Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 942 The Founders of the Elven Kingdom

942  The Founders of the Elven Kingdom

As the duo focused on meticulously inspecting their current loot, a short distance away, two figures were experiencing a miraculous transformation. Having recently broken free from their petrified state, their once stony visages now bore the supple flesh of life once more. They eagerly brushed away the remnants of dust and stone that clung to their rejuvenated forms.

"By the stars, it worked! We've escaped the clutches of petrification," the young man jubilantly declared, stretching his limbs, which had been rigid for what felt like an eternity.

His companion, a young woman, chuckled softly while wiping away the last remnants of stone from her body. "True, I didn't have high hopes for those two, but they made quick work of the creature we struggled to vanquish."

Gazing back at the pair who remained engrossed in their activities, the man mused, "These individuals possess considerable strength. Could our son have enlisted their aid? It seems unlikely they were merely hired for this mission."

"Perhaps," the woman replied, skepticism evident in her tone. "Our son is cunning, but it seems a bit too straightforward for his taste to hire two strangers outright."

"They may not be complete strangers. It's possible they've been allies of the kingdom for quite some time. After all, we don't even know how many years have passed since we were petrified. The world may have changed significantly during our slumber. When I saw them effortlessly defeat the monster, it sparked a glimmer of hope," the young man shook his head, sweeping away the last stone fragments from his long hair, now unbraided.

"You're right," she agreed, straightening her attire and adjusting her weapons. "Once this is over, we should introduce ourselves. Without their intervention, we might have remained as statues indefinitely."

"It's humbling to admit that we're far behind in power, but forming a connection with them could be our saving grace. Witnessing their ability to vanquish a threat beyond our current strength, aligning with them could tip the scales in our favor," the young man said as they cautiously approached the two individuals engrossed in their task.




"Pandora, do you sense it?" I inquired.

"Yes, I do," Pandora responded, her gaze unwavering on the loot we were meticulously appraising.

"Are they friend or foe? You possess the passive ability to discern their intent," I reminded her.

"No sign of hostility," she replied. "Seems like a neutral party approaching."

"Even so, caution is still paramount," I remarked, unsheathing my weapon and preparing to defend.

Pandora halted her examination of the loot, mirroring my actions in readiness.

In the shroud of shadows, mysterious figures drew near, gradually unveiling themselves as they crossed into the well-lit portion of the area. Pandora and I exchanged startled glances, completely caught off guard by the presence of these unexpected visitors.

efforts against the Soul Eater," the "young" woman curtsied gracefully.


"Good evening to both of you. No need for weapons; we come in peace," the "young" man extended an open palm in a calming gesture.

"Indeed, we harbor no ill intent. Our purpose is to express our heartfelt gratitude for your valiant efforts against the Soul Eater," the "young" woman curtsied gracefully.

Though they bore the appearance of youth, their elven heritage meant that their true ages surpassed the century mark. It was a subtle reminder that appearances could be deceiving, much like Renatta, Alena, and Labo who, despite their youthful looks, had lived through many more years than anyone else in our group.

Suspicion arose from their distinct features. The "youthful" woman bore an uncanny resemblance to Renatta, with the only difference being her hair, which was a striking shade of white. If Renatta also had white hair rather than blonde, the two would be indistinguishable. The "young" man displayed subtle hints of Renatta's features, though it wasn't quite convincing. The one undeniable trait shared with Renatta was their lustrous, golden hair.

Pandora's inquiry cut short my contemplation of the two and Renatta. "Did we rescue you two?" she asked.

"Yes, after defeating the Soul Eater, its malevolent curse was finally lifted, and our bodies gradually returned to our normal, natural state. We owe a profound debt of gratitude to both of you for completing this arduous task," the young man explained.

"Truly? That creature was capable of such devastation?" I asked, my brow furrowed in contemplation. It had seemed far less menacing than we had initially imagined, ending up more like a mere punching bag for the two of us.

"Perhaps you both didn't realize the extent of its menace, given that you are both human. The Soul Eater you confronted was a true master in hunting down and exploiting elves for its sinister purposes, which made it a dire threat to our elven kind."

"Is that the main reason why we encountered so many Corrupted Elves on our journey?" Pandora inquired.

"Indeed," replied the "young" man elf, his eyes heavy with the weight of history. "This place serves as a crypt for our kind, a resting place for elves on the brink of death, whether from war or the final moments of their long lives. But when the accursed Dungeon Core suddenly manifested, the malevolent Soul Eater emerged, plunging us deeper into peril. It was not always like this; when we first set foot here, the denizens were ordinary monsters—goblins and orcs. After we purged them, we thought the threat had vanished. However, our pursuit of the Dungeon Core triggered the appearance of the Soul Eater, and with it, hordes of Corrupted Elves. The Soul Eater's insidious influence rendered us powerless, turning us to stone, and we remained trapped on this level until your arrival when you vanquished the vile creature."

"So, these special abilities exclusively target the elves, right? It's quite the conundrum, especially since the dungeon has materialized in the elven territory. In essence, it becomes unbeatable if the elves decide to confront it," Pandora inquired.

"Indeed. However, we never anticipated that these abilities would be ineffective against humans," the "young" elven woman replied.

"I see. That's why the individual we encountered seemed like a walk in the park. Despite its formidable shimmering Teleportation Portal materialized, promising a safe return to the surface.


The "young" elven man extended a gracious invitation. "We should return and properly reward both of strength, it was only a threat to a specific race. It's an intriguing adversary," I remarked, nodding in comprehension. Observing a boss with such unique abilities, I decided to make a mental note, just in case similar situations arise. A boss capable of rendering humans powerless would be a dire challenge indeed.

Pandora swiftly gathered the remaining loot, stowing them away in her inventory. Just as she did, a shimmering Teleportation Portal materialized, promising a safe return to the surface.

The "young" elven man extended a gracious invitation. "We should return and properly reward both of you," he urged.

"We appreciate the offer," I replied, "but we can't accept. Our mission was to scout this floor, and we still had comrades on the previous floor. Unexpectedly, this room turned out to be the boss floor, and we got trapped there. We must report back to them. If you two like, we will bring you along with us since we have elven companions with us, one of whom eagerly anticipates meeting you both, perhaps you'd like to join us on our journey. That way, we can also escort you two out of here safely. You two have just come out from the petrification spell so you two must still be weak and a bit tired." I couldn't help but feel that these two elves held the key to Renatta's missing grandparents.

The two elves exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback. It was evident from their expressions that they had initially assumed we intended to defeat the boss with just the two of us. Yet, Renatta and I were indifferent to their assumptions, for our true mission was more important than appearances. But their expressions returned from shock to elation.

"If you're willing to escort us, we'll gladly accept your company. Our bodies still ache, possibly a lingering effect from our long petrification. If it's alright with the two of you, we'd be grateful to tag along."

I nodded in agreement, and the two elves joined us as we made our way back to the previous floor. Upon our return, a sense of relief washed over everyone who had grown concerned in our absence. They were on the verge of descending to the next floor when they saw us approaching.

Among the familiar faces stood Renatta, who initially froze in shock when she noticed the two elves accompanying us. She couldn't believe her eyes, as if she'd stumbled into a dream. To reassure herself, she pinched her arm, making sure this wasn't some illusion.

The two elves, too, were taken aback by the sight of Renatta. After all, they shared an uncanny resemblance with slight differences in their physical features. It's been so long since they saw their granddaughter and this is their first time seeing her matured and in her teenage years for the elves.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" Renatta's voice quivered as she took hesitant steps toward them.

"Is that really you, Renatta?" the "young" woman asked, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Yes, Grandma. It's me, Renatta," Renatta exclaimed, running to embrace her long-lost relatives.

"Our granddaughter!" The three of them shared a heartfelt reunion after so many years, leaving the rest of us standing in the background, witnessing their emotional moment.


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