Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 827 To Taifu City

I make a rundown on our supplies for we are going into a big war once we arrived in the capital of Kamikaze City. We don't want to run out of essential supplies while we are in the middle of an important operation. That would spell a death sentence for all of us.

"Are you ready... ah, I don't think I have to ask, you have always been ready in big fights anyways," Queen Tanya chuckled a bit when she was about to ask me but stopped midway.

"Looks like we will be done with our little mission once we are done with this trouble. We are asked to repair the wind artifact and look now, we are not even seeking the lost artifact anymore and go directly to the main source of the problem..." Queen Tori seems to be still disappointed.

"What can you do? If the enemy who got the stolen artifact is most likely in the enemy territory, there is no point to search for them if we can just head there and meet with the guy immediately.

"Good point. Saved us the hassle of going into the problem of looking for them."

Ran appeared, carrying a bunch of food supplies and some other things, and handed them to us.

"These are some of the spare goods that we can offer. Everyone already knows what you guys are about to do and we are just gonna hope that after what you guys are about to finish, everything around here returns to normal gradually. I also apologized that I dragged you all into our current problems even though we only asked for the Wind Artifact to be fixed," Ran bowed as she apologizes.

"Nah, there's no need to apologize. It's not like the situation around here has been a good situation in the first place and with the current trouble coming in. And seeing how the army of the shogun seems to treat this situation as something they can benefit from, even if we have stuck ourselves to the fixing the artifact job, we will be still forced to face the army of the shogun with one of his generals currently holding what we needed to repair it. It's just we took a different approach," Queen Tori sighed.

"Wow, I thought you don't like the direct confrontation stuff, sis?" Queen Tanya was surprised by Queen Tori's response.

"Hey, I am still not liking this one bit, but do I get to get out of this situation while complaining? Not at all and I rather do something than wait."

"Well, fair enough."

We bid farewell to Ran and on our way out, the people of the city also bid farewell and gave us the best of luck in our quest to deal with the shogun. But I kind of think that they are giving us some boost of luck so that we can take revenge on all the people who have been corrupted by the power of the shogun and give the deceased some justice.

The remaining soldiers who were still alive after the recent attack also bid us farewell and asked us the best of luck. We also apologized in advance since there is no way we can't kill some of their subordinates in the process and they already accepted that fact. It's not just something we can avoid, to be honest.

As to what happened to Saya who turned into a Jorogumo, I let the soldiers guard her frozen body. Although we planned on killing her to end her suffering, Queen Tori suggested that we leave her in that state for now and finish our battle against the Shogun. There might be some chances that she will return to normal once everything is over and I think I can agree with that as there is indeed a big chance that might happen, as the stuff that I remembered in the past has changed drastically now.


With all the goodbyes we have done to everyone we needed to tell with, we departed from the city. We walked a bit further from the city before I summoned Leona.

"It's thanks to Leona that we can access far places without the need for us to get tired. I appreciate your luck in getting Leona, Bladeheart and I think I am taking this matter for granted," Queen Tanya smiled seeing how convenient Leona Airlines is.

"For real. Even though we can use our wings to fly, it's much different for the kinds of Leona. With her flight speed, the distance is nothing for her and she does not even break a sweat on that matter as well, which I kinda get jealous a bit," Queen Tori also voiced her opinions.

"What about using teleporters then? It's instantaneous and I don't think you needed to travel far while using teleport scrolls, yeah?"

"Eh, not really. I admit that they are convenient but for the process to work, there should already be a teleport point on where you are going, or else you will be lost as you will be teleported somewhere else. Also, it doesn't help much that you needed to be in that area you are going with at least once just to be able to activate that," Queen Tori tilted her head, "It's kind of annoying with that kind of set up and although it is useful once everything is done, it's kinda troublesome at first."

"Oh well, we can just say we are indeed grateful. But look, we are now approaching the destination. What do you think our best course of action should be?" Queen Tanya asked.

"I thought we would be immediately guns blazing the moment we step in?" Queen Tori was surprised.I think you should take a look at

"Idiot, sis. Even though I am a muscle-brain, I don't want to die that early. We just enter the city normally. If they engage in a fight then, we start the all-out war. That way, we have some legal reasons for why we started fighting. We don't want the public to think we are causing public disturbance now, yeah?"

However, I interrupted their conversation.

"I don't think we can do that kind of stuff now. Look, there are some cannonballs already coming at us," I pointed out to the incoming cannonballs that were fired a few moments while the two are still arguing.

Standing up, I pulled out my Versatile Weapon and activated one of the new skills that I leveled up. For testing purposes on how it feels though I have seen it being used by other players before.


It looks like I just slice the air while the cannonballs were still on the way but after using the skill, [Myriad Slash], the incoming cannonballs disappeared after the cannonballs went through a thousand slash from the skill [Myriad Slash].

"Wow, what a welcome huh? Guess peace was never an option."

I looked at the two and seems like they already know what to do. Below us are a few groups of soldiers, armed and firing at us in the air.

Without hesitation, the three of us jumped off Leona as I recalled the latter. Queen Tori opened her wings since she is not really a combat-oriented fighter but a supporter therefore, she has to do the safe landing. As for us, it's different as we didn't open up our wings and instead fall down like a rock, landing on the ground via a superhero landing. I always wanted to kind of do an entrance like that but who would have thought I would do that here?

As soon as the two of us landed on the ground, we immediately dash through the enemies waiting for us and didn't let them get any chances to react. We immediately pulled our weapons and began to fight. Now that they are pretty much hostile to us even before we landed on the ground, we don't have any reason to even play nice.

Using my sword, I slice through the group which is then followed by Queen Tanya, dealing the finisher as I headed straight into the incoming group waiting by the gates.

"Kill the intruders!" the soldiers shouted, their eyes glowing red like they are in berserk mode.

"Let's dance, people!" I grinned as we started slicing our enemies. Queen Tori started applying buffs on us while occasionally trapping enemies using her [Kekkai] and letting us finish them off.

The soldiers are unfazed by our attack and continuously send out support to the squadron. As for us, we continue to fight. We didn't exert ourselves too much as the enemies are still a bit easy but we made sure that we aren't just going to make them feel pain, we will relieve them from it, by ending their lives.


As we continue to cut through the formation, a few soldiers appeared carrying rifles now. They are using single-loading rifles and so I can easily tell that they might try to use that as pressure on us especially since we didn't have any shield-bearing companion.


The two already knew what I was thinking. The moment the bullets were fired, I deployed my shield and we hid from the barrage of bullets which immediately ended as they reload for another shot.

"Amateurs, you should just go full auto instead, as I pull out the pistol and transformed it into a machine gun. Although I was hoping it would turn into a minigun, this is fine as well.

"Come and eat lead!"

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