made their expectations that high but with the morale pretty quite high, then I guess that would be good for us. Anyways, Queen Tanya continues to give a minor briefing to the others joining in for the first time. I already know most of it so I just stood there, waiting for her to finish up her speech. It took a few minutes before we departed. This time, we used traditional camels as our transport this time around.

Seeing that most would be riding a camel, I decided to call for the Desert Wolves and their help. The men were surprised to see the wolves but Queen Tanya immediately got amazed.

"I am impressed that you managed to have Desert Wolves as your pets here. With them around. we can easily traverse the desert and help ourselves know whether any dangers are nearby or not."

"Yes. With most of us riding camels, it will be harder for anyone to verify any dangerous enemies and check dangers on the sand, with the wolves being adept in the sands and determining dangers, we will have an easier time before reaching the ruins."

I let the wolves spread out around our group to act as a sensor to each of our perimeter and since I can communicate with them mentally, I can easily tell if there are enemies nearby or not and that is a good thing.

And so, our little journey to the ruins begins. When we begin, monsters naturally appeared. But the wolves make short work with the enemies which makes traveling a lot faster for us and we are just able to phase through them without the need to stop and fight against them or plan a new path just to avoid them.

As for the flying bugs that appear occasionally, it's either Lucia or me who eliminates them before they get really near us. Other than that, they are too weak for me to be even bothered with it. Overall, the little journey to the ruins was just a breeze and we arrived there a bit more early than the expected amount of time.

I recalled the wolves again and the others also recalled the camels as well as we stood at the front of the ruins. We already have guards and some station medics waiting at the main entrance in case something unexpected happened to us while we are there and someone can go and report the things that happened there. As for the rest of us, we are now going to go deeper,

[You have discovered the Unknown Ruins]

-you are the first player to discover a semi-dungeon! Would you like to record your name in the Hall of Fame?

I clicked on it as always but this is the first time I encountered the term "semi-dungeon". Most of the time, it's just a full-blown dungeon and not just some semi-stuff like what was mentioned. I checked what the semi-dungeon was and the meaning the system gave me was this.

Semi-Dungeon - a dungeon inside a building that can be claimed. Unlike the normal dungeons, once this dungeon is cleared, it cannot be cleared again and will be considered a facility the next time it will be visited again.

This means enemies will be present first, but once it will be cleared, unlike a dungeon where you can enter and exit it, and the monsters killed will respawn, this will only kill all the enemies present, then will keep those enemies dead without being respawned. I didn't know this kind of thing was indeed a real deal. Having explored countless hostile areas and dungeons, it is indeed something that you wouldn't see easily as they all spawn in monsters and they don't permanently kill the monsters that reside there, they either spawn new monsters or those monsters are just revived after being killed for a few hours.

"Seems like you discovered something, Bladeheart," Queen Tanya noticed my expression and guessed it.

"I thought this will be a normal dungeon we needed to clear up to investigate but it seems that this will be a one-stop clean-up thing."

"A what now?" Queen Tanya frowned.

"Once we clear up this place, the place will remain free from any threats here. We can claim the place for ourselves, leave this place for good or do something about it, this place will be cleared up with enemies and no more enemies will appear here ever unless they wander in and entered the place, this place will remain devoid from monsters in the very end."

"So you mean we can just go up, and clear this place first before we go and investigate?"

"Pretty close. We can just kill every single thing here in one single blitz, obtain everything in here, and that's it. Unlike dungeons, we will be getting only the finite resources found here once and that's it."

"Then, that means we just needed to proceed here once and we can continuously enter here without fear of danger once we have finished up all the monsters present here. Well, that is something. But first, we will have to ensure that Lucia knows the situation. We needed to know whether we are trespassing on something or we are just too stupid on it."

I can only shake my head since this is a new mechanic, I grabbed my weapon and ready myself.

"We should clear this place up before we start asking the real questions first."

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