Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 950 Hostile Reunion

Chapter 950 Hostile Reunion

The raid presses on as we take down the incoming elf guards attempting to block our path to the castle gates. Some magicians also try their luck with magic, but I swiftly neutralize their spells using [Magic Jammer], leaving them powerless.

"Clear here," Avos informs Mila and the rest of us.

"Same here," Mila confirms.

"No stragglers left. Everyone's down," I report.

"Let's head into the castle, then," Avos and Mila stride side by side, and we follow them through the gates.

It appears all the castle's defenders have fallen outside, leaving the castle grounds unguarded.

"Stay alert, everyone. Even if we can't spot them yet, they could be lurking nearby, ready to spring a surprise attack. There's no way this place relies solely on those guards at the gate. They've stationed knights here to ward off trespassers and any protesting elves," Renatta cautioned.

"Campers, huh? Well, that might just work in our favor," Avos said with a grin, snapping his fingers.


In an instant, our vision sharpened, allowing us to see through walls.

"Grandpa? What's going on?" Renatta inquired.

"It's one of my abilities, [True Sight]. I can extend this power to all of you, ensuring we don't have any hidden ambushers waiting in the shadows."

After blinking a few times, we spotted the guards. They were indeed nearby, some concealed by stealth spells, waiting for the perfect moment. Crafty, I must admit.

Mila whispered to us, "Let's take them by surprise."

Mila seems to have a plan to outwit them, but I've got a strategy in mind too.

I reached into my backpack and retrieved a scroll. It's one of the earliest ones I created when I first learned how to craft them. I made it as a precaution against players who might try to PK me while I'm busy or I suspect some people are trailing not too far from me and are under [Stealth]. This skill targets individuals under the [Stealth] effect or similar, turning the tables on them. I typically deploy it when I'm confident I'm alone and have just defeated a formidable foe or valuable monster. It's a convenient way to handle such situations.

This scroll is known as [Hidden One's Punishment], exclusive to scrolls, and available for anyone to use. Originally, it fetched a high price in the black market, but because I'd memorized and studied it in the past, I could replicate it for personal use with ease. Now, I don't need to purchase new scrolls; I can simply craft more.

With a swift motion, I activated it. Tearing it apart, the scroll became two after it was torn before the paper disintegrated as the spell activated.

With a swift motion, I tore the scroll, and a sudden cascade of lightning bolts rained upon the castle grounds, leaving my companions bewildered as electric currents surged through the hidden elves. While it wasn't lethal, it could instantly incapacitate anyone under [Stealth], be they friend or foe.




A chorus of groans filled the air as stealth was shattered, and bodies fell one after another. Those who had remained hidden on the walls but not under the [Stealth] spell were the sole survivors, untouched by the electric onslaught.

"What?! The enemy's onto us!" exclaimed the guards emerging from their concealment.

"Manato, was that your doing?" Mila inquired, clearly astonished.

"Sorry, I acted a bit prematurely," I confessed, scratching the back of my head.

"Ahaha, no worries. I had no idea you had a trick like that up your sleeve. Since you've taken care of most of them, we'll handle the rest," she said with a smile.

The men wasted no time, launching their attacks, and Mila swiftly sprang into action. We could only observe as she skillfully incapacitated them, pinpointing their vulnerable spots without causing any fatalities. Soon, every one of our opponents lay unconscious.

"I'd only heard stories about Mila-san's prowess, but witnessing it firsthand is pretty intimidating," Alena complimented Mila's effortless takedown of the guards.

"Haha, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. But don't underestimate yourselves; each one of you has got potential. We might be more seasoned, but we're pushing our limits as well," Avos reassured.

"Really? I still think you guys are ahead of us," Labo scratched his head.

"Don't sweat it too much. You're all young; sooner or later, you'll catch up to us," Avos encouraged.

While they conversed, Mila finished her work.

"Looks like Mila is wrapping things up," Avos greeted his wife.

Mila clenched her fist as she rejoined us.

"What were you all chatting about while I was busy?" Mila inquired.

"Oh, not much. Just a casual discussion," Avos replied.

"Seriously? I thought we were supposed to tackle this together and yet you guys were just idling here? Ugh... come on," Mila sighed, shaking her head.

As they engaged in their discussion, a new presence caught my attention. It wasn't the ordinary vigilance of a guard; it felt different, more like...

lightsΝοvel "There's a Player," I whispered.

Before anyone could react, I swiftly drew my Versatile Weapon and charged forward, my sword slicing through the air.


My assault met a formidable defense, a sturdy shield. It was a potent obstacle, but I was up for the challenge.

"Easy there, young man. You might hurt someone with that wild swing," the shield's owner remarked as he effortlessly pushed me aside.

Yet, the voice was unmistakable.

"I see. You've chosen to work for that scoundrel."

The individual behind the shield was taken aback, studying me and my Versatile Weapon. It became evident that he recognized me, just as I recognized him.

"Wait... is that you, Manato?"

"Heh, in the flesh, Janus. Or should I say, Hagane."

Upon hearing me address Janus standing before me, everyone was visibly stunned. Pandora, Sora, Akira, and Renatta stepped forward, surprised by the revelation. Labo and Alena, though taken aback, also recognized him, despite their limited interactions with him. The others were clearly familiar with Janus.

"Who is that? Do you guys know him?" Mila asked, clearly bewildered by our reactions.

No one answered. As for me, I remained fixated on him, clearly taken aback by the unexpected reunion.

"Manato... What's going on? Why...?"

He tried to approach, but I swiftly drew my gun and fired a warning shot into the ground, blocking his path.

"Don't even think about getting friendly, Hagane. You betrayed us the moment you started working for that guy." I leveled my gun at him.

"What's happening, Manato? Aren't we still friends? Why are we fighting?"

I clenched my teeth, restraining myself from attacking. "Just because we're friends doesn't mean I can let you disregard us and keep this plan of yours a secret."

"What? But I did it for my sister!"

"And what? You ignored us and didn't even talk to us about it? I could have helped her, you know! Why strike a deal with that jerk?!"

"Don't you dare badmouth my benefactor!"

"..." I fell silent. Seeing how deeply he'd become entwined with Nobuhiko, it was clear I needed to deal with him.

"Pandora, everyone. This is our fight. Go ahead, and I'll catch up when we're done here."

"But, Manato..." Pandora was about to object, but Renatta shook her head.

"No, Pandora. Don't interfere. This is a duel between the two of them."

Pandora frowned but eventually sighed, glancing at Avos and Mila, who nodded.

"Alright, Manato. Good luck. And don't take too long, okay?"

The others began to run, and noticing their departure, Hagane attempted to halt their escape.

"Hey! None of you can just run past me like that! I won't allow it!" Hagane gave chase, but I swiftly intervened, diverting his attention back towards me and forcing him to address my attacks.

"Don't think for a second you can stop me, Manato! I must protect the Queen and King!"

"As if I'd let you."

I unleashed a flurry of rapid spells in his direction, which he deftly parried with his shield. His proficiency with the heavy shields had markedly improved since our last encounter. He now wielded them with finesse.

As I sliced toward him, Hagane adeptly blocked my attacks once more before transforming his shield, causing spikes to emerge. It seemed he had incorporated an offensive technique into his defensive repertoire, a skill he named [Spike Shield].

"Manato, I'm not the same person you remember. You can't handle me now."

"Is that so? Not convinced, I suppose," I shook my head as I converted my Versatile Weapon into a gun, firing bullets at his shield. As he raised the shield, I swiftly slid beneath it and transformed my weapon into a hook and chain. With a deft spin, I hurled the chain at his feet and snared the hook around his legs, yanking it with force.

"Ah!" He was taken aback, stumbling and losing his grip on his shield.

"It's done, Hagane."

"Don't, Manato. You'll regret opposing my patron."

"I couldn't care less. That person already knows I'm here. I can tell they've been watching your every move, and they've finally spotted me. I'm not as naive as you think, Hagane."

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