Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 928 Feeding the Insatiable

Chapter 928 Feeding the Insatiable

"More! More!"

I wasn't even finished checking the new stats of the Versatile Weapon when the shadow dragon immediately devoured another pile of weapons, armor, and accessories in one gulp. I couldn't even stop the dragon from eating them.

"Wow, I heard of the tales that the dragon has an insatiable appetite for weapons and armor but seeing it in person is kinda amazing and terrifying at the same time," the blacksmith spirit marveled at how gluttonous the Shadow Dragon has become.

The stats of the Versatile Weapon continue to increase but I didn't bother to check it until the Shadow Dragon is done with it's feast. If it continues to eat, the more it will have its stats increase. Instead, I looked at both Renatta and the spirit and asked.

"You guys sure about this? I mean, these relics might be totally useful for later. They might be in a dump pile for now but they might find some usage later."

"Nah, these relics might be relics but they have already lost all of their usage as they have already exhausted their possibilities to become a stronger weapon. They cannot be dismantled as well as they are somewhat unique types, making them hard to dispose... until you guys arrive. Now that we have a way to get rid of them, we can now convert this place into another facility we can use for later."

"Wait, are you sure? You mean all of them?!"

"Is there a problem?" the blacksmith spirit seemed to be not even the slightest affected as he seemed more confused as to why I was hesitating.

But it seems Renatta understood what I meant. "Haha, no need to worry about it. To be honest they look like they are precious artifacts but no, they are just useless junk and although they are indeed artifacts, they barely have much usage anymore and if they did, there are better alternatives. It's best the Versatile Weapon of yours gets nourished on these instead, not only we will benefit from their increased power, but this space will also be free from junk. So feel free to clean this whole dump and do not worry about not leaving anything here."

Hearing that, I nodded and sighed in relief. It would be disastrous if something precious was also added here and then the shadow dragon devoured it as well. I don't want to be blamed for it at least.

The shadow dragon continued its feast. It's not stopping at all and I don't think it will be done until everything is gone on the floor. I don't even see it stopping anytime soon.

As the Versatile Weapon continues its feast, I can see the changes in my Versatile Weapon's look now. Even the blade seems a bit longer and sharper. I thought I was imagining things but it seems not the main case. It is indeed happening and it is doing quite some kind of evolution as it continues to eat.

The pile of artifacts slowly but surely disappears right before my eye as the Shadow Dragon devours them one by one. I am not even sure if the weapon will be too strong already or even if the weapon stopped its absorption to the weapons, like how it did on some of my failed weapons and armor that I let it devour. Perhaps it might even hit its main limit as well. But until it is done with its feast, I will just wait until it is satisfied.

Around the afternoon, the pile of weapons is gone and the Versatile Weapon has finally finished its feast I can also feel the Versatile Weapon gets a bit heavier. I can't be sure whether it is due to it eating a lot or perhaps due to the fact that it now currently changing forms.

I opened its status to check its new stats but I was greeted with a big error. I can't even look at what it is now. I tried calling the Shadow Dragon but it is not responding as well. Perhaps it fell asleep to digest all of what it had eaten.

Despite being heavy, it is not that much different from most weapons I handle. In fact, it felt as heavy as a normal Greatsword in terms of weight despite being a normal sword length.

"Alright, now everything is gone and the room is in need of cleaning. I am happy to see it getting cleared out now," Renatta smiled as she looked at the surroundings already empty.

"Indeed. I will be calling the cleaning spirits and dealing with the cleaning of this place. We will convert it to the room you just mentioned to us so please rest assured," the blacksmith spirit said.

"How long does it take to finish?"

"Since this massive project you proposed to us is a bit big, it cannot be done in a single day. Most likely, this will be finished in around 3 days starting today. Depending on the situation, it can even go longer or shorter as well."

"That's good to know. Then, we will leave it all to you and to everyone."

"You can leave it to us!"

"Manato, let's go. Let's not keep everyone waiting alright?"

Although I still had no idea what was happening, I nodded and followed Renatta back to the living room. Now that everyone had settled into their own rooms, they returned to the living room to discuss our next move.

"You have some plan to do on that room full of artifacts before?" I asked Renatta.

"Yes. It will be crucial to our plan if we need to ensure that we will succeed in our task here in the Elven lands. Knowing them, we will have to be 5 steps ahead of them, and doing this plan will be necessary if we want to ensure they will not trick us. My mother and father might look nice and easy to get along with once you all meet them but don't be tricked by them once we go and talk to them. They are showing only a facade that would allow them to look good to anyone. Trust me, I know," Renatta firmly said.

I can only nod at her statement. We will see it at the actual meeting soon.

We arrived at the living room and everyone was already eating food prepared by the spirits. One of the spirits that wears a chef suit approached Renatta.

"Renatta-sama! We have made food for everyone based on your orders earlier. I don't know if it is to your palate's satisfaction but if it is, then we will do our best to keep the quality of the cooking!"

"Thank you. You may go back to your station. I will call again later if we want something to be cooked. For now, just prepare food for dinner later. Make it more than usual, I miss the food you make, to be honest, especially your signature dish."

The spirit looks delighted. "Don't worry, Renatta-sama. After your disappearance, I honed my cooking to the best of my abilities so that once you return, you will enjoy more of what you will eat!"

Then the spirit chef returned to the kitchen. We sat down and while everyone was eating, Renatta began her planning process with everyone.

"Now that I have discussed things with the spirits, we will now begin what we should do for later once we meet the king and queen. Our task here is to aid them in their troubles with the beastmen tribe and retrieve whatever caused the Beastment to become violent which is being theorized by Almira that it might be due to the effects of the weapon the chief was holding and as a result, it turned the whole tribe as well. If what the weapons that the Seven Deadly Sins series offers to its users is its own brand of sin, there is a chance that the weapon he wields is indeed one, and from my guess, it must be the wrath sin."

"I guess it is indeed the Wrath Sin. The beastmen started going berserk and getting dangerous now right? They even begin their campaign by attacking other people and claiming their lands by force which soon land in the war with the elves. It is a big chance indeed and I don't think it was even wrong to say that they planned this too well," Pandora frowned.

"Precisely. However, according to the intel, my father and mother seem to also possess a weapon of sin and are utilizing it which means we have to take it from them as well but this will brand us traitors in the process which is why we have to plan things out on how we handle things and keep the situation neutral but complete the task that Almira gave us."

"Is there even a chance we can do that?" I asked.

"Yes. Remember the plan that I was brewing in that room I brought you in? That's where it will come along. However, it will spoil the surprise before it is done so unless it is done, the plan is still not going to be revealed soon. However, we will have to do something else and this involves you all guys. Are you all ready?" Renatta grinned as she laid out a detailed plan on the table labeled "Operation Exploit the Gap"

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