Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 865 Ruckus In The Capital

After we retreated from the Dark Sea after our encounter with the Man O' War, we returned to the mansion by riding on Leona's back. Leona has a big back but it's not enough for us to ride in one go so I commissioned Almira to create a little room that can be placed or removed from Leona's back for us to stay while Leona is flying in the sky. Leona Airlines, in short. Everyone including myself now feels the fatigue building up in our bodies. It seems that compared to our avatars, our natural bodies are having a bit more difficulty in things.

"I think we f*cked up on this one. Not only do I feel sh*tty right now, but I also feel like I can't move a muscle starting tomorrow...Ugh..." Riko leans on the wall and had an extensive tired look on her face.

"Honestly, this is something we took for granted. We don't use our bodies back then so we can do whatever we wanted a lot without feeling too fatigued. Even if we get the fatigue debuff, just a bit of rest would remove it immediately. That feeling before is different now. This is a real deal of fatigue from all the movements we did," Pandora tried to explain our circumstances.

"Aren't our avatars and real bodies connected before? Then how come our bodies seem to have not yet been accustomed to the situation? Shouldn't we have adapted well to that?" Rika wondered and looked at the fairies.

"Despite your avatars back then having more actions done for the past years, it still dependent on the system that regulates the feelings of tiredness, allowing you all to only feel a slight burden even if you guys have been wounded or are just tired and sleepy. That system is gone so even though your bodies are doing things like what you all have done before, you all will still feel the fatigue. All I can say is that we all should train ourselves and reorganize our bodies so that we don't feel troubled like this in the future," Renatta answered the inquiries of Rika.

"Then, this matter can be solved once we do some morning exercise routines then? Like daily dungeon dives and whatnot?" Father throws a suggestion to the elves.

"Very possible. Our training back then was to explore and hunt in the forest before which is why we are able to properly use our bows with mastery. We can also properly move around forests without the need for guides. So perhaps that will work as well. And since all of your bodies are slowly adapting from the usual stuff, it won't take long for everyone to fully use your bodies again just like before," Renatta concluded.

"Ugh, I hated exercise, but if it means having fewer incidents like this in the future, I will do it. Can we do it now?" Riko tried moving but soon groaned in pain and slump back on her seat.

"Does my healing helps relieve fatigue?" Pixie asked.

"Doubt it, it only heals wounds and removes pain from the wounds themselves but fatigue can only be recovered by sleeping. Don't bother doing it, you will just be wasting energy and mana in the process," Mother immediately interjects.

Pixie floated back to Renatta's shoulder with a disappointed look on her face.

We continue a few discussions here and there including the appearance of the Man O' War and some theories about it, but most of what we came out with are weird or just pure joke theories so there's nothing too important to that. We just wanted to spend the rest of the trip a bit fun.

But that was immediately interrupted when an explosion occurred and that explosion came from the Capital's centermost area. We can even see it while we are up in the sky and we are still seeing it in the distance.

"What happened?" Riko was startled from her light nap after the explosion and checked out the scenery outside.

"Someone or somebody is making some ruckus in the Capital. Perhaps a guild war or something?" I tried guessing.

"Very likely. Guild wars are chaotic and remember the time you solo the guild wars before? You did it twice in fact," Rika recalled the last incidents when I was still Bladeheart regarding some conflicts with some guilds.

"Eh, I think what he did during the second one is not solo since he has to ask for help with Lina and Atlas before," Riko is not convinced about my second solo guild war.

"Doesn't really matter much. Still, we needed to hurry and check out what is happening in the Capital. The mansion might be far from the main district of the Capital but if there is trouble, we needed to ensure it is protected. Not only that but we will also have to fetch back Lina's mother as well," Rika suggested.

"Agreed. It might be some kind of invasion. If things get bad, we will have to protect our precious home, no matter what it takes. Leona, go full speed ahead! Everyone, grab tight!"

Leona flaps her wings and accelerated towards the Capital, as we try to know what happened. When we arrived at the mansion, Almira is currently standing in front of the mansion while staring at the explosion site. We can still see the smoke rising so we know that place was the area the explosion earlier happened.

"Master, what just happened? We were still on the way when that huge explosion occurred," I rush to Almira's side to ask her about the current situation.

"No clue. I was busy hammering inside the workshop when that huge *ss explosion occurred and shook the items hanging in the workshop. That's why I am trying to figure out what happened while not leaving the mansion. Still, it must be some kind of battle happening as there are still some explosions happening from time to time and I can hear the cheers of some people. Not sure if that was real or not. How about you check it out?"

Looks like checking the situation out is much better than asking someone who only sees the explosion in the distance.

I checked with the others if they wanted to check the explosion site. I thought Riko would come but she didn't even though she wanted to do so because she is too pooped and would rather go and lie down on the bed rather than move. The only people who are willing to go with me are Father, Renatta, and Pandora with Pixie tagging along on Renatta's shoulder.

We rushed to the location and I can hear the noises of the people. It's not the sound of cheering but the sound of panic and fear. It is totally clear that it's not just normal violence guild wars that people watch are currently happening here but something else.

"I am getting a bad vibe in this..." my father frowned as we go through the shortcuts to reach the center.

Soon, we arrived and what we saw there is the wake of destruction. A few of the buildings have been destroyed. Dead bodies of players and NPCs are lying around there as well. But that wasn't the main center of the current situation. Before us are the players challenging a man who looked like he was some kind of a mecha suit man.

I am not sure what he was but he very much looked like he was going to show off his powers. I wanted to move forward and see the situation carefully but Pandora stopped me.

"Let's keep quiet in here and just observe in the distance. There is no point in looking at this situation. We are not players here anymore. We are now considered inhabitants here, control yourself."

Father nodded. "She is right, son. We better avoid trouble instead of inviting them to our doorstep. Let's just continue to observe for now and retreat once we gathered enough info or if it gets dangerous."

Although I wanted to check it out, I followed their advice and watched the situation unfold. The players attacked the guy and the guy started fighting back. I can see that he is a player and above his head is the indicator that he has been doing some Player Killings.

As the crowd pulled away, I then noticed the big armor on the site of the explosion. I wasn't expecting to see it as I never have seen it defeated but for the first time, someone killed the guardian who stops player killings or any sort of crimes happening in the city or any neutral areas.

If that was the case, this guy is very strong for him to be able to defeat the guardian himself. Does the explosion before was the reason the guardian is now dead? I don't know myself.

Then, one of the members of the opposing party shouted.

"Kaisar! Stop it now! What are you doing?!"

Kaisar? That's actually Kaisar? Are they saying that guy was Kazuki himself?

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