Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 953 Room of Lust?

Chapter 953 Room of Lust?

The castle layout is seriously frustrating. It's massive, and the hallways seem to be all over the place. I've come across unconscious guards, indicating they've been through here. I've been tracking their path for a while, but now I can't find any more soldiers.

Am I lost?

I can't believe it, but I might be. I've never had trouble navigating mazes before. I usually remember if I've circled back or found a new path, but for the first time, I'm utterly confused as f*ck. Even the soldiers I was using as guides have disappeared down different corridors. So, I took a chance, and this is where it landed me, feeling disoriented and not sure where to go.

"This is strange. I can't believe I'm lost," I muttered, scratching my head in bewilderment. Even though I'm not in the best shape right now, I know I'm not delirious; I usually have a good sense of direction and I still have it now.

Despite my confusion, I pressed on, hoping to find my way back. If all else fails, I could always use the teleport point I'd set up to return to the mansion. As I continued through the desolate castle, I stumbled upon a large room with double doors. A sweet, enticing fragrance wafted from within, piquing my curiosity. Without hesitation, I decided to sneak a peek to see if I'd found the throne room I'd been searching for.

The door swung open without resistance, and as I peered inside, the overpowering scent enveloped my senses. I fought the urge to sneeze, finding the fragrance both irritating and bothersome.

Overcoming the stench, I squinted, attempting to discern the situation within the shadows. The room was even darker than expected, a clear sign that it wasn't the throne room. But, my curiosity now fully awakened, and I couldn't resist further investigation.

As I strained to make out the scene, the Versatile Weapon suddenly trembled. I was taken aback, nearly letting out an exclamation. It had vibrated before, and such an occurrence meant just one thing.

A member of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins Weapon series was in close proximity.

If that were the case, it signaled the presence of the weapon or some kind of clue right here.

Amidst my efforts to pierce the room's obscurity, I heard a sharp cracking sound, like the snap of a whip. It was so distinct that a primal fear coursed through my entire being. Having encountered whip-wielders in the Alternate World before, I was no stranger to that sound.

I didn't have the luxury of daydreaming as I heard the sharp crack of a whip again, accompanied by a distinct, unsettling moan. I couldn't be entirely sure, but that moan had an unmistakably masculine quality. Just as I began to doubt my ears, the whip cracked once more, and the moan grew even louder and more distinct, sending shivers down my spine.

"What the f*ck is this room, and what's going on in here that I just stumbled upon!?"

I cautiously scanned the area outside the room to ensure I was still within the castle's walls and hadn't inadvertently strayed into uncharted territory. Upon confirming my location, a sigh of relief escaped my lips. Yet, my bewilderment persisted as the disconcerting sounds from within continued unabated. The moans persistently reached my ears, threatening to draw out a few cursed words from my lips.

I'm almost ready to make my move, eager to barge in and locate the nearby Seven Deadly Sin weapon. However, my resolve wavers as I contemplate whether it's a good idea. My inner turmoil continues, weighing the pros and cons, when suddenly, a familiar voice resonates from within the room. The tone of her voice suggests she's in the midst of some intense enjoyment.

"Yes! DO IT! MORE! Harder!"

Recognition dawns upon me as the voice repeats its enthusiastic plea. I now know without a doubt who it is, and it all falls into place regarding the Versatile Weapon's reaction to this room.

The wielder of the weapon and the weapon itself are right in that room, and my hunch tells me the weapon in her arsenal is the Weapon of Lust, a whip-like equipment. As for who is the wielder? It's none other than Izmir herself. I am quite sure of it. That voice of hers can be heard and I don't think I am mistaken on her voice.

It might sound sultry and a bit seductive but that voice is something that I cannot be mistaken as it was just yesterday that she was nearby and has spoken so it's natural that I have already imprinted her voice in my head.

Although I am quite sure she was doing unspeakable things there and probably having a sensual moment with the man in the room, I decided that it was time to take the weapon from her hands. Even if she does not do anything harmful, that weapon is still part of the Deadly Sins series and it needs to be recovered and reunited with the Versatile Weapon.

Despite my initial hesitation of breaking inside, I was resolute about this decision and immediately kicked the door open and threw in a ball of light to engulf the whole room into brightness.

The moment the brightness spread all over the room, I saw multiple elves in the room. All of them are men tied in ropes in a bondage way. The only female in the room was none other than Izmir which I guessed correctly. As for the whip on her hands, I am indeed quite sure that was the one indeed. I have seen it before when one of the top players used a whip as a weapon and this weapon appeared as the one she wielded.

Perhaps in the past timeline, Izmir became a boss and she was defeated which resulted in the winner taking the weapon and wielding it just fine.

But seeing the scene of Izmir doing the procreation of another elf in a somewhat perverted and totally degenerate kind of way, I wasn't ready to see it.

"Hey, hey. It was the boy with the wolf mask on his head. I don't know how you found this place but if you are liking what you see, you are welcome to join in and have some fun with me~"

She stood up and revealed her sexy body, totally naked for all of the people in the room to see. However, despite her sexiness, I didn't feel a bit excited. For some reason, I can feel more excitement when seeing Queen Tanya naked than Izmir despite not having much reaction when Queen Tanya showed me her naked body before.

Instead of feeling horny and ready to indulge in my desires, I felt turned off. First, I am not into bondage, and second, being hit by a whip while doing the deed is also not part of my fetish. I would be fine if a girl dominated me but not in a totally violent way like this.

She started to approach me while walking in a sultry way but I didn't flinch and changed the Versatile Weapon's form into a gun and immediately pulled the trigger, missing her in a width's length. The mana bullet whizzed right through her cheeks and she stopped in her tracks the moment that happened.

"Huh? Why? Why aren't you affected?"

I didn't say anything and just continued to aim the gun at her face. Then she suddenly snapped.

"Why, why, why, why! WHY!"

Aura burst into the room, a chilly aura covering the entire room and every elves who were under bondage started shivering but because they were in that situation, they can't move away anyway.

I can feel it, despite not knowing what the whip can do, there is a chance something will happen that involves the power of lust and I am not sure what it will be but I will keep myself ready. Time to take that weapon off of her hands.

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