Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 240

“Everyone in positions. You all know how the scene would go on. We might have to go several takes but try to follow everything according to what we have discussed.”

Phineas yelled and everyone nodded. These types of scenes were always well planned, and the crew would discuss a lot about how they were going to go about it as the final product would be vastly different from the ones that they would shoot.

VFX would change the look of the scene completely. 

‘This is one of the scenes that are the most important in the whole series.’

Aiden thought, glancing around the cameras, trying to remember how they were going to move. Knowing the positions of the camera was one of the basic things in acting in a movie. 

At the same time, Aiden was a bit scared, knowing that he was going to see ghosts again. It was his first scene with them on the set, and he knew that he would need to get used to them and overcome his fears. 

But it was going to take some time. 

‘Whatever, I have seen them enough in my nightmares. I need to rush towards the danger instead of running from it.’

He muttered in his mind. 

His eyes wandered off to Jeremy, who was standing a small distance away from him, wearing robes. He knew that Jeremy was trying to find an opportunity to bash him. 

Honestly, Aiden felt like it was a bit childish, but the man was someone who had done things like that in the past and had gotten away with it. 

He did know the reasons, too, and although the execution was wrong, his intentions had been to make the project look superior.

Anyway, Aiden had a feeling that after this scene, Jeremy was not going to come after him. 


[Sherlock of the Shadows|14 July-2017|Act 4|Scene 2|Take 1]

“You were there at the cemetery last night.”

Finn said, staring at the old man in his robes. He was known to be a crazy person living on the outskirts of the town. A rich, old man who had isolated himself from everyone else. 

A lot of people didn’t even know that someone lived in the mansion that was on the outskirts. There were only theories about what had happened to the family that once lived there. 

One day, a whole family was found dead, and only the man in front of him had survived — His wife and kids were dead. 

“How can you say that?”

The old man asked, scoffing at the kid in front of him, and Finn took out a half-smoked cigarette and showed it to the old man. 

“It’s a special brand of cigarette. Quite expensive, I must say. I found it at the crime scene and asked in the Smoke shop by Third Street. The owner said that you are the only one who buys it, so he gets it every few months. Then, yesterday, I found the same cigarette in the cemetery after the fight. You were there last night.”

“I give out some packets to the cleaners who come here once in a while.”

The old man feigned ignorance, and big Finn wasn’t having any of it. 

He wouldn’t have confronted him in his own home if he didn’t have any proof. Smiling, he opened his mouth. 

“13 May. Isn’t it a very special day for you?” 

That was yesterday. 

The old man’s face scrunched up hearing that. 

“Get out of here.” He ordered in a loud voice, but Finn didn’t move an inch. 

“13 May — The day your whole family died off. Don’t you think it’s the day where someone would find a man like you in the cemetery, moaning about your family?”

“You have no right to talk about my family!” The old man screamed. 

“Just accept that you were there. You weren’t the one to attack me, but you did help me out. You were the one with the demon-looking ghosts. You are like me. Look, I have nothing against you, I just want to know what is going on in this godforsaken town. Serial suicides, murders and then a necromancer. I know you have the answers—”

“I told you to shut the fuck up.”

The old man said, and suddenly, the world went dark for Finn. It was like someone had turned off all the lights in the room, and cold, winter-like wind hit Finn as fear engulfed his heart. 

‘He’s finally showing his powers.’

Finn thought, knowing that his plan to provoke Mike to reveal his powers had worked, but it also seemed like he had misunderstood the extent of his powers. 

In the centre of the room, Mike’s eyes went red like he was a demon and some strange symbols appeared on the floor. From the centre of them, a ghost walked out with a scythe in his hand. 

Rather than a ghost, he looked exactly like a grim reaper. There were green balls of fire in his eyes, and his face was a mix of bones and rotten flesh, making him look grotesque. 

Finn even felt like vomiting seeing him, but more than disgust, he felt pressure clenching down on him as the scythe-wielding ghost walked towards him. 

“I told you to leave. You didn’t. I warned you.”

Mike said from behind the ghosts. 

Finn didn’t reply to him and just tried to concentrate. He was a supernatural being just like Mike, and although his powers were new, they were unique and powerful. 

Aside from seeing ghosts, he was also able to have mental control over them. 

But it only happened when he wasn’t busy running away from them. He needed to keep his mind calm to use his power, and it was a major drawback as it was hard to calm down when a tall, grim reaper was walking toward you. 

Still, he hanged on, remembering his father’s words. 

‘Only the weak lose their calm in tough situations. Every time I’m hit, I feel like hitting back, punching back, but if I do that, I lose money. That’s calmness. Control. I have made a lot of money doing that, and you need to have it too if you want to do something no matter which walks of life.’

Although his father never mentioned that facing ghosts was a walk of life, his words were true. 

His powers needed control.

One lapse in concentration and his power would be useless. 

The reaper got close to Finn and hissed, exposing his disgustingly long tongue and attacked with a swipe of his scythe, but Finn dodged. 

His eyes kept fixed on the reaper’s face. In his mind, he was slowly sending out a command and trying to get control of the reaper from Mike. 

‘I’m your master.’

‘You are my servant.’

‘I’m your master.’

‘You are my servant.’

Finn kept repeating that in his mind, and the reaper ignored it, continuously trying to swing his scythe in front of him, which he was dodging every time. 

Sometimes by crouching and sometimes by rolling around, but Finn knew that the reaper was going to catch up with him sooner or later. 

“You are not going to get away from me. Quit running away.”

Mike’s voice came from behind the reaper and suddenly, the speed of the scythe swings increased. 

Suddenly, a wild swing came straight down at Finn. Noticing it, he quickly jumped to the side, hitting the wall in the process. 


‘That was close.’

Finn glanced at the floor. The scythe had made a small hole in it and he had barely dodged it. His back was also going through a sharp pain due to hitting the wall. 

‘I need to finish this now.’

He thought, trying to focus every bit of the power he had under him. If he couldn’t control the reaper, then it was all over for him. 

But the reaper seemed to have no effect as he again wildly swung his scythe at Finn. 

This time, it created a crack in the wall as Finn stood up. The next moment, the reaper swung it again, and this time, he crouched down. 

This went on for a while as Finn used his athletic abilities to dodge by the barest of margins. 

Any swing could have killed him, but he was surviving somehow. 

At that moment, Aiden suddenly hit the wall. 

‘I’m fucked.’

He thought, knowing that he had nowhere to run now. The reaper also hissed like he was happy that his prey couldn’t run away anymore. 

Hissing, the reaper rushed towards Finn and swung his scythe, but when he was just an inch away from hitting the flesh, the scythe stopped in mid-air. 

‘It worked.’

Finn took a sigh of relief. 

His powers finally were able to entrap the reaper as he dropped off the scythe and kneeled down. 

The scene ended there. 

At that moment, some notifications appeared in front of Aiden. 

[You have managed not to let the realism of your skills come in the way of your acting.]

[You have gained a lot of experience.]

[You have advanced to Intermediate Grade 5 from Intermediate Grade 4 in acting skills.]

[As a gift for your rapid development and reaching the halfway mark to Advanced grade in one of your skills, you are given a special consumable item.]

[2 Luck Coupons have been given.]

[You could use it to get an hour in which only good things would happen with you. They are extremely rare coupons that are advised to be used wisely.]



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