Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 883 The Ruins Under The Lake

I thought Almira would stay on the sideline but this time, she wanted to join and learn what the ruins are all about. It was something I didn't expect her to do as she mostly stay where she would be rather than go exploring around. The only time she has gone out of her way to do something aside from her regular work is during the exploration we did in the Frozen Region where I asked her to help in making weapons for the army.

After that, I don't think I have seen her do much outside and most of the time, she would be more of a slave driver than someone who goes out of her way to discover new things. So for her to go on the initiative and proceed with this is a first for me.

Anyways, Almira has to go back to the mansion to prepare her own gear. Mother came back with her as she wanted to also join. As for us, we remained in the entrance as we are still pretty loaded due to the previous battle ending quite early than expected so all of our supplies that we thought we will have used for a grueling battle ended up not being used.

While waiting for the two, every one of us started to scour the area of the dried-up lake. The water flowing to fill the lake is a bit slow in filling the lake back up so we have the time to check the place without worrying about the lake suddenly getting flooded. But still, just to ensure ourselves, I put a Teleporter Point on land to ensure that we have a way out in case the place gets flooded and we have no way out.

"There are some interesting things present here huh? Look, I found a coin," Rika pulled out a gold coin from the mud and showed it to us. It's not the same gold coin used nowadays but it looks pretty old and although it looked like it has been there for a long, it didn't lose the luster it had which means it's either a real gold coin or perhaps it has something else.

"It's expected to find that kind of thing here. I even found a rusty sword here. Someone might have lost it or thrown this one off," Akira then pulled out the rusty sword which immediately crumbles after he fully pulled it out.

Everyone is busy looking for the trinkets they found in the mud but as for me, those are not what I want to check out. I instead went and check the entrance of the temple or ruins or whatever this place is properly.

There are no signs of monsters going in and out of the way but I am quite sure there will be more trouble coming in if we go in for later. Perhaps the monsters living in the lake who managed to survive decided to live in this place and escape the dangers present from the corrosive water.

"We are back!" Almira shouted as she jumped into the dried-up lake followed by my Mother. Both of them are now equipped with their battle attires and Almira is carrying the Clarent which she used to kill King Arthur before. Looks like she will just keep on using that sword for the longest time and in the future as well.

Now that we are assembled, I registered everyone on the teleport point so that everyone can use that in case we needed to get out. If they are not registered on the teleport point, when teleporting, they might randomly land in a random area especially if there is no specific destination.

"Is everyone set to go? Looks like it, then let's proceed and check this place out!" Almira is more excited than everyone is which is pretty rare for her. She is always serious and sometimes stoic at times but she has never shown so much excitement before like this.

Sora is quicker than me since the moment we entered, she immediately cast out [Light] and illuminated our way. But that is expected from one of the two best mercenaries who help players in exchange for money as payment to have these habits engrained in their brains.

When we fully entered, I was expecting a notification from the system that we discovered a secret area or a hidden area but it seems it wasn't the case as I don't have any sort of messages like that received.

Now that we entered here, I can fully say this isn't a temple but more of a ruin. The walls are fully built and the road is properly laid out as well. The only difference is that the place looked grimy due to the fact that this place has been submerged for long that different algae and underwater plants would start growing on them, making them look pretty dirty.

Still, when we continue our explorations, I didn't expect to find treasure chests here and there. Just like the rest of the place, the treasure chests are still a bit wet and covered in algae, which made some of the girls to be a bit icky about interacting with one.

At first, I thought the contents of the treasure chests would be garbage and useless but I was proven wrong. The first chest I got was a few bottles of Elixirs and a few scrolls containing high-tiered spells. Getting this loot first try is something that we can't get in dungeons and ruins at the very first treasure. Usually, we only find them if we head to the final boss room or if there is a dedicated treasure room we have to unlock.

But getting these treasures in the first treasure chest that looks so unremarkable it is sad is a bit suspicious and a bit troubling.

"Getting these kinds of treasures is suspicious, I would say. Is this place generous or is it baiting us to go deeper only to meet our untimely end?" Almira shook her head.

I can only smile silently after hearing what Almira said, looks like I am not alone in my assumption as well.

We continue to move around and although there are no monsters, we keep on running a few treasure chests here and there, and all of them are pretty worn out that if you are not very capable of looking for treasure, the treasure chest is easily missable.

"I am not liking the heavy feeling I have been getting since we have gotten deeper here. Is it just me or do I feel more exhausted than ever?" Riko asked.

"Not only you, dear. I also felt it," my Mother tapped on Riko's shoulder to also voice out what she feels at the moment.

We continue to venture out on the ruins and we still didn't meet a single monster. But I feel suspicious. Not only do I feel a presence but it feels like it was just there, watching our every move. Perhaps this is the heavy feeling everyone is noticing.

As we continue on our way, we already noticed that the water that is only a bit low on our shoes had risen and soaked our feet already. It does make sense though as we have been moving for a few hours already. Then, when we reach a big clearing, Akira on our vanguard stopped us from proceeding. We also noticed that our way forward is divided into 4 different forks of the road.

Akira steps forward, carrying his shield then slams it down to the ground.

"Everyone, I will have to ensure there are no enemies waiting for us on these roads that we will be choosing. Please get ready, if I did it right things might go bad at us anytime get everyone battle ready."

After saying that, he pulled out his mace and thumps the shield using his mace multiple times, which was one of his skills as the tank, [Provoke and Attract]. A combination of [Provoke] and [Scream] with the former causes enemies to only attack the user who used [Provoke] and [Scream] which attracts enemies in the surrounding areas. But for Akira to use it here, he might've sensed an enemy nearby.

It didn't take long for some loud footsteps to suddenly echo throughout the chamber. And our senses for enemies suddenly started getting strong made me prepare for the worst.

"Pixie, get ready to heal up Akira immediately after my signal."

As the loud noises get stronger and stronger, I also ready myself to attack. No matter what it is, I am ready to launch an attack.

And as expected, enemies started jumping out from the pathways and attacked Akira.

"Pixie, Now!"

Pixie waiting for my signal immediately cast a high-level healing spell, restoring him to health. And with that, everyone sprang up in action to attack the unknown enemies which turned out to be walking Piranhas with legs.

"Don't let these freaky fishes attack us, toast them with fire!"

As a result, the hallway immediately exploded with flames as everyone dunked on to the monsters without letting them even getting a break.

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