Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 798 Visiting My Parents

Today was a fine day, the sun is up and the sky is clear. Pretty much a good day. I think this is a good day to visit my parents and have a serious conversation with them regarding the upcoming plan. Because I was too busy with the stuff in Alternate World and my parents are busy at work and in the Alternate World grind as well, we barely have time to see each other at all. In fact, now that I am currently in Kamikaze Continent, I have not seen them for quite a while.

It's currently Sunday so I am sure that today is currently an off day for the business for them and they would be either at home but I decided to call anyways as I don't want to go there and end up learning that they are currently away from some matters.

Using my HoloPhone, I called my mom's number. She gave it to me back then and I use it to contact them from time to time though I barely use it as I can communicate with her in the Alternate World just fine. It's good that I got it still.

The other line started ringing for a while before a few seconds later, someone picked up the phone. The one who answered was Dad. I requested a voice call and he turned on the function, allowing us to talk face-to-face.

"Manato? What's the matter and you are calling early?" Dad asked.

"Where's Mom? Isn't this her number?" I asked as Dad never answers my calls with Mom's phone.

"She is currently in the shower so she asked me to answer it on her behalf. Did you miss us already? We barely meet in the game for so long," Dad tries to make some pitiful voice.

"Dad, you know that your pity-like voice does not convince anyone right?" I laughed.

"Aww, come on, I am trying my best here. Anyways, is something the matter? I don't think you are calling us so early without any reason. Unless you really do miss us."

"I do miss you guys but I am not calling just to say that. Are you guys currently at home right now and are free for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Yeah. We are free the whole day though we plan to dive into the game after lunch after we are done with the chores at home," Dad answered as he started munching something which I am guessing is a biscuit.

"Ah, great. Actually, I am planning to visit there and stay for a week. I am going to bring a few of my friends along as well. Is it fine?"

"Oh, really? That's great! Good thing you phoned in early. Since you will be bringing friends along, we will be buying some groceries and stuff while you guys are staying here."

"No need, Dad. I will be bringing some groceries myself. Don't worry about it. Besides, we will be intruding so it will be natural for me to bring food and other stuff everyone needs. You guys shouldn't need to pay and buy anything."

"No way, kid. It's a bit rude for us homeowners to not buy anything for my son who has been away for quite some time and bringing his friends for vacation and not providing anything. No, no. You should stay put and we will be buying stuff."

"Oh, come on Dad. As I said before, it's fine. We already have some groceries ready already so no need to do so."

"Ah, damn. You really came prepared huh? Oh well, fine. But why does it seem like you guys will be coming fast here? Tokyo and Nagoya are a bit far from each other unless you guys will take the bullet train."

"We have a faster way to go there without the need of us to use the bullet train. Just watch and we will be there in no time."

"Huh. Okay, if you say so. Anyways, we will be cleaning the house for a bit. Call again if you guys are almost here, alright?"

"Sure, Dad. See you later with Mom."

"Yep. Have a safe trip."

The call has ended. I stood up from my bed and started preparing for the trip to Nagoya. I also went downstairs to pack up some groceries that I will be bringing to my parents.

Also, I informed everyone aside from Janus who is still not here with us who wants to tag along with me to Nagoya as I will be visiting my parents. The elves were already an automatic selection as they are necessary for the later discussion that I was going to do. As for the others, I don't know if they are currently busy or if they have some other plans. The siblings declined in joining us as they have some important requests that they will have to fulfill today in the Alternate World so they will skip, though the rest are all okay and wanted to join as well.

"Nagoya, huh? It's been a while since I have been there, perhaps we could use the time we have there to visit places and have some fun for a bit?" Rika started browsing popular spots present in Nagoya.

"Oooh, I am excited to meet Auntie and Uncle again. I wonder if Auntie has some new gossip she can share?" Riko is really excited to go.

Pandora is also clearly excited as well. Since this will be the first time she will be traveling with friends, this is something she wouldn't expect but now that her brother has given her the freedom to do what she wanted to do, now she is more than excited to create new memories.

The elves are also excited as well since this will be the first time they will be going to visit a place that is farther than where they have been before. Pixie is also quite excited as well as she barely left the house for quite some time so she is also quite eager to see new places aside from the mansion and its gardens.

"Alright. Since you all are going to join, start packing up some clothes and other stuff you guys needed for the trip. We will be staying there for a week of duration so be sure to carry enough stuff you guys needed to bring along."

Everyone nodded and they started packing up stuff. I also continue with my preparations too. And as for our mode of transportation? Of course, it's the Teleport Circle I made before. I already redesigned it so that it can teleport multiple people in one go back and forth, making this the most convenient and fast method of traveling. Not only that but it's also free. Pretty affordable and easy usage as well.

I thought the girls would have taken their time gathering what they needed to bring along but they were quick enough that they already packed enough with them. The elves also have their necessary stuff as well.

"Alright. Since everyone is good to go, let's go to my room and buckle up."

"Wait, what? Aren't we supposed to go to Nagoya? Why are we going to your room?" Riko was confused.

"Of course, to go to Nagoya. What else?"

"Shouldn't we go outside and go to the train station instead of going to your room? What are we even going to do there?" Rika scratches her chin.

"Just wait and see. Just come on and go to my room. I will go and assist Pandora myself," I then nudge them to go to my room while I carry Pandora. Rika volunteered to carry her wheelchair up the stairs. The elves didn't question me and went up ahead.

Now that everyone is already in my room, I closed the door, curtains, and windows and let the surroundings become dark.

"Eh? What's going on?" Riko looked around as everyone gathered in my room.

"Everyone, gather to the center of my room. Yep, over there," Instructing them to huddle over to the center where I have set up the teleport circle.

Once everyone is already in the center, I pricked my finger with a needle and once the blood has come out, I push it to the ground and the surroundings glow, revealing the teleport circle that I made.

"Wait, a teleport circle?!" Riko was surprised as well as the other two girls from the situation.

"Hey, guys, be quiet. I know you all are amazed but brace yourselves since you guys are first-time users of this. The elves should be fine, no?"

"Yes. We have used this kind of spell before so we are fine."

"Okay, in 3... 2... 1... [Mass Teleport]!"

The light coming from the magic circle intensifies and the magic circle patterns start to move erratically as the mana I injected by using my blood starts to charge up the circle. Before the girls can say anything, the Teleport circle engulfed everyone in a blinding light. A few seconds later, we soon found ourselves in the room of the mansion I bought in Nagoya. We have successfully arrived at the location.

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