Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 851 My Pets And Companions

The Versatile Weapon. A weapon that devours and mindlessly eats anything it fancies. Something that I have slowly gotten mastered as time goes on is now back in my hands even though it was only separated for me for a short time, I also felt like I lost something very important part of me.

I thought it would just remain like a passive-aggressive creature that will never learn to speak, only eat and sleep, but now I have learned that it can now communicate with me. The main reason he can start speaking freely now is due to my severance of connection to the Nexus and the so-called vile goddess of creation that the shadow dragon mentioned. Based on the way he describes this goddess, the only goddess I know that is involved with creation in this world is none other than the Goddess of Life.

No other god or goddess other than the Goddess of Life is related to the creation of living beings.

"What is going on Manato? It seems you are just staring off into space. Are you thinking somethin'? Riko waved her hands in front of me.

"Ah...not really. I was just amazed that this weapon survived the wipe."

"Well, it's not just yours that managed to survive as well, look at Pandora and her Holy Armor," Riko pointed to Pandora who was currently putting the armor on her body. Although it looked out of place as this was her only armor on top of her regular clothes, it is undeniably her armor back when she was still Sigma.

Then, my eyes landed on someone helping Pandora put on the armor.

"Is that..." I pointed it out to the stranger.

"Oh, you mean him? That's Mr. Teddy. Even I was surprised. I didn't know Mr. Teddy is quite a hottie with a hot bod to compliment that face of his!" Rika nodded while also singing praises on Mr. Teddy's body and looks.

But I agree with Rika on her statements about Mr. Teddy. Since we don't see him out of his armor and mask before, we couldn't see what he looked like. And in the real world, it doesn't help either that he is possessing a teddy bear. But now that all of our equipment is back from scratch, Mr. Teddy has no cover on his face and body. You can really say, that he is a definition of an ideal man most girls would find attractive.

Then, I just remembered something.

I tried to open the Summon's Area while opening the Companions tab. There, everyone who I have agreed to become my companion and my pets are present.

"Atlas? Leona? Lina? Everyone?"

"Eh? Was that the voice of Master?" a familiar gruff voice echoed inside and it didn't take too long for someone to come out from the Summon's Area.

The very first one to appear is Atlas, while the rest followed suit, stretching like they just woke up.

"Huh? Master? Is that really you? What happened? Why did you suddenly become weak all of a sudden?" Tina stretched her arm a bit then looked around and noticed everyone else.

"Huh? You guys..." Lina who have seen and helped the others before immediately recognized the others as well.

I scratched my head and nervously laughed. "It's a bit of a long story."

And so, I begin explaining the situation to everyone.




"I understand. No wonder you seemed different. No wonder it seems like the very strong power that seems to bind me to you seems to have disappeared as well," Atlas nodded.

"Don't tell me you will attack us, Atlas?"

"No way, Master. Without you accepting my offer for companionship, I wouldn't even get this strong in the first place. All of my achievements have been fulfilled due to your help. I am not going to try and do something like that to my benefactor and I consider you as a friend as well as my Master. Even if you have reverted to your weaker self, I can easily tell you will, get back in shape and power sooner or later especially now that the aura that seems to surround you is now gone."

"Aura?" I tilted my head.

"Yes. This aura seems to emit something holy for some reason but I don't feel safe on it. In fact, everyone you guys call "players" including you all have this. It seems to restrain us a lot from using our abilities before and it was something that keeps us on edge for some reason. Now that it's gone, we can now fully unleash our full potential. If Master wanted, we can help you guys raise your levels back to normal."I think you should take a look at

"Thanks, Atlas, but I think I will only call you and the others if something threatens us. Now that we got into our real bodies, we needed to make our bodies adapt to this world's abilities and train them. Thanks to our experience in our previous identities, we will slowly adapt again to this life."

Atlas nodded. "Makes sense. Thank goodness you remained the same, Master. Since you have returned and will be staying with us for a long while, we welcome you again as our Master. Now, we will not disturb any longer. I think you all should begin leveling up now. If what you guys said is true, then you better raise your level and recover all of your lost abilities as well."

"Thanks again. Also, everyone, I am back."




Renatta and the others couldn't believe their eyes after my pets and familiars disappeared back to the Summon's Area.

"Wow...even in my wildest dreams, I wouldn't consider finding someone of their caliber this easily, and yet, you just pulled them out and let them obey you without any consequences! Just how many surprises are you storing actually, Manato-san?!" Renatta was totally shocked.

I can only laugh a bit at Renatta's shock. Maybe because I am so used to them, I don't think it was weird to have them.

"Still, I think the big guy's words are true. We needed to recover our levels again. Therefore, we needed to start hunting now," Alena immediately shifted the topic back to our original plan.

"You are right. Well then, we should go and find ourselves a monster to kill, get materials, then earn some money to buy a piece of better equipment," Father nodded.

"Then, should we team up?"

"Yes. I think the fastest way for us to level up immediately should be heading into a dungeon."

"Indeed. I think a dungeon does help with our initial problem. A single dungeon run can net us plenty of monsters to kill and experiences will also flow properly to us. And since beginner dungeons are not even crowded due to them being beginner dungeons, I doubt they are being held by any players."

I nodded. Beginner dungeons are always barren and are always forgotten, making them overflowing with monsters. Therefore, it is a perfect place for us to farm experience and level up without the need of us to head into the wilderness and search for monsters that might or might not appear which compared to a dungeon, a monster will naturally spawn without a mistake. I know it since it was also one of my methods in leveling up in the past as well.

"Alright. Let's head to a dungeon. I know a place where a dungeon is currently present and we can have an easy time finishing and gaining levels there as well."

And so, we headed straight to the first dungeon in the beginner levels. Due to it being too obscured, it was always empty and beginner players do not even know the existence of this place especially with how low leveled the monsters here, they are not even caring about this dungeon and would just head straight to the next town's dungeon.

When we arrived there, it was indeed barren from players and everyone was surprised to see this dungeon for the first time.

"Wow, I didn't know a dungeon like this existed here! We grinded a lot of times in this area before but to think a hidden dungeon like this existed..." Sora exclaimed.

"Indeed. I didn't even know this place until now," Riko nodded as well.

We tried entering the dungeon entrance but just like how in the past, we just can't willy-nilly enter it.

"So the system still works the same way as the Nexus huh?"

"Yes. Just like I told you before, the Nexus is just replicating the real system here and since we are not affiliated with the Nexus's system at all, everyone has gained them in the process."

I nodded. Alright, we should clear this dungeon and reclaim our levels. Our aim is to clear this in Abyss Mode in the end. We train our bodies here, gather materials and grow strong enough that we don't need to stay here any longer than usual."

Our battles might have restarted, but we are never going to give up. Our plan needed to succeed. And I have to make sure of it.

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