Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 773 Full Insanity

The two prisoners are shoved there wearing white clothes that Queen Tanya specially made to restrict their movements and magic spells. They can't use any abilities while wearing it, even if they did, the room would immediately suppress it. And in case they try to bleed themselves, the room also has the ability to clean up themselves if tainted by anything and if they try to wound themselves to see blood to preserve their sanity, they will immediately heal up their wounds, making it useless.

The two are not sure what is happening but the moment they are inside, they are immediately sealed. Queen Tanya then pulled up the surveillance camera for the two.

"What is the time conversion we have here for their confinement?"

"I don't want things to go so fast that we can't observe them properly so I set the progress of their time a lot faster than here. 1 month there would be 1 hour here in the real world. I wanted also to learn how this torture works since this is practically new to me but also kind of intriguing as well. Would you be so kind as to explain it properly now that they are there?"

"Basically, it is a torture that robs them of their senses. It's made to ensure that the prisoner would slowly walk and descend to madness the longer they are confined inside. Making everything white, soundproof, and airtight will also allow them to feel their helplessness in captivity. They will try to seek out for other colors other than white and with them stuck in a place with just white color that even food and their things are white, they will no longer be able to keep themselves calm and composed and it will only take a little time before they will lose their senses and sanity that they are now easily manipulated and we can now extract their information the moment they did lose it. It's a torture that breaks the people who think they are unbreakable."

"That's kinda nasty and I think I get the basic gist of it but I still don't feel convinced about it. So I think observing them for a bit will be a good idea."

"Yeah, I think that is for the best. To see is to believe."

And so, time passes by for the two prisoners. In the first week, the two are looking for a way out and tried to use their abilities to no avail. They do their basic needs of eating, and answering the call of nature, but other than that, they are trying to find a way out of the room.

Later, they soon gave up on the notion and started doing random things for themselves to remove themselves from the boredom. Uno decided to do some training on his body and tried to exert force on himself to distract himself from the white surroundings. However, after he finished working out, he lay down on the floor staring at the ceiling while huffing for air. He didn't move for long before he started eating again.

As for the female one, she tried doing many things like checking out the walls, the toilet, the food, and many more. She even tried to make sounds for herself to make a distraction as well. However, this proves futile as nothing other than herself seems to be doing other noises other than herself.

"Queen Tanya, there is also an additional thing if you wanted to break their mind and that is to create stories about the outside world while they are slowly building up stress. Since they are deprived of freedom in this room, they will have no idea of what is happening outside other than the news that they will receive. Be it the destruction of the world, or the death of their loved ones, the changes that would bring more panic and confusion to their mind will be also very effective as well."

"That sounds pretty disturbing but that would be very effective to use against spies and criminals who withhold information on us. I think I am starting to see the usage of this torture method you are saying with."

We continue to check the situation in both chambers and the first one to exhibit a change of behavior is Uno. Before, he is doing many things like some workout and some stuff, now, he is just staying in the corner, lying and waiting for something that he knows won't come. His eyes wandered all around the room, probably counting the corners of the room or some sort. He might be bored but that is a sign that he is not doing well.

As for the girl, it seems she is actively trying to distract herself by trying to sing songs and dance around. Compared to Uno, there are no significant changes in her just yet.

An hour passed by which also means a month has already passed by in the chambers as well. Food is constantly being given to them and I can tell that both are now pretty much hating the food now. They either just eat a little bit or ignore it. I think it was also a strategy for them to make the food bad so that molds start growing on the food, giving them some color to see other than white. It's not a bad idea but the problem is that the food that hasn't been touched will disappear at the end of the day and another fresh batch is given out once more, making the tactics useless.

"Woah, it's just an hour here and it's just a month over there for them but I am already seeing progress. Even though it's just a waiting game for us, this is certainly something else."

"It's not called one of the worst torture techniques for nothing."

"So there are more than this kind of torture techniques you know?" Queen Tanya asked.

"Nah, compared to this, most of the torture techniques are designed to kill the one being tortured. It's more like a slow execution as they are slowly being killed using it. Most will beg for them to die immediately than to experience the torture they are experiencing."

The situation continues and although there is no violence done to the two, it's clear that they are suffering from damage that is inflicted on their minds. Uno is now drawing circles on the ground, smiling as he tried to keep himself sane while the girl is now curled up in a corner, banging her head on the wall or on the floor at times.

"It seems their minds are being degraded for quite a while now. Seeing how they seemed to be showing off their weaknesses, I can see now how this torture can break people without using any kind of violence. The only thing needed is time and they will slowly succumb to madness."

"Yes. And because they are now so helpless, they can't help but reveal everything and we will get our information. However, this technique also leaves massive trauma to them. There is a chance that they will no longer like to be in a closed space or see pure white things, or white rooms, and perhaps food that is color white might become something they will hate as well in the future. In short, they will no longer live the same way again after this."

"It doesn't matter. If they refused to give any information to us and are ready to kill, they are only digging into the inevitable and they can descend to madness. It's less maintenance and less work to deal with. I like this method. Maybe I will use this method in the future as well. I doubt any person who is not a hardened warrior like corrupt officials can even last a few days here."

"Haha, well, that's fine. It's not like I own this method and I suggested this to you so that we don't need to do something complicated to make them spill their secrets. In any case, these guys will still not spill the secrets but they are already losing their sanity and I can tell that they are almost there. Maybe a few more days for them and they might become already f*cked up already."

So, we continued to watch them. We even drink some tea and Lucia came by to say hello as well before she went back to her work. We just prolonged their stay there and around 4 hours later, or in their case, 4 months later, it seems they have already lost their minds and the two have already been too shaken. They are not harmed in any way and they are fed properly, however, they are no longer the same warriors who gave us a hard time.'

Uno is now curled up in the corner, biting his nails while chanting something unintelligible while the girl is lying on her bed, smiling with her face showing a face that went mad. She is chuckling from time to time but it is also showing that she is no longer blinking, causing her eyes to redden from it. It seems she can no longer sleep.

We tried to talk to them but they no longer responds.

"I think that is enough. More of this and we will not be able to obtain any information on them anymore."

And so, the two are finally freed from the White Room.

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