Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 853 The Reappearance of the Titles

853  The Reappearance of the Titles

Necromancy. It is one of the Alternate World's normal classes and is said to be connected to the Goddess of Death. Although not sure whether it is true or not, the ability to control the dead to your bidding is something that is not just considered to be in the teachings of the goddess of life, but also quite frowned upon by many who believed the goddess of life.

I have gained a skill book related to the Necromancy class tree and it unlocks many stuff related to it that was not present in the original Necromancer tree. And one of them is retaining the summoned skeletons and any summoned ghouls and zombies at their disposal anytime they want and reusing them in any fight, allowing the summoned monsters to actually gain a level and get strong if they survived long enough.

But that should have stayed in my Bladeheart persona and not on this current one. So getting actually having the skill tree unlock and the abilities from the skill book retained, that only means, the skill tree was not character-bound but locked to myself.

But learning this, also means the majority of my skills learned right now are all about necromancy.

"Manato, what is happening?" Riko asked me and everyone looked at me with a questioning look.

"Look, let me explain."




"So in short, a book detailing how to properly utilize the power of the Necromancer skills? That's pretty neat. And the fact that it does not need to use corpses to summon one is also a lot more convenient. And since this skeleton of yours is strong enough, we can easily breeze through hard content easily," Riko nodded in understanding.

"I can't believe that you have this kind of convenient skills already present in your arsenal. Does that mean you will go full necromancer this time?" Mother asked.

"No. I will still continue to do a Versatile Class. I won't master any skill tree but I will utilize all of the skills available in my disposal."

Because we lack a dedicated healer for us right now, I decided to grab the [Heal] skill.

"Alright, let's go and do the dungeon run once more."

And so, we continue to do another dungeon run and proceed on it again and again. It took a bit of time since the monsters are not consistent. We just ensured that everyone reaches level 5 before we head to the next dungeon. It's long and arduous but I continue to do so.

Once every one of us reaches level 5, we started learning new skills once again. Everyone has finally shaped up their preferred playstyle. Riko and Sora have also regained their control in the battle as well since they also learned offensive skills related to magic now, allowing them to be more functional as well.

We are still not that strong but we are getting there. However, something was suddenly added to the panel after we hit level 5. And that is the Titles tab.

Like before, this button is going to lead my panel to the place where all of the earned titles of a person will appear.

"Oh, I forgot about this, but it does unlock at level 5. However, what does this actually do? I don't have any idea what it does and I never actually unlocked anything that seems to affect me entirely," Renatta tilted her head and then turned to Labo and Alena.

"We have these as well, and unlike Renatta, we do have some titles present in ours here. It seems to have stayed even though we have our levels reset."

And as the two smiled, their titles appeared above their names which is displayed whenever they wanted their status to be seen by others.

"[His Dear Wife]"

"[Her Dear Husband]"

Seeing this, Renatta couldn't believe it and started sulking. "Seriously? Am I the only one who didn't get any sort of title at all?"

While everyone is checking out if they have their titles as well, I opened up the title tab as well and the moment I opened it up, the titles that I earned that were considered Unique titles all are present in there as well. Although I see a few missing titles did not make it, most of the titles that were considered to be more valuable are present as well. And since the effects do not just get limited to me, these will be a valuable feature at our disposal for us to immediately level up.

I stood up and looked at everyone.

"Alright, I think that's enough talk, we should go ahead and go to the next difficulty. I think we are all ready."

This is where the dungeon gets interesting. As I said before, most enemies present are just slimes and mimics. But this time, we will be able to access the hidden area in this difficulty. And it's vital for our making the experience points of everyone shot up straight to level 10 once we are on the way to the Abyss Difficulty.




And so, we continue to fight the dungeon monsters. With the expertise of everyone and the defensive maneuvers done by Akira followed by the aggressive approach of my father, Pandora, and Mr. Teddy, and with the constant fire of magic by everyone, it didn't take us long to partially clear the dungeon.

While we are proceeding like usual, I stopped everyone when we arrived at the intersection of the dungeon that leads to two separate areas with one being a dead end and the other one being the real road toward the final boss.

Generally, we would have continued on our way to the final boss, but not this time. After all, this will be vital in our quick experience plan and also one of the reasons why we have to rack up a lot of money from the Mimics and treasures along the way, to prepare for this encounter.

"Let's head into the dead end first," I grinned and pointed into the way where it was considered to be empty in the first few difficulties.

"Is there anything special here, Master? It seems you have some kind of plan in here," Pixie tilted her head as she rest on my shoulders.

"Yes. And it's only accessible in Hard difficulty and above. Which is why I didn't say anything during our previous dungeon runs. But this time, we will be taking some shortcuts on our experience gain which we needed immediately so that we can head to the Capital City as soon as possible."

"Is it some secret area, Son?" Father got curious.

I nodded in response as we soon get on a view of someone currently carrying a few boxes while some pile of gold and treasure is currently sitting behind a chair and a table.

"A goblin?" Sora who got really good eyesight after her eyes were cured immediately identifies the individual we will be meeting.

"Oya, oya. It seems I have some dear customers. Welcome, welcome. Are you all there to purchase something? My goods are all top quality ones. Have a look! Have a look!" the goblin smiled like a merchant with both his hands rubbing together, a sign of a typical merchant.

His stall is not adorned much but due to the gold and treasures behind him, everyone's eyes are not focused on his dingy store but more on the treasure behind him.

I step up and decided to deal with this. Because if we are not careful, we will be taken advantage of by this guy and scam us with our money.

"We wanted to take all of your wares. Don't worry, we will pay."

The goblin raised his eyebrow before he put down a few stuff. I grab a few of the items on the table before leaning a bit and giving off a bloodlust aura. For a goblin like him who does not know how to fight, a little bit of aura is enough to intimidate him.

"Didn't I say all of your stuff? Bring it out, now!"

"Aah! Yes, yes! Right away, right away, good sir!"

The goblin started panicking and opened one of the boxes he has with various items, weapons, some accessories plus various scrolls as well.

"Here are your selections dear customers. All the best quality. You won't regret every coin spent here, yes, yes!"

I grab the weapons and tossed them in the direction of everyone who needed them. I also handed a few accessories and some items as well. Of course, I took a look at the various scrolls as well. After all, what I am currently looking for is a scroll.

"You got more of these scrolls in your stock?"

"Yes, yes!" the goblin is still intimidated by my previous bloodlust release and didn't hesitate to bring out all scrolls he has available. The moment I saw the shining scroll, I immediately grab it without a second thought and look into it.

And that's when I grinned. I got the jackpot.


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