Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 925 Welcome To The Hidden Kingdom

The words of Renatta seemed to have hit a nerve with her sister and the guards. It seems that what Renatta said is true but since they don't want to admit it, they just disregard the matter and just continue on like a real sh*tty person.

"So what if that is the case? We are born to look down on anyone who is not blessed by the goddess. Our bloodline is superior to them."

However, Renatta stopped listening to her sister and instead turned her attention to me.

"Manato, go into the teleporter, I will follow later."

I nodded as I was quite sure that Renatta was more than capable of handling matters without my help anyway. I stepped into the teleporter.

"Hey, commoner! How dare you step there with your filthy feet! Get off there!"

One thing I hated in some characters, especially condescending f*ckers like her, is the way they flaunt their authority like it was some kind of a big deal. But to be honest, it's not. Whenever I encounter a character or someone else who is like that, my whole body cannot resist dealing with the troublemaker and provoking them a lot more than usual.

Seeing her angry at me stepping into the teleporter, I flashed my middle finger at her and insulted her. "As if I give a f*ck at your opinion. Here is my finger, see if I give any."

This made her totally angry. I could have said b*tch on her but I don't want to offend Renatta since this is still her sister. I might be just overstepping my bounds if I said that myself.

"Get down there!"

The guards tried to attack but I immediately activated the teleporter before they could catch me, leaving behind Renatta to fend for herself. But I am not worried about her. I am more worried that Renatta would not hold back and kill her sister in the process.




As Manato teleported away, the sister of Renatta started to fume in anger as the guy in a wolf mask insulted her. She has not received an insult her whole life, even from other people who she just met. In fact, most of them adore her to the point that she would feel good hearing it. But for the first time, an insult came in and she is not taking it too well.

"Heh, Sister. It must be your first time receiving an insult huh? How does it feel? Feel old yet? It's a bit sad that he didn't insult you more, probably as a restraint since I was listening and to at least give respect but it would have been better if he called you b*tch or sl*t in the process." Renatta grinned as she mocked her sister and added more insult that Manato did not deliver.

"Sister! This is going too far from respect! I have my limits but I am now filled with it! And now that you added more, you have just spilled it... Guards! Apprehend her, and bring her to me! Don't worry about her hurting her, I permitted you to do so! Just bring her to me!"

The guards sprang to action. But instead of getting afraid, Renatta laughed and grinned.

"Catch me if you can, sis."

She darted straight to the first incoming elf and smacked him in his jaws. The impact was strong enough to dislocate his jaws and knock him out in one shot.

Renatta followed it up to the other guys and with a palm strike this time around, causing the other guard to puke out what he had just eaten before and then collapse to the floor and into his puke. Renatta repeated this to the other guards and they didn't even get to retaliate. Renatta was too fast for them to even get a hold of.

It didn't take long for her to finish the job and defeat all the guards that were supposed to catch her.

"I don't know if you guys are just too weak or I was just too strong that even holding back a lot of what I can do would still knock you all out. If I didn't hold back, perhaps you all are dead by now."

Even Renatta's sister is not able to comprehend what happened as she takes a glance at the collapsed people and stares at Renatta who now steps into the teleporter.

"I don't have time to entertain your useless and stupid games, sis. Bye sis, I knew you wanted to bring me back now that you are elected as an Elder. But I am not going to go back. Now, bye-bye, I will have to join my companions. As for you, you should be able to do something with them. You are royalty right? Now go, and do it. I don't care about them."

After saying those words, Renatta also flashed her middle finger to her sister. Her sister does not understand what it means but since she does, she can only grin at making her confused. With that, the teleporter flashes, and Renatta disappears before her sister who is left behind raging at her.I think you should take a look at

"Just you wait, Sister. I will make sure that you will be facing and feeling the humiliation I felt. You will no longer be able to keep your head high next time!"




When I came out from the teleporter, everyone was waiting for me and Renatta. They still haven't moved or scouted the place just yet.

"Manato? Where is Renatta?"

"She still has something to deal with but I know she will be fine. She will join us soon enough. We should wait for a bit.

Everyone sat down once more in the seats that were empty. I looked around and realized it was a church. There is a statue of the Goddess of Life there raising her hand holding a branch of a tree into the air. She looks so elegant but this is totally different from what I have seen before from the Shadow Dragon's memories. Guess these people are believers of the goddess of life.

We waited for Renatta to pop out from the teleporter and a few seconds later, she appeared before us. She didn't have any sort of signs that she was fighting anyone. She still looked the same as before but one thing changed and that is she was smiling contrary to her looking angry earlier.

"You alright now, Renatta-chan?" Sora asked.

"Hehe, sorry about that. I just wrapped up something real quick before I left, hence, it took a bit of time before I arrived. So, is everyone safe and sound?" Renatta asked.

"Yep. No one is missing here. We still didn't venture out as there might be trouble brewing immediately before we got to properly explore this place," Akira confirmed.

"Since that is the case, are we now allowed to go out there, Renatta? Or do we need to do something more?" I asked.

"We don't need to do anything extra anymore. Let's go to my previous residence here first. I needed to see whether they had confiscated my place while I was away or not. We can use that place as a temporary base of operations while we are here," Renatta revealed.

"I see. But what if what you were expecting has indeed happened? What if your mansion is indeed confiscated?" Pandora asked.

"Well, we either stay in the outskirts for now, or we find a new place to stay. There is no way an inn will try to help us and if they did, they would be scrutinized by their patrons which would hamper their business as a result," Renatta scratches her head.

"Then we can go to our house. It might not be a mansion but it is decent enough for all of us to stay. I doubt anyone would occupy it in the first place since it was private property and we own it," Labo proposed and looked at Alena who nodded in response.

"Guess that is our plan then. Let's hit the road. And once we are settled, we should try to get an audience to the king and queen and reveal our intentions," I stood up and stretched myself for a bit.

Renatta turned to look at the Goddess of Life's statue before she shook her head and led the way as she opened the door of the church.

[You have discovered an undiscovered land: Hidden Kingdom of the Elves]

Compared to my expectations of the kingdom of the elves where they will be surrounded by nature and they are conservative in their lifestyle, what I have seen is far from what I thought.

Like in the human kingdoms, the place is very similar in lifestyle and their houses are more of a mansion rather than a normal house. All of the elves walking by are also quite rich-looking. They don't just look like random peeps in the surroundings, they are more of a noble people and are mostly aristocrats in their movements.

Even the others who also expected what they thought the kingdom of the elves would look like had their expectations crushed by this unknown variable.

Renatta chuckled seeing our baffled looks. "Sorry to disappoint you guys, but this is the reality. I hope it would have at least come close to what you guys expected, but still, welcome to the Hidden Kingdom."

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