Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 - The Meeting

After their intense discussion, Aric and Mia made their way to the grand meeting hall, their steps echoing in the corridor. Aric was determined to present himself with confidence and strength, despite the undercurrents of tension.

The meeting hall was an architectural marvel, a testament to the Lei family's wealth and power. The entrance was adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes, symbols of power and rebirth. As Aric stepped inside, his eyes widened momentarily at the sheer grandeur of the hall.

Massive pillars, each carved from a single piece of jade, rose to support a ceiling painted with celestial scenes of legendary battles and divine beings. Chandeliers made from sparkling crystals hung from above, casting a soft, ethereal glow throughout the space.

Rich tapestries depicting the family's glorious history lined the walls, and a long, imposing table made of the finest darkwood stood in the center, surrounded by plush, high-backed chairs.

Aric composed himself quickly, masking his surprise with a calm demeanor. He noticed several elders already present, their expressions a mix of curiosity and authority. Mia leaned in slightly, whispering to him about the elders in attendance.

"These are the key elders present," she murmured. "Elder Lei Feng and Elder Lei Shan support Jarod. Elder Lei Ming and Elder Lei Hua are more inclined to support you. Be mindful of their influence."

Aric nodded subtly, acknowledging her advice. He activated his system to gather more detailed information about the elders.

[ Name: Elder Lei Feng ]

[ Age: 112 ]

[ Cultivation Level: Spirit Severing (2nd Stage) ]

[ Strength: 75 ]

[ Agility: 70 ]

[ Intelligence: 80 ]

[ Charm: 50 ]

[ Physique: Iron Body Physique ]

[ Bloodline: Bloodline of the Storm Dragon ]

[ Cultivation Techniques: Thunder Dragon Scripture ]

[ Skills: Lightning Strike, Storm Guard, Thunderous Roar ]

[ Name: Elder Lei Shan ]

[ Age: 98 ]

[ Cultivation Level: Divine Transformation (1st Stage) ]

[ Strength: 85 ]

[ Agility: 80 ]

[ Intelligence: 78 ]

[ Charm: 45 ]

[ Physique: Mountain Titan Physique ]

[ Bloodline: Bloodline of the Earth Titan ]

[ Cultivation Techniques: Earth Titan Scripture ]

[ Skills: Earthquake Stomp, Stone Skin, Titan's Strength ]

[ Name: Elder Lei Ming ]

[ Age: 104 ]

[ Cultivation Level: Spirit Severing (3rd Stage) ]

[ Strength: 72 ]

[ Agility: 68 ]

[ Intelligence: 82 ]

[ Charm: 55 ]

[ Physique: Celestial Body Physique ]

[ Bloodline: Bloodline of the Celestial Crane ]

[ Cultivation Techniques: Celestial Crane Scripture ]

[ Skills: Sky Dance, Heavenly Feather Guard, Crane's Grace ]

[ Name: Elder Lei Hua ]

[ Age: 107 ]

[ Cultivation Level: Divine Transformation (2nd Stage) ]

[ Strength: 80 ]

[ Agility: 75 ]

[ Intelligence: 85 ]

[ Charm: 60 ]

[ Physique: Wind Whisperer Physique ]

[ Bloodline: Bloodline of the Wind Spirit ]

[ Cultivation Techniques: Wind Spirit Scripture ]

[ Skills: Gale Force, Whispering Winds, Storm Surge ]

Aric realized the immense power and experience these elders possessed. Though he aspired to control them, his current lack of strength made such an endeavor premature.

Aric and Mia took their seats, and he nodded in acknowledgment as Elder Lei Ming caught his eye. "Aric, it's good to see you here," Elder Ming said, his voice warm yet firm.

Elder Lei Feng, however, was less welcoming. "Aric, you must understand that strength and loyalty are crucial in our family. Any wavering in these areas can be detrimental."

Aric met his gaze steadily. "I understand, Elder Feng. My loyalty to the Lei family is unwavering, and I am working diligently to increase my strength."

Elder Lei Shan, his deep voice resonating through the hall, added, "Ambition is commendable, but it must be backed by actions. What are your plans to ensure the prosperity of our family?"

Aric took a moment before responding. "My focus is on unifying our family and eliminating internal conflicts. We must stand together to face external threats. I am also working on securing valuable alliances and resources to bolster our strength."

Soon the grand doors of the meeting hall opened, and Jarod strode in, exuding confidence. He walked with a swagger, his newly gained power evident in his every step. His aura was more intense, his eyes gleaming with determination. Jarod's presence commanded attention, and the room seemed to react to his energy.

Aric watched him carefully, noting the subtle changes in his rival. There was no denying Jarod's progress in cultivation, but Aric knew that raw power wasn't everything.

As the elders began to fill the room, Aric greeted his stepmother, Ulsa, as she entered. Her demeanor was composed yet subtly deferential. "Good morning, Ulsa," he said softly, his tone respectful.

She responded with a shy nod, her voice barely above a whisper. "Good morning, Aric." Their interaction was formal, maintaining the facade of their familial relationship. Mia, observing this from the side, remained silent but noted the exchange. She was acutely aware of Ulsa's deeper connection to Aric and had accepted it as part of their complex dynamic.

The atmosphere grew more tense as the doors at the end of the hall opened again. Edmond Lei, the patriarch, entered with a commanding presence. His robes flowed regally, and his eyes surveyed the room with authority. He took his seat at the head of the table, the room falling into a respectful silence.

"Good morning, everyone," Edmond began, his voice resonating through the hall. "We are here to discuss important matters that affect the future of our family. Let us proceed with order and respect."

Elder Lei Shan spoke first, his tone cautious yet firm. "Patriarch, there are concerns about the internal strife within our family, particularly the tension between Aric and Jarod. How do we plan to address this without weakening our position?"

Edmond nodded, his expression thoughtful. "We must find a balance that strengthens our family unity. Aric, what is your perspective on this?"

Aric stood, his gaze sweeping over the assembled elders. "I believe that our strength lies in unity and clear leadership. Jarod and I have our differences, but I am committed to resolving them for the greater good of our family. We must present a united front to our allies and enemies alike."

Jarod, unable to remain silent, interjected. "Aric speaks of unity, yet his actions have often been divisive. I propose that we settle our differences in a way that demonstrates our strength to the entire family."

Elder Lei Feng nodded in agreement. "A fair point, Jarod. Perhaps a direct challenge between you two could resolve this tension and establish a clear line of leadership."

Aric met Jarod's challenging gaze, his mind racing. A direct challenge could be risky, but it might also be an opportunity to solidify his position. "I am willing to face any challenge if it means strengthening our family."

Elder Lei Hua interjected, her tone diplomatic. "We must ensure that any challenge is conducted with the utmost fairness and respect for our family values. The outcome should be one that benefits the Lei family as a whole."

Just then, Aric spoke up, his voice carrying a note of pride. "Patriarch, elders, I have an announcement to make. I have recently broken through to the Nascent Soul realm." His words hung in the air, and a wave of surprise washed over the room.

A collective gasp echoed through the hall. The elders exchanged astonished glances, their faces reflecting a mix of surprise and admiration.

Elder Lei Feng leaned forward, his eyes wide. "The Nascent Soul realm? This is incredible news, Aric. Truly a remarkable achievement."

Even Edmond Lei couldn't hide his approval. "Well done, Aric. Your dedication and hard work are evident. As a reward for your achievement, I will bestow upon you several treasures and resources to aid your further cultivation." He gestured to a servant who brought forward a beautifully crafted box.

"Inside this box, you will find the Heaven's Jade Pendant, the Divine Spirit Pills, and the Celestial Essence Elixir. These should aid you in your continued progress."

Jarod watched as Aric received the rewards, noting the mixture of pride and frustration in his rival's expression.

Aric glanced at Jrod, a smirk playing on his lips. "Thank you, Patriarch. I am honored. But there is another matter I wish to address."

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +500 Villain Halo and +5000 Villain Points for angering the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

Jarod frowned, his earlier confidence giving way to a simmering anger. Aric seized the moment.

"Patriarch, elders," Aric began, "I must bring a grave matter to your attention. A few nights ago, Jarod and Sylvia conspired to kill me. They attacked me while I was sleeping, hoping to eliminate me as a threat." His words caused a ripple of shock and murmurs among the elders.

Elder Lei Ming's eyes narrowed. "Is this true, Jarod? Did you and Sylvia plan such a heinous act?"

Jarod's expression darkened. "These are baseless accusations. Aric is trying to discredit me."

Aric maintained his calm demeanor. "I do not make such claims lightly. My life was in danger, and it was through sheer luck that I survived. Jarod and Sylvia are dangerous. Reconsidering the engagement would be a grave mistake."

Aric continued, his voice steady. "If we allow Jarod to marry Sylvia, we are inviting more poison into our family. The engagement was already broken once. Reinforcing it would make the Lei family a laughingstock among our peers. We must uphold our honor and strength."

The room buzzed with the elders' discussions, and the support for Jarod began to waver. Elder Lei Hua spoke up, her tone thoughtful. "Aric makes a compelling argument. We cannot afford to appear weak and indecisive."

Elder Lei Feng, despite his previous support for Jarod, seemed to reconsider. "If these accusations are true, we must act in the best interest of the family."

Jarod clenched his fists, his frustration evident. "This is ridiculous. Aric is just trying to sabotage me because he's afraid."

"Afraid?" Aric echoed, his voice steady. "I am concerned for the safety and reputation of our family. Personal feelings have no place here."

Jarod, sensing the tide turning against him, clenched his fists, his eyes burning with frustration. "If you believe in strength," he began, his voice rising, "then let us settle this with a duel. I challenge Aric to a fight, right here and now."

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +500 Villain Halo and +5000 Villain Points for angering the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

A murmur of surprise and excitement swept through the hall. The elders exchanged glances, their interest piqued by the sudden challenge. Elder Lei Feng leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "A duel could indeed prove who is the stronger candidate," he said.

Aric, wary of Jarod's protagonist aura and the unpredictable nature of such a fight, shook his head firmly. "I refuse," he said, his tone measured but resolute. "A duel would solve nothing and only create more division. We need unity, not more conflict."

Elder Lei Hua nodded in agreement. "Aric is right. Our family cannot afford more internal strife. We must find a solution that promotes harmony."

Elder Lei Shan frowned, his eyes narrowing at Aric. "Avoiding a duel might be seen as a sign of weakness, Aric. Are you sure this is the path you want to take?"

Aric met his gaze steadily. "Strength is not just about physical prowess. It's about wisdom, strategy, and the ability to bring people together. A duel would only deepen our divisions."

Jarod scoffed, his frustration mounting. "You're just afraid, Aric. Afraid that you'll lose in front of everyone."

Aric's expression remained calm. "Fear has nothing to do with it, Jarod. I am thinking of the greater good of our family."

The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with anticipation and uncertainty. Edmond Lei, sensing the need for decisive intervention, raised his hand for silence. "Enough," he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "We will not settle this matter with a hasty duel. Instead, we will hold a family competition in two weeks.

The winner will have their way regarding the engagement and other matters. This will be a test of strength, strategy, and leadership."

Elder Lei Ming nodded approvingly. "A family competition is a fair and honorable way to resolve this. It will allow both of you to prove your worth without unnecessary bloodshed."

Aric nodded, though he was not pleased with the decision. The uncertainty of the competition weighed on his mind, but he knew he had to accept the patriarch's ruling. "I understand, Patriarch. I will prepare myself accordingly."

Jarod, on the other hand, smirked, clearly relishing the upcoming challenge. "I look forward to it," he said, his confidence unshaken. "Prepare yourself, Aric. In two weeks, everyone will see who the true heir should be."

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