Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 841 Rebuild The Land

The Shadow Dragon's greediness exceeded what I can fathom as it swallowed the flute alongside the hands of Suzune that was currently holding the flute tightly. When the Shadow Dragon snapped shut its big mouth, the hands were among the swallowed items by the dragon, causing Suzune to lose her hands in the process.

"AGGGGHHHH! MY HANDS! MY HANDS!" Suzune cried as she stares at her arm with blood spraying all over after her hands were devoured.

She went into a frenzy as she continues to scream and shout all over the place with her hands still spraying blood all over.

"Bladeheart, what should we do?" Queen Tanya is not sure what to do next seeing the situation.

"W-we needed to stop her from getting more violent than this!"

Queen Tori heard that and she tried to use [Kekkai] to contain her in a single place. However, the moment the [Kekkai] contained her, she easily break the [Kekkai] like it was nothing. She didn't even use any abilities, just pure rage and frenzy. Queen Tanya tried to grab her but she just easily removed her and sent Queen Tanya flying only to be stopped by the nearby pillar.

She continues to go into a frenzy until she reaches the edge of the room we are in. Due to the smog-like body transformation of the Shogun earlier, the edges of the building are gone, not able to stop anyone who strays to the edge.

When I saw her about to fall, I immediately used my Versatile Weapon's Hook and Chain form, to save her from falling... but I failed.

The hook arrived too late to her and she fell. The three of us rushes to the edge and saw her plummeting to her death. Only a few seconds later and she fell to the ground and a huge splat of blood with her body in the middle ended all of the problems in the Kamikaze Continent.

We still don't know why she went into a frenzy but I can guess it a bit. Without her flute, the last bit of her mind that holds her sanity has collapsed and without it, she went insane. Just like most of the human owners of the weapons of the Seven Deadly Sins Series, they all went crazy.

Still, without anyone left to defeat, we can finally declare that we won and the tyrannical end of the Shogun's Parasite rule has come to an abrupt end.





Compared to the last continents, we are not hailed as heroes here. Instead, we are basically being condemned by the people of the capital due to the tragedy that occurred that caused the Shogun's army to unleash their destructive attack that soon involved the countless deaths of the citizens.

Still, the remaining clans appreciate us for finishing up the rule of the Shogun and revealing the truth. Still, due to the stigma of the people, they didn't reward us with any titles of heroism as this will create a huge backlash to the families who have lost a lot during the battle.

The other village and cities of the Kamikaze City who was not involved in the direct confrontation, are happy that someone has ended the rule of the Shogun and freed them from his rule. And although they can sympathize with the families who lost their families in the battle, they still can't say that we are at fault as the one who ultimately attacked and killed them were the shogun's army and his weapons and we are just there as the target.

The clans who became the temporary rulers of the continent until they can find a replacement for the last shogun were the ones who decided to continue our activities. However, we didn't get to scot away free from all the happenings, after all, if we didn't attack then the situation wouldn't have happened as well. Thankfully, due to our contributions and the way we removed the Shogun's threat, they decided to make it a light punishment for us so that the people would at least agree.I think you should take a look at

Our punishment was to help rebuild what was lost in the capital and help it stand back up to its feet until it was good to go. Thankfully, Queen Tori and Queen Tanya were rulers who knows what they had to do to resolve this and easily dealt with it. Instead of spending a long time to do the punishment, we ended up finishing the punishment in 5 days.

After that, we decided to return to Soyokaze City. Since the Teleport circle was not used at all, we decided to use it immediately return, and there, we are welcomed back by the people of Soyokaze City who thanked us for our contributions. They didn't blame us for the situation and they understand that we did our best. They can sympathize with us that even though we are outsiders, we ended up resolving the problems of the continent in one go.

Oh, and for the Wind Artifact, we also repaired it back. However, the clans decided that the wind barrier that is blocking anything and anyone from entering the continent is no longer necessary. Keeping a closed custom was abolished and they decided to open up their doors to the outside world, allowing any of the people outside to come into the continent.

As for the soldiers, they eventually returned to their senses. The ice melted after I asked Yuki-Onna to revert the freeze power she did to keep them intact. It was a miracle that they managed to stay alive until then. However, one thing has changed. Those who have survived and gained an abnormality part in their body were no longer able to revert back to their original form. As for those who transformed into full monsters, they managed to revert back to their human form but they retained a few parts of their bodies of what they were once as a monster.

Even Saya returned as a human once more but her one arm and her forehead still had some of the signs of when she was a Jorogumo. As for the soldiers who died, they were sent to their families and due to the circumstances, the families left can only cry seeing their loved ones dead after the situation.

And so, the situation and the problem of the Kamikaze Continent came to a close. After saying goodbye to the people of Soyokaze City, we board the Argo once more to return to the continent that we came from.

The two went to their rooms and started resting. From the looks of it, both are exhausted from all of the stuff we have done for the whole week. It's troublesome and annoying and we are even branded by some people as the cause of the catastrophe. However, if not for our efforts, the number of bodies littered all over the Kamikaze Continent might be much more than the current body count.

I sat down on the side of the bed and pulled out the Versatile Weapon because I was too busy with all the stuff that happened and during the night, I am too exhausted to do anything but sleep, I didn't get a chance to even look at what is the flute's associated sin is. So far, I got three out of the seven sins which were Greed, Gluttony, and Pride. This is the fourth weapon I have gotten and I don't know what it was until now.

It takes a long time before the weapon is digested so I can still see what it was in the status screen.


[Digesting the Flute of Acedia, The Weapon of Sloth]

Time Remaining: 15 days left


The Weapon of Sloth. A weapon I didn't see in the last timeline. To think it was a flute. But I can see how this would be associated with the Sloth sin. This flute is capable of inducing various debuffs and even can control others using its melody. My guess is that it is used by someone of high power to control his vassals and used it to be lazy, leaving all the work to the people.

This resulted in bad management and it didn't take too long for the people to form a rebellion, or perhaps someone waged war, and they lost. As a result, the ruler died, leaving the flute to take the power of the sin of sloth. It's a self-destructive weapon and without proper control, this can be dangerous.

With the Weapon of Sloth devoured, the only weapons left are the Envy, Wrath, and Lust. But still, who would have thought I would be collecting the weapons of the Seven Deadly Sins series? I intended to just find some of them and sell them, but it ended up like this.

Still, I doubt this is just a fluke. Perhaps this is indeed my destiny to collect all of them. But who cares about that, for now, I think I deserved my long-time rest.

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