Villain Hides His True Colors

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Take one more step if you have a death wish.

The man threatened me by elaborately flicking his knife. I glanced at his appearance.

Untrained body with protruding belly fat. In addition, his eyes were flickering as if he was drunk.

After confirming his identity, I sighed briefly.

It was just a normal miscellaneous mob.

This kind of thief was one of the most common mobs in Guangcheng District.

They usually respawn quickly and have the characteristic of acting in groups, but unfortunately, due to the level difference, I wouldnt get much experience even if I killed him.

Suddenly, someones grumbling voice came from the entrance of the alley.

Fuck! Where did that bastard suddenly disappear?!

The guy in front of me shouted and called his colleagues.

Hey! Everyone, come here! We hit it big!

Hit it big? What nonsense are you talking about?

A group of guys similar to the thief wandered into the alley.

And soon, they checked my appearance. They smiled broadly and exclaimed.

Ora~ Did we really hit it big this time? Its already the season these days, so kids are becoming scarce. What brings him here?

Haha, I dont know either. I just came in to pee, and he was just standing there like a rice cake.

Oh, my. You screwed us over in the gambling game earlier. But you still held up your part before you went home.

They talked to one another as they surrounded me. It seemed like they thought they had caught a fish.

While looking at them, I had a thought.

Hmthey wont give much experience, but this would be okay as warm-up.

It was also a good opportunity. I should feed Red Velvet Curse before arriving at the hunting ground.

I slowly put my hand on the grip of the sword. One of the mob who saw it frowned.

HeyBut doesnt the punk have a sword in his hand? Do you think we can catch him without our weapons?

I was going to make it up to you today. You should go home and sleep calmly if youre scared. Keukeu.

The first man approached me while making a ridiculous joke. The distance gradually narrowed.

And the moment he finally came within my range,


The heads of the thugs all rose into the air. Then in a little bit, they collapsed on the spot and blood sprayed from their necks.

I blankly stared at it.


What just happened wasnt my doing.

The moment I was about to pull out my sword, an unidentified attack from somewhere had quickly cut their necks.

Raising my senses, I became wary of my surroundings.

Then, at the entrance of the alley, a man in a black coat appeared.

He was much taller than ordinary people and had a unique physique. Mysterious silver-blue hair and two ears that resembled an animal rising sharply above it.

Had I met this guy somewhere before?

Although it was definitely my first time, he was someone who strangely caught my attention. The man approached me slowly and asked.

Are you okay? Boy.

A cold and dry voice. In his blunt voice, I could feel the unique relaxation that only the strong would have.

Given the attack that flew a moment, he was at least B-Rank or higher.

If he had surprised me in the same way, honestly, even I wasnt confident I would be able to respond properly.

Where did this guy suddenly come from?

He certainly wasnt at the level to be hanging around in the back alley of the slums. Did he come out for a walk from the upper hunting ground?

It wont be easy.

Since I didnt even know his exact method of attack, it would be too premature of me to rush head first.

I simply stood still with my hand on the handle of my sword and watched his actions.

After some time, the man opened his mouth.

HmmI guess I misunderstood again. It doesnt seem like youre hurt, so Ill get going.

After saying as such, he turned his back without a second thought.

But I didnt let go of my hand from the handle of the sword until the image of the man had completely disappeared from my line of sight.

I was aiming for an opportunity to attack, but somehow I had a bad feeling, so stopped such thoughts.

With his skills, he should be playing in another hunting ground. I didnt know why he was still playing in the beginner zone.

Huumy mood was ruined right from the start.

I sigh without realizing it.

Looking at the sky, the sun was setting over the horizon. It took a lot more time than I had expected.

From now on, I think I should ignore the small mobs.

I forced myself to control my irritation before moving to my originally planned destination. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

People often think of Guangcheng District as a place with no hope or joy.

However, even here, there was a festival celebrated by the residents, albeit in a unique sense.

The festival was called Night of the Dead.

This special memorial event, which lasted for three days starting on the last day of October every year, was of great significance to the residents of this place.

They believed that at this time of year the dead would wake up again and wander the world of the living.

So during these three days, the war stopped, and everyone returned to the arms of their families to commemorate those who had left this world first.

They would dress up their faces like the deceased and share red colored foods.

In this place where death was more familiar than life, a festival was just another memorial service.

And at present, with all the members gathered again after a long time, Fernando and his family were preparing a memorial service for his father.

Waah! Im a ghost!

Oh my, so scary! Theres already a ghost in our home?

Fernandos younger sister surprised their uncles with paint on her face that resembled a skull. Fernando frowned while watching it.

At an age of slowly beginning to realize the world, he no longer believed in ghosts or demons.

Hmph! What ghost.

His father, the former cartel boss, died two years ago in a struggle between organizations.

The uncles of the organization spoke nonsense, saying it was an honorable death, but he knew.

No matter how you mince words and hold an event like this, it wont reach his dead father.

Otherwise, his father would have appeared in front of them last year.


Fernando scowled at his uncles who were laughing and joking while looking at each others makeup.

At that moment, his sister asked.

Oppa! Why havent you painted your face? Uncle said that if we dont do this, ghosts will eat you.

I dont need it.

No! Dad is going to come today. This wont do!

At the sight of such an immature sister, Fernando shouted angrily.

Hey, idiot! Dad is already dead, so how is he going to come here?

NoHeuk! Youre wrong! Dad is coming today! If oppa keeps lying, Im going to tell on you!

His sister ran to the organizations uncles in tears. Soon, they tried to reason with him.

I can understand how you feel. Dont you think we dont miss him? But if hes watching us, dont you think he would want to see everyone a little more harmonious?

Im sure you understand what I mean. Now, since its getting dark, lets get started.

Fernando reluctantly painted his face and gathered in front of the table. There were red foods and skull-shaped cookies.

They turned off the lights and lit the candles. The sister who saw it asked.

But uncle. I cant see the ghosts now. How would I know that my dad is here?

If the candles go out it means that a ghost is here. But if you do a lot of bad things, evil ghosts will come and catch you, so you have to be nice, right?

Yes! I got it. 

Okay. Then, shall we all say something while remembering the older brother who has left us? Ill go first.

When the memorial service was about to begin. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the house.

While other members were speaking in memory of the deceased, the youngest uncle headed to the front door to open the door.

Who is it? Was there an uncle who had arrived late?

The youngest uncle disappeared into the dark shadow. And then everyone heard the door opening



Soon after, there was a sound as if something was rolling on the floor. Fernando clearly heard the discrete sound.


But the other uncles hadnt noticed. And because of the wind blowing from somewhere, the candles suddenly went out.

Waa! Did the ghosts really come?

No, not yet. Were supposed to blow out the candles at the end. Lets light it again. Someone give me a match, so I can light the candles


Suddenly, something hot covered Fernandos face. The sensation felt by his fingertips was sticky.

Andhe couldnt hear the voice of his uncle anymore.


A fishy smell pricked the tip of his nose.


[ Translator Yasi ]

[ Proofreader Karane ]

Fernando moved his body first before judging the situation.

He covered his sisters mouth who was next to him, and then squatted down on the floor. His sister struggled, but the more she did, the tighter he hugged her.

At the same time, screams began to circulate in the dark.


A-an enemy! Everyone, be careful!



The gang members took out their handguns and fired. Flashes of light flickered each time.

But their screams disappeared one by one. And in a little bit, there was silence in the house. Soon after, someone turned on the light.


A brightly lit interior full of dismembered bodies came into view.


Fernando hurriedly covered his younger sisters eyes.

Did an evil ghost really come?

Something invisible was now in this room. He held his breath hoping that the being would not find them.

However, as soon as he took off his hand that was covering his sisters mouth, she suddenly shouted loudly.

Oppa! Youre suffocating me, why are you doing this all of a sudden?

Shh, shh! Be quiet.

Looking at the floor in front of him, someones feet came down and came into view.

A dark shadow appeared above his head. He looked up slowly. 

It was a large man with silver-blue hair in a black coat. His uncles blood was still dripping from the mans body.


Fernando couldnt believe the current situation. Who was this person who had attacked their house?

The man spoke with a bitter look.

Im sorry. I dont have any ill feelings towards you guys. This is just my job.

Wh-who are you?

My name is Hongir. Remember my name well and resent me even in death.

After saying as such, the man raised his arm.

His hands began to turn thicker and thicker. A sharp claw flashed like a giant wolfs foot. 

Fernando closed his eyes, hugging his sister tightly.

* * * * * * * * * *

A dried wooden house was engulfed in flames. Hongir looked at it with an expressionless face.

After some time, behind him, there was a voice of someone in awe.

Wow~ youve already finished this.

When he turned his head, an old man with a short height and a face resembling a toad came into his view.

He was an information dealer in Guangcheng District, and was someone who had commissioned him for this mission. The information dealer spoke in an exaggerated tone.

Really! The reputation of Werewolf didnt disappoint. As expected, youre incredible.

He frowned at the information dealers attitude.

Im sure I warned you that I dont like that nickname.

Ahah. Im sorry! Maybe because Im old, my memory isnt so good these days. Haha.

The information dealer apologized to him with no sign of being sorry. His expression soon changed and he asked Hongir in a serious tone.

By the wayI can assume that youve taken care of all the humans inside, right?

The information dealers thinly closed eyes shone sharply. He asked back in annoyance.

Dont tell me youre doubting my work?

Oh my, no, no. Im not saying that, but Im also obligated to report to the client clearly, so Im just making sure. Hehe.

The information dealer smiled at him in a servile manner. Looking at the smile, he sighed briefly.

Tell the client not to worry because Ive taken care of it thoroughly.

Haha, I see. Thats a relief. Well, I dont have to check it out personally then.

All right, now that the request is over, hand over the information as promised.

Oh, of course.

The information dealer said and took something out of his arms.

Haha, here it is. It was a really hard item to get.

He accepted the item handed over by the information dealer. It was a camera with scratches everywhere.

Some beggar picked it up from a pile of dead bodies and sold it, so it was hard to track down the buyer.

SoAre you saying the information is on here?

Thats right. Well, it would be faster if you watch it directly.

He turned on the camera. Fortunately, it was well charged.

There was a large video file that was over 20 hours long, and when the video was played, a warehouse was reflected on the screen.

Keuaak! S-stop! Stop it!

A man was screaming painfully while being tied to a chair. And there were rough-looking men surrounding him and giggling.

What do you think, hyung? Its very electrifying, isnt it?

Punk. Did you think we would sit still while you sell out us brothers? Do we look easy because we called you hyung?

Huh? You dirty traitor.

It was a simple torture video. He looked at the information dealer with a frown.

What the hell kind of information is this?

Oh, keep watching. You dont have to watch it until the end. Anyway, the latter part was just filmed until the camera turned off.

He decided to be a little more patient and watch the video.

The boring torture video continued for a while. As soon as he was about to ask the information dealer again, a new person appeared in the video.

A boy wearing a long coat who looks about 12 years old. His face couldnt be seen clearly because of the shaggy hair.

And the scene that followed was shocking.

The boy began killing the gang members by converting his body into liquid. The camera fell to the floor, and the slaughter scene that took place afterwards was reproduced on the screen.

Aye~ Youre just as surprised as I was, right? I didnt think it would be only a kid who had destroyed the Turbak brotherhood.

Hes young but doesnt show any hesitation when it comes to murder

Hongir said flatly. 

But suddenly, the boy was seen sweeping his blood-soaked hair back. Hongirs expression hardened. 

Th-this kid?

Hmm? Do you know him?

He recalled the child he had saved in the alley earlier. A child who was wary of him and had his hand on the handle of his sword.

How could things be connected like this?

Thisdont tell me its fate?

While he was lost in thought, the information dealer next to him asked in a subtle tone.

Erm By the way, why did you come all the way here to Pyongyang? Are you chasing the culprit of this case?

Yes, you can say that.

ThenMay I ask whats your relation to the dead Yifret? Hehe.

Yifret is my

He couldnt answer easily. And after hesitating for a while, he struggled to spit out his words.

Hes myhyung.

It was contradictory to his appearance which resembled a human rather than a beastman. Looking at his appearance, the information dealer smiled with an understanding.

Oh, my. Thats a surprise. This old man was tactless. I think Ive touched on a complicated family history.

No. Its nothing to care about.

Hehe, then Im glad to hear that. Ah! Its already time. Well, Ill have to go now. If you need anything next time, please feel free to contact me!


The information dealer magically disappeared after saying as such.

Left alone, Hongir thought while looking at the burning flames.

The boy he had run into, the fact that he was the one who had killed his brother.

In addition, the Night of the Dead festival commemorating the dead, the timing was too coincidental. It was as if this was a sign from Turbak.

Before this night ends, Ill kill you.

A fierce wind swirled from his body.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hu, Im finally here.

The surrounding area had already turned dark when I arrived at my destination.

Because the location was far away from where I had appeared, I had to waste more time than I had thought.

But anyway, it was a relief that it wasnt too late.

I was currently in a large vacant lot located on the outskirts of Guangcheng District.

Oh! Almighty ruler! Please! Please accept this memorial service dedicated to you!

Please accept our offering!

And there, a suspicious event was being held by dozens of men and women surrounding a huge campfire.

These were my grateful friends who will be my experience today.

I watched them for a while before taking off my clothes and putting them into my inventory.

Perhaps because I had gone around naked for a while, I felt familiar with this appearance.

Was the effect of the wolf underwear working? I felt a little brave and strong.

All right, shall we go?

I secretly permeated into the gathering of fanatics that was heating up.

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