Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 880 Operation Poison Drain [III]

Before the sun rises, we are all awake and moving around to prepare for the battle. Almira also made the final tuning on our equipment since I am not in my usual gear of being the blacksmith making the weapons and armor of my friends. My mother also finished packing up the items needed as well and is currently resting. She will not participate in the battle as she has stayed up all night but she will be helping with the resupply in case things go wrong during our battles.

As for us, we are stretching around, planning for our next move, and observing the dragon in case things are not gonna work. The elves are also doing a scouting process in case there are still some stray monsters that are wandering near the battlefield.

As for me, I am selecting the necessary skills I will be using in this battle. After leveling up a lot, I decided that it doesn't matter which of my stat goes where since all I am relying on are more on the stat bonus given to my Versatile Weapon. So instead of manually appointing on all points for my stats, I hit the automatic button, and every accumulated SP I have been passed down to my stat points.

When pressing the auto allocation, it gave me an option on which stat has more focus in terms of stat allocation. Because I keep using more physical attacks and magical attacks than support and healing, as well as protection attacks, I let it allocate to a physical-magic hybrid this time around. Hitting the confirmation, all of my SP is drained and my current stats were increased, which are mostly spent on STR and INT. I also have a few stats in END, DEX, and AGI but not a lot. But I am satisfied. So I keep the setting that will automatically allocate those stats once I gain SP.

As for the skills, I have a few skills in mind and since most of the skills are no longer tied up in tiers but more on levels, I choose those magic spells that are going to bring a lot of damage and some physical skills that can destroy enemies in one go.

I already have a taste of which skills are worth taking and not worth taking so I acquired all of them and spent all of my points. I balanced out both passive and active skills though so the passive skills are now working properly and I am getting closer to my previous self, just a little tad stronger in magic and physical but a lot less agile and tough.

After that, I grab most of the items I created before and stock them up in my inventory. Since we can't carry multiple items in our inventory without getting encumbered, I only carried a small number of items with me and a bunch of scrolls containing high-end support skills and high-end magic and physical skills. I also carry a few MP potions and HP potions as well but only a limited number compared to how I can bring them out all the time.

With all the preparations done, I heard Almira call out for all of us to go outside. The elves have come back after scouting and everyone is also wearing their weapons and armor as well. The stacks of crates with all of the items we needed are also there as well, which will be carried by Leona once we give off the signal that we needed them.

"Based on your looks, you all look ready. Although this isn't your first rodeo in some sort of big planning operation like this, this will be the first while using your real bodies. And since we don't want anyone to die while on the battlefield, don't hesitate to retreat and recover your health in case things went wrong. Support each other and fight together and once again, don't die."

"When you said it like that, I am getting a bit nervous though..." Riko shivered.

"Heh, that's all good. Don't dare underestimate the enemies. So go and fight and win this. We will be delivering the goods if you guys needed them, don't hesitate to shoot out the signals, I gave you all plenty before we started."

"No worries. We will return home alive and successful. We will not disappoint everyone," Pandora gives off her confidence which made Almira smile.

"Good. Now go to your positions. Remember what you all are going to do during the process and don't lose your way."

Every one of us opened up our wings, and we fly over to where we will be fighting and what we will be doing. The main members that will wake the dragon up, is composed of Sora, Riko, Pixie, Lucia, and myself. Although Pixie is not there to contribute to waking up the dragon, she is there in case the dragon attacks and anyone of us get attacked, she will immediately heal us.

Once we have arrived at our appointed locations, we will attract the dragon's attention since it is blind and keep it lured until we reach the area where the rest of the team laid out the trap I made and make the dragon immobile and prevent it from flying.

Once that is done, we will do our best to fight back against it and if possible, keep it alive in case things will reveal that this dragon can be communicated with but if not, we will be fighting it to death.

This is a very big risk fight and we will have to ensure that we will survive this one without fully damaging the whole ecosystem in the process.

No one is speaking and I can feel the tension of everyone's nerves. Who wouldn't be? This will be their first-ever battle against a monster very similar to a giant raid boss that scales a lot higher compared to the raid boss we tackled back during the Sandurk expedition.

We didn't take long to arrive at our appointed location. We waited for the rest to fire off their signal to ensure that we don't start early while they are still preparing.

It took a few minutes before the signal was fired. I looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"Let's do this!"

I pulled out the scroll containing the skill, [Megido], one of the heavy skills that strike down an enemy with severe damage and has a very wide coverage of spell impact. This one is a strong spell but that is not enough to deal with the dragon in one blow.

Then, I turned to look at the others. Sora is chanting the spell called [Ice Age], a spell that freezes enemies and then causes severe ice damage to enemies in range. As for both Riko and Lucia, both specialize in flame magic so the moment they used started chanting, I immediately knew they will use the strongest spell they know which is [Inferno].

They have a long chant time so I waited for them to be on the timing that they are ready to finish. When they are in the last line of their chants, I tear up the scroll and target the sleeping dragon currently sleeping. As soon as the spell I was using appeared, the spells the three are chanting also appeared as well, combining our attacks into one huge hurl of powers, ready to fight.


A huge explosion occurred to the dragon the moment the spells released collided with each other. Pixie even has to cast [Domain of the Protectors] to keep us protected from the attack and yet, we can feel the damage even with the domain that keeps us safe from the attack.

"Did we succeed?" Riko who was wiping off her sweat looked at the situation. I don't see any movements at all and we are just waiting for the signs of it awakening.

"Still no sign. We will see once the smoke dissipates," Sora added, still staring at the blast zone.

We waited for a few seconds more and when we thought that the intended monster we wanted to wake up remain asleep, we sighed and ready ourselves once more when all of a sudden, the smoke dissipated and a loud dragon suddenly roared out of the smoke.

One flap and the smoke covering the blast area disappeared, revealing the unscathed dragon, roaring. I pulled out our portable transceiver since we don't have party members chat like we used to, so we will be using the transceiver to relay the situation to everyone who has the radio.

"First operation, Waking the Dragon is complete! We will be commencing the second part of the operation, so be ready for the traps and everyone else! The dragon is a big guy, and the spell we used didn't have any effect so ensure that everyone has to be ready. Over and out!"

And with that, we will be luring the dragon to the appointed location. The dragon is indeed blind. With both of its eyes missing, our mission is to let this dragon follow us while we are not hit by any of its attacks. Although not sure how this will work, we will have to win this.

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