Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 783 Passing The Divine Winds

The wyverns are still flying in the distance, waiting for any indication that the danger has passed. Seeing that there are no other actions on the ship other than the cherry blossom petals swirling around the ship, the wyverns once howled in unison, signifying the attacks to continue.

"Everyone! Get ready! The howl of these f*ckers is now happening! They will not just give up that easily now! Defeat them all until they are all gone!"

"Hear that Bladeheart? You take the left side, I take care of the right side. Think you can handle all of them?" Queen Tanya went to battle stance with her scythe.

"Heh, you think I will just let myself get left behind and get beaten by these monsters? Never," as I also assume my battle stance as well.

"How about a competition of defeating more monsters? The one who manages to get a lot of kills wins, wanna try? It should spice up our killing spree," Queen Tanya suggested.

"Wow, I am at a disadvantage in this one but I am not going to back out from the challenge. Game on, Your Majesty!"

Then, I heard Tora click his tongue. "Seriously you two being too much of a warmonger. Even if you two had this competition, don't forget that you two are protecting the ship and not eradicating the enemies that are far from the ship. Ensure the ship is safe while doing that competition of yours!"

"Oh, come on. We know that Tora. Don't be such a worrywart, we will make sure the ship will remain unharmed."

Then Queen Tanya proceeds to jump off the ship once again. Since Queen Tanya went to her side, I also went to my side where the girl wearing a kimono was currently standing and currently observing the situation. She noticed my approach on the side and was looking at me from my head to toe, though I didn't care much if she was staring or not.

I climbed to the railings of the ship before jumping off. I like the thrill of jumping off and showing off like this. It feels epic at times and with only a few people capable of doing a stunt like this, many can only dream it. As for me, I am not worried in any way about falling as I can fly and if I can't even fly, I also have Leona who will catch me as well.

Activating my wings, I fly towards the nearest attacking twin-headed wyvern, changed my Versatile weapon into an axe, and with all my strength, swing the axe to their two heads in one sweep.


The flesh of the wyvern's neck got ripped to pieces as I cut them both off. I used the momentum of attacking the twin-headed wyvern to send me flying to the nearest silver wyvern and swinging another one, killing it once more in one swing. As usual, I used the momentum of my previous swing to send me to the next target and did this like I am chopping logs and wood.

Despite the wyverns falling one by one and their numbers diminishing as we continue to mow down their kind, they continue to attack like mindless machines that have only one objective that they must reach no matter if they live or die. It was like they are being mind-controlled or something.

Anyways, I continue my attack and despite having a contest with Queen Tanya, I prioritize those wyverns that are close to the ship. I am thankful that they have very easy-to-exploit weaknesses which are their necks and their scales aren't as hard as a dragon allowing me to just attack and kill them. It's kind of sad that all of those wyvern materials are going down without use but I guess that there is nothing I can do as I have to focus more on the battle than recovering the bodies of the wyverns.

I just continued the massacre as the ship is nearing the divine winds. Even I have a hard time flying due to the strong winds. I also notice that the only wyverns attacking left are those bigger wyverns and those smaller ones are all no longer chasing. Since the bigger wyverns are very rare, the attacks start to become scarce as well and since it's harder to fly with the ship now nearing the winds, I decided to return to the ship.

When I returned, Queen Tanya is also there as well, her scythe is full of blood from the wyverns but she remained composed and her battle attire just made her look more like a genuine grim reaper. She seemed to also have just returned as well.

As she removed her hoodie from her battle attire, she saw me landing on the ship as well.

"It seems both of us are done huh? I killed at least a hundred and five of those wyverns and if not for one who decided to feign death and fly away, I might have already got a hundred and six kill count by now. How about you, Bladeheart?" Queen Tanya is clearly proud of the amount she killed.

"Looks like it is my loss this time. I only managed to hunt ninety-nine wyverns on my side. Most of them started moving away from the ship before I can proceed with my kill which is a bit annoying."

"Hmmm, well, I accept the win but I feel like I did not win either."

The sound of the horn blows once more and Tora who is steering the wheel shouted for everyone on the ship to hear.

"Alright everyone, we are now passing through the Divine Winds. Be careful and hold on to the ship. It will be dangerous if you don't keep yourself intact here. If you don't want to take a risk, go back to your rooms and wait for the situation to calm down."

The people who were previously nagging the girl wearing the kimono tried to persuade her to return again but she still remain where she is standing and refuses to return, leaving them no choice but to keep her company. The other workers on the other hand went into their quarters after finishing their jobs from the weapons. As for the others, they continue to tie up the items that might get blown away from the wind while some are just waiting by the sails, waiting to make a full sail or a half sail while passing through the winds.

Soon enough, the winds start to get stronger, and even with the barrier that Queen Tori is making, the wind is still strong enough that we are even being moved. Queen Tori remained calm and continued her dance uninterrupted though Queen Tanya and I are now watching her in case she will get blown away by the winds.

The wind is very strong. It is like facing into the storm directly and enduring its massive and devastating power. It's even a miracle that the ship was not decimated by the brutal winds but then again, the Argo is immune to any kind of calamity so this one is not even gonna faze the Argo much unless an outside force will go into play and break the Argo in the process.

As we continue to endure the strong winds and keep our feet on the ship intact, the girl wearing a kimono slipped and didn't get to hold properly she was immediately sent flying by the strong winds.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" she screamed as she tried her best to grab something.

I usually don't do anything in this sort of situation but something kicked in me and immediately rush forward without thinking anything and dive into the air to grab her before she gets sucked into the blades of wind. If she gets sucked, she will immediately get herself churned and turned to mush by the winds.

The moment I grabbed her, I changed my Versatile Weapon into a hook and chain and throws the hook towards the Argo and latch to the ship before we get dragged into the blades of the wind.

I let myself be pulled by my hook and chain while holding the girl who is tightly clinging to my clothes with her eyes closed, successfully saving her. Her companions started expressing their worries about her once she returns safely.

"OJOU-SAMA! Are you alright?!" the older man who looked like a butler asked with sweat flowing down his face despite the strong winds.

She didn't let me go even when we arrived on the ship and just latched on to me while shaking.

"Wow, Bladeheart, I didn't know you can be like a hero once in a while! That was an epic save from you!" Queen Tanya admired how I managed to deal with the situation.

While everyone is busy to see whether the girl was fine, Tora who is steering the ship announces.

"We are now inside the continent. We are no longer in the range of the winds. You guys can relax now."

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