Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 560 Breaking Feng Xiaoyu's Pride And Dignity (Blowjob)

Chapter 560 Breaking Feng Xiaoyu's Pride And Dignity (Blowjob)

As they walked towards Yin Lian's residence, a dark premonition settled in Feng Xiaoyu's stomach.

The opulent doors of Yin Lian's mansion slid open to receive them. Inside, the air hung heavy with a seductive scent of incense, further amplifying the unsettling tension that followed their return. Wang Jian, his hold on Feng Xiaoyu firm, strode through the silent halls, Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin trailing behind like phantoms.

They arrived at a secluded wing, the ornately carved doors leading to Wang Jian's private chambers. With a flick of his wrist, the doors swung open, revealing a luxurious bedroom bathed in the soft glow of moonstones. Without a word, he deposited Feng Xiaoyu onto the plush silk sheets, the impact sending a jolt through her already strained body.

Still trying to catch her breath, Feng Xiaoyu couldn't help but blurt out the question that had been gnawing at her since witnessing the clash of techniques. "Wang Jian," she panted, "how? How can you use a divine technique like the Heavenly Dragon's Coiling Light? Don't you… don't you possess the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline?"

A slow, predatory grin spread across Wang Jian's face. "Where did you get that idea, Xiaoyu?" he drawled, his voice laced with amusement. "Who ever said I was a devil?"

Feng Xiaoyu's eyes widened. She couldn't deny the potent aura emanating from him, an aura that resonated with the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline coursing through her own veins. It spoke of raw power, of a lineage steeped in demonic dominance.

"But… I can sense it," she countered, her voice gaining a hint of defiance. "The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline in you… it's pure, potent…"

Wang Jian chuckled, a chilling sound that echoed in the stillness of the room. "Potent, huh?" He leaned closer, his eyes glinting with an unsettling intensity. "Let me tell you a little secret, Xiaoyu. My bloodline is… well, unique. It's not just about ancestry, you see. The power of a bloodline can be nurtured, strengthened."

He gestured vaguely. "Lunar Essence, for example," he said, "consumed in copious amounts, can refine one's essence. And then," his voice dropped to a whisper, "there's always the… other method."

As the realization dawned on Feng Xiaoyu, a blush crept up her neck. "The… other method?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.

"Indeed," Wang Jian purred, his gaze lingering on the soft curves of her body displayed in her disheveled state. "The power of dual cultivation with exceptional partners like Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin… it has its benefits."

He straightened, a mocking grin playing on his lips. "Enough talk. Now, Xiaoyu, how do you propose to repay me for my timely intervention? After all, I saved your pretty neck from a rather unpleasant fate."

Feng Xiaoyu swallowed a lump in her throat. She knew what was coming, her mind conjuring images of his earlier suggestive gestures towards Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin. Her pride warred with the terrifying power she had witnessed. To defy him was unthinkable, yet submission felt like a betrayal of everything she stood for.

"Normally," Wang Jian continued, his eyes scanning her form in a way that sent shivers down her spine, "I'd take a more… physical form of compensation."

A flicker of relief washed over Feng Xiaoyu, followed by a jolt of a different kind of heat. "But," he continued, drawing the word out, "considering the… circumstances, I'm willing to be flexible."

He leaned closer, his lips brushing her ear. "Show me your devotion," he whispered, his voice a low growl. "Pleasure me with… your mouth."

Feng Xiaoyu's breath hitched. A part of her rebelled at the crude nature of his demand, but a deeper instinct recoiled at the thought of defying him. The image of the golden dragon flashed in her mind, a terrifying reminder of his immense power.

"Do it," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Feng Xiaoyu, her pride shattered, her body trembling, knew she had no choice. She hated him, hated the situation she was in, but mostly, she hated the weakness that compelled her to consider his proposition.

This was the price of his help, the price of her survival. With a silent tear rolling down her cheek, she leaned forward, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs.

As she moved closer, a new kind of battle began – a battle not for physical dominance, but for a shred of dignity in the face of overwhelming power.

A wry smile played on Wang Jian's lips as Feng Xiaoyu stumbled out of his chambers, her eyes red-rimmed and her face pale. The humiliation he'd inflicted had cracked a piece of her defiance, leaving her vulnerable and easily manipulated. He wasn't interested in devouring her or claiming her body just yet. Slow, deliberate torture – that was the game he was playing.

The opulent bed creaked as he shifted, his eyes landing on the doorway. Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin stood there, their usual austere demeanors replaced by a hint of something slinky and provocative. They wore silken robes, the translucent material clinging to their curves, their bodies adorned with shimmering jewels that winked under the soft lamplight.

"Ah, beautiful ladies," he drawled, his voice laced with amusement. "Come join me, won't you?"

Their movements were fluid and practiced as they glided across the room, a subtle fragrance of exotic flowers trailing behind them. They settled on the bed, their bodies close to his, yet maintaining a teasing distance.

The night unfolded in a whirlwind of sensuality. Yin Lian's touch was like cool silk against his skin, while Mu Xuanyin's movements were fiery and passionate. They engaged in a delightful dance of carnal pleasure, their cultivation techniques intertwining with their desires, creating a potent vortex of energy that filled the room.

As dawn painted the horizon with streaks of orange and pink, Wang Jian finally emerged from his blissful state. He stretched languidly, feeling invigorated and satisfied. Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin, their eyes still shimmering with the afterglow of the night, watched him with a hint of amusement in their gazes.

"It seems our little sojourn here has been rather… productive," he remarked, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Indeed," hummed Yin Lian, her voice low and husky. "We've enjoyed our time, Wang Jian."

He chuckled, leaning closer to Mu Xuanyin. "However," he continued, his smile turning slightly mischievous, "it's time to move on to the next chapter of our little adventure."

Mu Xuanyin raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity sparking in her eyes. "And what adventure might that be?"

"Information," he declared, his voice taking on a serious tone. "We need information about the Royal Family of the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe."

Mu Xuanyin's brow furrowed slightly. "Information?" she echoed, her voice laced with a hint of surprise.

Wang Jian elaborated, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Specifically, their recent expedition to the X-34 Star. Remember that human they discovered there? On the planet belonging to the Shadowspawn Devil Tribe?"

A flicker of recognition crossed Mu Xuanyin's face. "Vaguely," she admitted. "I did hear something about it. The King and Queen did indeed travel there."

"And the results of this little excursion," Wang Jian pressed, his tone growing urgent. "Were they able to catch that human and punish him? Or did the human slip through their fingers?"

Mu Xuanyin tapped her chin thoughtfully. The details of the Royal Family's mission hadn't reached her ears. "The specifics haven't reached me," she confessed. "But…"

A sly smile spread across her lips. "The capital city will certainly hold more answers. Devils gossiping over tea… they have a way of divulging even the most guarded secrets."

Wang Jian's eyes gleamed with approval. "Excellent," he said, his voice dripping with a hint of anticipation. "Use your contacts, Mu Xuanyin. Find out everything you can about this incident. Was the human captured? Did it escape the clutches of both the Shadowspawn and the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils?"

Mu Xuanyin, clad only in her alluring nightwear, rose from the bed and walked towards a nearby table. Picking up a jade talisman inscribed with intricate runes, she channeled a sliver of her spiritual energy into it.

"Gathering information from the capital shouldn't take long," she murmured, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Devils love gossip, after all."

The jade talisman pulsed with a faint light as Mu Xuanyin spoke a brief incantation, connecting her to a trusted network within the Devil Capital. A voice crackled from the talisman, a fellow devil eager to please their superior.

Mu Xuanyin wasted no time, laying out her request. "Inform me about the Royal Family's recent expedition to X-34 Star. Did they manage to capture the human from the Shadowspawn tribe?"

The voice on the other end fell silent for a moment, followed by a flurry of activity. Mu Xuanyin and Wang Jian exchanged a glance, a mixture of anticipation and intrigue swirling in their eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, the voice answered. "The human was indeed found on X-34 Star," the voice continued through the jade talisman, "gravely injured by the Shadowspawn. However, before the Royal Family could apprehend it, the human summoned a powerful Phoenix! The creature appeared out of thin air, a magnificent creature of flames, and whisked the human away, leaving the Blue Moon Eclipse Devils and the Shadowspawn in its dust."

Mu Xuanyin's brow furrowed in surprise. A Phoenix?

The voice on the other end chuckled, a low, guttural sound. "Apparently, the Royal Family has tried its best to contain this information, but whispers travel fast, especially among gossipy devils."

Mu Xuanyin deactivated the communication jade, a thoughtful frown etching itself onto her face. "So, the human escaped," she summarized, turning towards Wang Jian. "News of this escape seems to be spreading like wildfire amongst the capital's elite."

Wang Jian's smile vanished, replaced by a cold, predatory glint in his eyes.

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