Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 807 Tsuchigumo And Jorogumo [IV]

The Jorogumo is screaming in pain. Well, who wouldn't if all of the limbs she was using to walk are now on the ground, separated from her body? She was a spider with her limbs all removed and cannot move. She can still fight back but her means of fighting back is either useless or too slow for it to become effective enough in slaying her opponent.

"What are you?! Why are you not affected by my charms?! No one can resist my charm skills even if you are a man or a woman!"

I didn't say anything and just stood there, watching her try to recover or do something to turn the tides in her favor. But it's pretty unfortunate as her expertise on the battlefield doesn't seem to be useful enough to do anything spectacular and mindblowing in the end.

"[Ice Prison]"

Because the Jorogumo cannot move anymore, the [Ice Prison] was enough to restrain her. Still, I feel this is underwhelming and the ice can still melt so I added another layer of barrier to prevent her from escaping or doing anything which is the [Kekkai].

Killing the Jorogumo right now is not yet necessary. They needed information for when they needed to get into the capital and use it to their advantage. Once they have extracted enough information they needed, then perhaps they can execute them as a means of mercy killing them. Even if they are soldiers before, now that they have transformed into a monster like this, they can't go back anymore. They are no longer going to be able to return to normal.

As for Queen Tanya and Queen Tori fighting against the Tsuchigumo, I don't think they needed my help. They seemed to be doing just fine.






Queen Tanya does not casually fight and takes her enemies lightly. But now that one of her favorite clothes is torn after what the Tsuchigumo did, it's very clear that Queen Tanya won't just take this matter lightly now.

As she stood staring at the Tsuchigumo, her body slowly emits an aura of darkness all over her. Although it doesn't feel evil, the darkness is something akin to a hunting predator. Giving a bloodlust all over while her eyes are set on her prey. And that prey was none other than the Tsuchigumo.

Once her aura enveloped her, a new robe of the reaper appeared all over her body, covering what you can see as skin. Even her face has been covered with a black mass of swirling energy that does not resemble a mask and yet it acts like one. Her eyes emitted a red glow and one would freeze in fear being stared at it.

The Tsuchigumo felt this and it also doesn't have an exception as well to the power of her eyes. It shivered just by being stared at her and even though he got some kind of invincibility in his arsenal, he can feel that this matter is different.

"Sis, don't push yourself too hard using the [Soul Phrase] alright? That one is a bit taxing to your body if used for prolonged periods of time," Queen Tori is worried about Queen Tanya.

"It doesn't matter if the enemy is dead before I suffer on one alright?" Queen Tanya held her hands in the direction of the scythe that is embedded on the ground and like a magnet, the scythe flew to Queen Tanya's hands and the scythe glow in a different color. Not only that but the form is much more sinister and the eye symbol on it seems to be some kind of eye that seems to stare at your very soul.

The Tsuchigumo didn't like that it was being looked down on and so it decided to also try to bulk up and unleash its power as well, trying to overpower and to also show that he is not afraid of Queen Tanya's new power.

"So that's how you want to play then, huh? Fine. Let's do this."


Queen Tanya swings her scythe and a reddish aura is fired off into the air, landing most of it on the Tsuchigumo. Because it cannot be blocked, the Tsuchigumo's defenses were not able to do anything to what Queen Tanya shot at the Tsuchigumo.

The young queen reaper slowly walk towards the Tsuchigumo and the Tsuchigumo tried to slow her down by firing off a bunch of webs in hopes of catching her in his webs, and slowing her movements as a result. However, for the young queen, it's just a web and nothing more. She easily slices all of them, rendering them useless to use.

"Your status might indicate that any attacks I do are going to be nullified by your status, but I have my own way of harvesting life. You can understand my words aren't you? After all, you used to be a human. If so, then perhaps it is time for you to spend your last minutes contemplating on why you decided to embrace the life of being a spider."

She raises her hands, and the red energy gathers up in those hands. Soon, it slowly formed into some kind of ectoplasm that seems to slowly connect to the Tsuchigumo. The Tsuchigumo is shocked by this but it tried to attack Queen Tanya multiple times to stop her from whatever she was trying to do. However, it was a futile attempt as Queen Tanya continues to do what she was doing while moving around and dodging the Tsuchigumo's attack.

"I can feel your fear, the uncertainty, the anger, and the rush of power that is flowing in your body. However, does that even matter? If your death is inevitable, does it even matter?"

Her palm is slowly closing as she continues to approach the retreating Tsuchigumo. The hulking spider seems to have realized what is happening now. He wasn't aware of what was happening before but after a few more minutes of Queen Tanya provoking him while she was doing some kind of sorcery, he is now aware that even the buff he received after he was almost killed before will not help him from this fate that was already sealed from the start the moment he fought against the reaper woman.

All its mind has been screaming about is to run away. Nothing more, nothing less. After all, this is a lost cause and fighting is not worth it anymore.

The Tsuchigumo, fearing for his life started to run. He started running away as far as possible from the battlefield. Forget everything, forget destroying the puny city. Forget the resources they can pillage after the successful takeover, what he was facing cannot be defeated by a mere approach like this.

Queen Tanya grinned seeing this reaction and seeing the Tsuchigumo skitter away from her.

"Hahahahaha! It seems you have realized the gap in power between us and yourself. However, it seems you have realized too late, vermin. Time to sleep and time for you to think about the wrong things you have done in life in the afterlife."

She tugged the red power ectoplasm that is still connected to her hands and the running Tsuchigumo. She can still feel the connection. However, there's no need for her to prolong the connection for any particular reason.

In one swift motion, she closed her fist, and the red ectoplasm connecting her and the Tsuchigumo dissolved like a liquid. The fleeing Tsuchigumo in the distance suddenly stopped running before falling flat into the ground, all the traces of his life are gone. The end result? The Tsuchigumo is dead.




Queen Tori met up with me as we fetch Queen Tanya who fall to her knees and returned to normal after she entered the [Soul Phrase], A unique Reaper skill that only Queen Tanya can use. It is a state that allows Queen Tanya to use the Ectoplasm to connect to the souls of the enemies all over and determine whether they are living or dead.

During this state, Queen Tanya can easily manipulate the ectoplasm which is some sort of ingredient that has the ability to connect and manipulate the soul of an individual without the need of directly touching and harming the one they are trying to manipulate. In the matter of the Tsuchigumo though, she weaponized it, using it as a means to kill by snuffing out the connection of the soul and the body and killing the target without pain.

But because it taps the realm of the soul, Queen Tanya gets very tired after using it for some time. It's not meant for prolonged use which is why after using the ability for a bit, Queen Tanya is now out of breath and seems to be ready to collapse anytime soon.

"It's a shame the Tsuchigumo is dead, but at least the Jorogumo is still alive. We can just extract information from it later. For now, we should go back inside the city and also keep Sister rested," Queen Tori then supported Queen Tanya to stand alongside me as we slowly walk back to the city while behind me is the frozen body of the Jorogumo, being carried by my pet snake, Mizuchi.

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