Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 967 Reunion with Queen Tanya

Chapter 967 Reunion with Queen Tanya

With a swift swing of her scythe, I adeptly countered the attack using my Versatile Weapon, initiating a rapid succession of swings and slashes. 

"As expected, you haven't changed a bit, Bladeheart!" Queen Tanya's relentless assault with her scythe aimed for the vulnerable spots of my body. However, my agile dodges and instinctive blocks shielded me from harm. It was evident that she wasn't merely toying with me; each of her strikes bore the intent to inflict serious wounds or even end my life.

Her assaults exhibited a marked increase in both strength and speed compared to our previous encounters. I mention this not as a casual compliment but as an objective observation of the formidable challenge she presented.

"Even during your prolonged absence, it seems you didn't neglect your training. Admirable!" I acknowledged her relentless commitment to honing her skills.

To my surprise, Queen Tanya unveiled yet another weapon—a thin rapier—in her other hand. Unaware of her proficiency with this weapon, I speculated that she must have diversified her combat repertoire.

"Just so you know, Bladeheart, even though you have improved, I didn't dawdle behind either. In fact, I decided to hone one more weapon in my arsenal. Now let's see you survive this!"

When she swung the scythe, I instinctively blocked it with my Versatile Weapon. However, she swiftly transitioned to her rapier, catching me with rapid stabs. The attack was quick, leaving me with barely enough time to react. In response, I immediately ducked and somersaulted backward, skillfully evading both the scythe and the rapier's deadly range. Queen Tanya seemed determined to test my skills' limits with her newly refined combat techniques.

Anticipating her relentless approach, I transformed my Versatile Weapon into a katana. Now well-acquainted and proficient with the katana, I lunged at Queen Tanya once again. Despite my efforts, she gracefully evaded my attacks, finally blocking my final swing with her rapier.

My companions struggled to follow our lightning-fast movements, attempting to keep up as we exchanged blows. The complexity of our engagement made it challenging for them to sync with our actions. Nevertheless, I had explicitly instructed them not to interfere, so their role remained as attentive observers.

"Heh, if you think you're the only one who's improved, you're mistaken," I retorted with a smirk. With a swift motion, I slanted my katana and executed a sweeping kick towards her legs. Caught off guard, she stumbled, but to my surprise, she swiftly recovered, biting her rapier and seamlessly transitioning into a handstand. With impressive agility, she somersaulted away, weapons in hand.

Closing the distance, I deftly switched my katana to a Bo staff, its flexibility providing a new advantage. Expertly twirling it around my hands, I advanced toward Queen Tanya, preventing her from utilizing her scythe or rapier.

Queen Tanya, realizing she was now confined to melee combat, grinned defiantly. However, her forced shift in strategy didn't equate to surrender.

Dropping both of her weapons, she started to attack and defend using both her legs and arms in hand-to-hand combat. Changing my Bo Staff to Knuckles, the two of us exchanged punches and kicks. With every punch she makes, the air where she punches seems to disappear in an instant and they are quick. One punch from her fist is very similar to a cannonball. Being hit by it, you would also experience the feeling of being blasted by a cannonball but smaller and in a direct pinpoint. It's pretty awful.

But it didn't take long for us to reach a stalemate. After a series of punches and kicks, both our fists are already at the side of each other's cheeks while the other fists have collided with each other. Without the Versatile Weapon catching all the impact from her punch, my fingers might have been turned to dust as a result.

"Congrats, Bladeheart, you still qualify to be my rival even though I trained hard enough to at least beat you to submission. Seems like I still can't do it unless we go to the route of killing each other."

"Heh, maybe if we did try to do so, you would just straight up beat me black and blue."

"Don't underestimate yourself."

We then stopped attacking each other and we turned to look at the dead Sand Dragon that Queen Tanya killed. "You guys planning on hunting this one?"

I nodded. "Yes, for dinner."

"Cool. Let me help out in dismantling this. I have been on the run for quite a while, I am hungry for real food. Mind if I join in and hunker down the fort?"

Although I am not sure why she is on the run, I decided to just ask her about it later. "Sure, we could use your help."

I then gave a sign to everyone to help out and we spent the rest of the day dismantling the huge body of the Sand Dragon.




Night has finally settled out in the sky and the heat that permeates in the surroundings has finally disappeared, replaced by the bone-chilling coldness of the place. Right now, we are cooking the meat that we salvaged from the Sand Dragon with Mother and Lina doing the lead cooking. As for me, I decided to do a little barbecue party and everyone is enjoying it. Even Izmir who was once abstain from eating meat is now one of the fanatics at eating meat. Perhaps Renatta has influenced her more than I thought.

Queen Tanya is with us and has been drinking with the heavy drinkers in our group, Labo, Father, Alena, and Atlas. Although I know Queen Tanya does not get drunk, Father and Labo challenged her to this and both are now totally drunk. Alena and Atlas knew their limits so they drink moderately while Queen Tanya has been downing more alcohol than both Father and Labo combined.

The coldness of the night is enough for every one of us to have a fun little party in the desert.

After dinner, Queen Tanya remained outside, while lying on the grass outside, staring at the stars above the sky.

"You sober now?" I asked as I handed her a mug of warm cocoa.

"Heh, I am not drunk at all. Thanks for this," Queen Tanya grinned as she took the mug off of my hands.

"Now that we are both alone, care to explain what you mean you are on the run right now?"

"Basically what I said. I am on the run. I am escaping from my pursuers. My kingdom has thwarted me from my throne and now I am escaping from them."

"What just happened? There is no way you would be defeated so easily?"

"Yeah, I shouldn't even be defeated so fast but for some unknown reason, a penalty has been given to me and I was almost killed by the rebellion that occurred thanks to my ability to warp from place to place, I managed to jump off somewhere and escape. If not for Tezach helping me cover my tracks and escape, I wouldn't be able to properly escape at all."

"Do you know who was leading this rebellion?" I asked. I have a feeling the reason why Queen Tanya was nerfed was due to the system itself.

"Yeah. A player named Hagane rallied and joined forces with the Goddess of Light church among other players as part of what they call "Quest" to thwart me on my throne. I think I somewhat remember him but I can't pinpoint where since I didn't closely talk to anyone who would be very close to the Goddess of Light herself like that."

"I see, so it was Hagane."

"You know him?"

"Yes. You have worked with him before during the expedition to the Freezing Region. He is one of our shielders back then. He was also once our friend until the time he decided to join one individual who seemed to work for the Goddess of Light and now, he is our enemy."

"I see. So he was a friend of yours. I never expected in my life that I would soon abdicate my throne and hand it over to the corrupt people of the church. I don't know what is happening now in my city but I hope that they didn't do anything troubling at all to my people."

"Just how many years has it been since you have left your throne? I doubt it just happened recently," I asked.

"It's been four years. After you and the others lost communication with me, they attacked and I lost everything. The only thing left with me is my weapon and the clothes Tezach has given to me after I lost everything to the attackers."

Four years... that time, we just arrived in Alternate World and were busy either building the walking mansion or leveling back up to our previous level.

"I see, you have it rough huh? We have it rough as well but we still persevere. Looks like our situation is similar to you as well, Queen Tanya."

"Heh, Tanya is fine, I am no longer a queen."

"No. We will reclaim the throne that was once yours. But for now, we will have to do something else."

"I asked for help back then to you guys, just what happened and you guys disappeared all of a sudden, Bladeheart?" Queen Tanya asked.

"There are various reasons, but I will explain things. Also, I am no longer Bladeheart. Call me by my real name now. I am Manato."

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