Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 544 Mu Xuanyin Attacks The Temple

Chapter 544 Mu Xuanyin Attacks The Temple

Wang Jian knelt beside her, his touch surprisingly gentle as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face. "We're safe now, Commander Mu," he assured her, his voice a soothing murmur. "An abandoned building, far from the prying eyes of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple."

Mu Xuanyin tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over her, forcing her back down. Her body ached in every fiber, a testament to the brutal battle she had just endured.

"What happened?" she whispered, confusion clouding her eyes. "How did I get here?"

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "Well, Commander," he began, his voice dripping with casual charm, "let's just say Yin Lian and I got a bit worried when you didn't return from your little visit to the Earth Lunar Devil Temple."

Yin Lian remained silent, her gaze fixed on the dusty floorboards. She couldn't help but admire Wang Jian's audacity. His quick thinking and fabricated story were leaving her breathless.

"Worried?" Mu Xuanyin echoed, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. "Why would you be worried?"

Wang Jian leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Remember Priest Tang? The one who kept leering at Yin Lian with those perverted eyes?"

Mu Xuanyin frowned, recalling the unwelcome attention Yin Lian had received from the lecherous priest.

"Well," Wang Jian continued, his voice laced with a suggestive wink, "let's just say your beauty, Commander, is just as captivating. I feared that perhaps some of the other priests might have gotten a bit… bold."

He chuckled softly. "Beautiful devil women like you and Yin Lian have a way of turning even the most devout minds to wicked thoughts."

A faint blush crept up Mu Xuanyin's cheeks despite the gravity of the situation. Wang Jian's compliment, delivered with such casual confidence, left her feeling oddly flustered.

"Luckily," he continued, his voice returning to its normal tone, "we arrived just in time to see the whole mess unfold. And let's just say, getting you out of there wasn't exactly a walk in the park."

Mu Xuanyin, her initial surprise fading, offered a weak smile. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice laced with gratitude. "Both of you. I… I owe you a debt."

Wang Jian placed a hand on hers, his touch warm and reassuring. "No debt, Commander. Consider it a service rendered by a friend… or maybe an admirer," he added with a playful glint in his eyes.

As he spoke, a faint green light emanated from his hand, slowly enveloping Mu Xuanyin's body. Her wounds, both internal and external, began to knit themselves back together, the green light acting as a magical balm.

Yin Lian watched in awe as Mu Xuanyin's injuries vanished without a trace, replaced by smooth, unblemished skin. Wang Jian's healing abilities were truly remarkable.

Within minutes, Mu Xuanyin was good as new. The throbbing pain that had plagued her moments ago had vanished entirely, replaced by a pleasant warmth.

She sat up, a newfound strength coursing through her veins. "Thank you again," she repeated, her voice gaining strength. "The Earth Lunar Devil Temple will pay dearly for this. I will personally ensure their swift and thorough punishment."

Wang Jian and Yin Lian exchanged a subtle glance, a silent agreement passing between them. They had achieved their primary objective – to earn Mu Xuanyin's trust and gratitude.

With a final nod of thanks, Mu Xuanyin rose to her feet. Her eyes, now burning with a cold fury, scanned the dilapidated building. "I must return to my base," she declared. "I have much to prepare."

She wasted no time, disappearing into the fading light as she made her way out of that abandoned building.

After Mu Xuanyin had expressed her gratitude once more and disappeared into the gathering dusk, ready to lead her warriors, a comfortable silence descended upon Wang Jian and Yin Lian. The adrenaline had fully dissipated, leaving behind a heady sense of accomplishment and a lingering touch of unspoken tension.

Wang Jian rose, his gaze fixed on Yin Lian. He sauntered towards her, his dark eyes gleaming with a devilish intent. Without a word, he gently pinned her against the crumbling wall, his body pressing against hers.

Yin Lian's breath hitched. The playful banter and the daring rescue had ignited a spark within her, a yearning for excitement and a thrill that transcended the boundaries of duty. Wang Jian's touch, warm and confident, sent shivers down her spine.

"Well, High Priestess," he purred, his voice husky with desire. "Seems we have the place to ourselves."

His hands, swift and sure, began to explore the edges of her robes, searching for the hidden fastenings. Yin Lian, caught between apprehension and a surge of forbidden desire, offered no resistance.

The worn fabric yielded, revealing glimpses of her smooth skin and the enticing curves of her body. The moonlight filtering through the broken roof cast an ethereal glow, highlighting the urgency in their eyes.

Wang Jian trailed kisses down her neck, each touch a spark igniting a fire within her. A low moan escaped her lips, a sound almost primal in its intensity. The abandoned building, usually filled with a chilling emptiness, now echoed with the sounds of their shared passion.

Her breath hitched as his touch sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. She fought against the urge to let out another moan, biting her lip as he rained kisses down her neck and shoulder.

The night wore on, their temporary haven echoing with the sounds of their intimacy.

Wang Jian's touch was both masterful and tender, his every move calculated to elicit the most exquisite sensations.

Yin Lian, surrendering to the intensity of the moment, responded with a fervor she hadn't known existed within her.

By the time the first rays of dawn painted the sky a delicate pink, exhaustion claimed them.

News of Mu Xuanyin's daring escape from the Earth Lunar Devil Temple spread like wildfire through the settlement. But it wasn't just whispers and rumors. The very next day, a storm descended upon the temple grounds. The Moon Shadow Clan, led by a furious Mu Xuanyin, arrived in a display of raw power that sent shivers down the spines of even the most hardened cultists.

Gone were the days of a handful of attackers. This was a full-

scale assault, with hundreds of Moon Shadow Clan members brandishing an awe-inspiring array of magical artifacts. Gleaming armor, enchanted blades that pulsed with arcane energy, and talismans humming with potent magic – the Moon Shadow Clan came prepared.

Each warrior, chosen from the settlement's elite, was a powerhouse in their own right. Not a single one fell below the peak of the Divine Spirit Realm, with veterans from the Divine Tribulation Realm leading the charge. Their faces, battle-

hardened and etched with unwavering resolve, mirrored the intensity burning in Mu Xuanyin's crimson eyes.

The Earth Lunar Devil Temple, however, hadn't been idle. Bishop Cang, anticipating retribution, had used his vast network of connections to gather a formidable force. Devil priests from other temples, hardened mercenaries, and even a contingent of monstrous beasts, all drawn by the promise of power or wealth, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the temple's own devil followers.

Bishop Cang, a hulking figure with eyes like molten lava, stood at the frontlines. His voice, deep and laced with venom, boomed across the battlefield. "Mu Xuanyin! You trespass on sacred ground! Turn back your forces, and perhaps we can avoid needless bloodshed!"

Mu Xuanyin, her crimson armor shimmering with an otherworldly glow, let out a derisive snort. "Bloodshed? You speak of bloodshed after assaulting me within your own temple walls? Your followers, consumed by their depravity, dared to lay hands on me! I, the leader of the Moon Shadow Clan, demand recompense!"

A ripple of righteous anger ran through her warriors. Their war cries echoed through the air, a guttural symphony of impending battle. "For honor! For the Moon Shadow Clan!"

Mu Xuanyin raised her hand, her voice ringing with authority. "Attack!"

The battlefield erupted in chaos. Devilish energies of all colors clashed as the two forces met head-on. Mu Xuanyin, leading from the front, unleashed the full power of her Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline. Her movements became a blur, a storm of sapphire lightning arcing from her fingertips as she decimated any who dared stand in her way.

"Fist of the Lunar Eclipse!" she roared, unleashing a devastating punch infused with the raw power of her bloodline. A wave of pure energy erupted, sending a group of devil mercenaries flying through the air, their screams lost in the cacophony of battle.

Facing her was Elder Kai, the most formidable warrior of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple. His own Blue Moon Eclipse Bloodline, though considerably diluted compared to Mu Xuanyin's, pulsed with energy. He parried her attack with a mighty warhammer, the clash sending shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield.

"Your fury is impressive, High Priestess," Elder Kai rasped, his voice laced with a hint of ancient power, "but rage alone will not win this day!"

He retaliated with a devastating move of his own. "Earth's Call: Crushing Embrace!" The ground beneath Mu Xuanyin rumbled and writhed, forming a giant hand of obsidian rock that lunged towards her.

Meanwhile, the rest of the battlefield became a chaotic dance of violence.

The blessings of the Earth Lunar Devil God, channeled by the temple priests, empowered their followers.

Each blow, infused with dark energy, carried the weight of the earth itself. They clashed against the Moon Shadow Clan, their enchanted blades ringing against hardened armor.

A Moon Shadow warrior, her silver hair flying in the wind, unleashed a barrage of mystical daggers infused with the "Moonlight Storm" technique.

Each dagger left a trail of shimmering energy, carving a path through the enemy ranks.

A hulking beast, hired by Bishop Cang, unleashed a torrent of fire with its fiery breath, melting armor and scorching flesh.

A Moon Shadow elder, a master of defensive wards, countered with a shimmering orb of pure energy – the "Lunar Shield."

The two attacks collided, creating a blinding explosion that sent shockwaves outwards.

The battle raged on, a gruesome tapestry of clashing steel, swirling energies, and agonizing screams.

The streets outside the temple ran red with blood, the air thick with the stench of death and demonic power.

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