Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 548 Dong Aigou’s Powerful Lunar Abilities

Chapter 548 Dong Aigou's Powerful Lunar Abilities

The night pulsed with a dark energy, a reflection of the storm raging both within and above Dong Aigou. Back in the hidden clearing, Wang Jian reveled in a different kind of storm – a storm of passion fueled by the exquisite bodies of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin.

Yin Lian, clad only in a wisp of black silk, moved with practiced grace. Her laughter, usually a tinkling melody, now held a husky edge. She was a seasoned player in this game, her body a map of pleasure points she expertly navigated for Wang Jian's delight.

Her touch was a practiced caress, sending shivers down his spine. He explored her curvaceous form, his hands lingering on the swell of her hips and the soft globes of her breasts, their tips hardened with anticipation.

Mu Xuanyin, on the other hand, was a stark contrast. Her movements were hesitant, her eyes wide with a mixture of apprehension and a strange sense of duty. This was uncharted territory for her, a world she had only glimpsed in stolen glances and whispered fantasies.

Yin Lian, sensing her discomfort, offered a gentle smile. "Relax, Xuanyin," she whispered, her voice a soothing balm. "Just let yourself feel the pleasure."

With Yin Lian's guidance, Mu Xuanyin began to shed her inhibitions. Her initial stiffness melted away, replaced by a tentative curiosity that blossomed into a surprised gasp as Wang Jian explored the untouched landscape of her body.

Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and cool to the touch. Her breasts, though smaller than Yin Lian's, were perfectly formed, their rosy tips sending a jolt of desire through Wang Jian. As he explored further, a gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of surprise and a dawning pleasure.

He reveled in their contrasting personalities, the experienced sensuality of Yin Lian and the blossoming innocence of Mu Xuanyin. He played them both like instruments, drawing out their unique melodies and weaving them into a symphony of pleasure.

Hours melted away in a haze of moans and whispered endearments.

Yin Lian, as though she was an exhibitionist, reveled in the spectacle, her laughter echoing through the night.

Mu Xuanyin, her initial apprehension replaced by a newfound sense of abandon, clung to Wang Jian, her body was becoming a vessel while it was rediscovering its own carnal and primal desires.

As dawn painted the horizon with streaks of orange and pink, Wang Jian finally satiated, collapsed onto the silken sheets, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

Yin Lian, a picture of post-coital bliss, snuggled beside him, while Mu Xuanyin, her cheeks flushed with a newfound awareness, lay on the other side, her eyes clouded with a mix of exhaustion and a strange sense of awakening.

Meanwhile, far away in the heart of the battle, Dong Aigou's ordeal reached its climax.

The Heavenly Tribulation raged above him, bolts of lightning striking him with merciless fury. But with every strike, he grew stronger, his body absorbing the raw energy and channeling it through his newfound cultivation technique – the True Lunar Devil Scripture.

The residual spirit of the Earth Lunar Devil God, now a part of him, fueled his ascent. He could feel the memories and experiences of the ancient being coursing through him, a vast reservoir of knowledge and power.

As the final bolt of lightning struck, shattering the storm clouds with a deafening roar, a new aura emanated from Dong Aigou. The raw power of the Divine Tribulation Realm crackled around him, a testament to his newfound strength.

He roared, a sound that shook the very earth, a primal scream of victory. The remaining Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers, already on the brink of defeat against the combined might of the Devil Beast tribes, crumbled completely under the pressure of his newfound power.

With a newfound clarity and control, Dong Aigou directed the beasts, their attacks imbued with his own devilish energy. The remaining Earth Lunar Temple followers fell like wheat before a scythe, their screams swallowed by the cacophony of the battle.

The tide had turned decisively. The remaining Earth Lunar Temple forces, their morale shattered, fled in disarray, leaving behind a battlefield littered with the dead and dying. The Devil Beast tribes, battered but victorious, roared in triumph, their leader, a monstrous figure radiating power, stood at the center of it all.

Dong Aigou, his eyes glowing with a newfound crimson light, surveyed the scene. This attack was successful as had won this battle and also gained immense power, becoming a force to be reckoned with.

But a nagging doubt gnawed at him. Where were Mu Xuanyin and the others? A pang of worry, a new sensation for the battle-hardened warrior, shot through him. He had a feeling their absence wouldn't be easily explained.


Dawn's golden rays dappled through the leaves as Wang Jian led Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin to a secluded lake.

After a refreshing dip, they donned their finest clothes, the silks clinging to their curves and accentuating their beauty.

With a mischievous grin, Wang Jian summoned a tendril of shadow. It wrapped around the women, engulfing them in an inky cloak.

"Ready for the next part of your deal, Xuanyin?" he asked, his voice soft but laced with an underlying power.

Mu Xuanyin remained silent, her gaze distant. Wang Jian, unfazed, focused his will. The shadows pulsed with dark energy and shot forward, carrying them towards the Earth Lunar Devil Temple's mines.

Meanwhile, Dong Aigou, fueled by his newfound power and knowledge, wasn't wasting any time. Drawing on the memories of the Earth Lunar Devil God, he activated a hidden teleportation point within the Blood Pool clearing. With a blinding flash and a surge of disorienting energy, he and his Devil Beast allies vanished.

Their destination: the very same mines where the Moon Shadow Clan men toiled under the oppressive regime of the Earth Lunar Devil Temple. Thanks to the residual spirit's guidance, Dong Aigou navigated the teleportation network with an efficiency that left the beasts awestruck.

The air around the mines crackled with the tension of forced labor. Guarded by a contingent of Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers, the Moon Shadow men hacked away at the earth, their faces etched with despair.

The battle commenced with a thunderous roar. Grog, the hulking Ironhide Boar leader, charged into the fray, his thick hide shrugging off blows that would have felled lesser beasts. Fang, the Hell Lightning Panther, blurred across the battlefield, leaving sizzling trails of electricity as his razor-sharp claws ripped through the Earth Lunar Devil Temple defenders.

The Blood-Thirsty Wolves weaved through the chaos, their fangs dripping venom as they tore flesh from bone. Each attack was a brutal masterpiece, a testament to their honed bloodlines.

Dong Aigou, however, was a whirlwind of devastation. Gone were his crude earth and lightning attacks. Instead, his hands crackled with an ominous crimson energy. His voice, usually gruff, boomed with an ancient power as he unleashed an attack unknown to anyone present.

"Crimson Moon Maelstrom!"

A torrent of dark energy erupted from his fingertips, swirling into a nightmarish vortex that tore through the Earth Lunar Devil Temple defenders like leaves before a hurricane.

The Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers, trained in the martial ways of their own god, recognized the attack with a look of sheer horror. It was a forbidden technique, a legend whispered in ancient scriptures – a relic of a long-lost era.

Panic erupted in their ranks. How could this brute wield such a technique? The whispers of a heretic, a blasphemer, started to spread like wildfire.

Dong Aigou ignored their fear, his eyes blazing with infernal light. He unleashed another attack, his voice echoing with a terrifying power.

"Lunar Eclipse Annihilation!"

The ground itself shuddered as a wave of raw darkness slammed into the Earth Lunar Devil Temple defenders, shattering their defenses and sending them flying like ragdolls.

The battle continued, Dong Aigou's attacks a chilling spectacle of forgotten power. The Earth Lunar Devil Temple followers, demoralized and outmatched, faltered. Their once orderly ranks descended into chaos.

Just as the battle reached a fever pitch, a dark vortex materialized near the entrance. With a sigh of annoyance, Wang Jian emerged, followed by Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian, their faces shrouded in shadow.

Wang Jian chuckled, surprised to see Dong Aigou and the Devil Beast tribes already engaged. "Well, well, well," he mused, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Looks like someone beat me to the punch."

Mu Xuanyin and Yin Lian remained silent, a mixture of emotions swirling behind their veiled eyes. They watched with a strange blend of concern and apprehension as Dong Aigou unleashed another devastating attack – "Lunar Howl," a sonic blast that sent shockwaves echoing through the cavernous mines.

Suddenly, Dong Aigou's head snapped towards the direction of the shadows. An almost imperceptible tremor ran through him. Without warning, he launched a powerful devil attack directly at the source - "Blood Moon Prison."

Wang Jian's eyes widened. He could feel the raw power of the attack, a desperate and unexpected assault. In a split second, he knew he had to act. With a flick of his wrist, the concealing shadows dissipated, revealing him and the two women.

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