Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 583 Queen Xiulan's True Plan

Chapter 583 Queen Xiulan's True Plan

The fighting style of the Astral Wraiths was the antithesis of the brute force employed by the Devil Tribes or the White Tiger Clan. The Wraiths moved with a silent fluidity, their bodies seeming to phase through attacks. They wielded void-blades, weapons that vibrated with a dark energy and emitted a high-pitched whine as they sliced through the air.

These blades were the bane of the Star Lords. Unlike normal weapons, which were easily repelled by the Star Lords' cosmic defenses, the void-blades disrupted the connection between a Star Lord and their celestial source. A hit from a void-blade sent a Star Lord reeling, momentarily severed from their immense cosmic power, leaving them vulnerable.

The combined forces of the Devil Tribes, the White Tiger Clan, and the Astral Wraiths slammed into the human lines. The battlefield erupted in renewed chaos. Queen Xiulan, a whirlwind of demonic power, unleashed waves of dark energy that scorched the earth and sky. Hu Tianba roared like a wounded beast, ripping through formations of human cultivators with his immense claws.

The Astral Wraiths, meanwhile, carved a swathe of destruction through the Star Lords. Their blades danced a deadly ballet, severing connections and leaving the mighty cosmic warriors weakened and confused. Elder Xylia, her ethereal form a wraith amongst wraiths, led the charge. Her blade, a void-blade infused with her own immense cultivation base, could sever connections even with the powerful Elder Star Lords.

The large human sects and Ancient Families, thrown into disarray by the unexpected enemy and the sudden weakening of their Star Lords, faltered. Their carefully orchestrated formations, reliant on coordinated attacks empowered by cosmic energy, dissolved into confusion.

Panic began to grip the human ranks. Cultivators, their faces etched with disbelief, found themselves facing opponents they barely understood. The sheer unnaturalness of the Astral Wraiths, their cold, emotionless demeanor, and the way their attacks disregarded established principles of cultivation, sowed fear and doubt in the human hearts.

The Ancient Phoenix Clan, known for their fiery attacks and unwavering loyalty, continued to fight with fierce intensity. Their phoenix flames, fueled by the power of the sun, provided a much-needed counterpoint to the chilling void energy of the Wraiths. However, even the Phoenix Clan found themselves overwhelmed.

They were caught in a deadly pincer attack. The Devil Tribes and the White Tiger Clan, freed from the Star Lords' overwhelming cosmic pressure, unleashed their full savagery. Their raw power, combined with the tactical brilliance of Queen Xiulan, forced the Phoenix Clan to defend on two fronts.

Amidst the chaos, a legendary duel was taking place. Elder Mu of the Starfall Sect, a wizened old man with a beard that resembled a shimmering nebula, faced off against Elder Xylia. The clash between their energies sent ripples through the void.

Elder Mu, wielding a cosmic spear that crackled with celestial energy, fought with a desperate ferocity. He knew the importance of this battle. If the Star Lords fell, the remaining human forces would be crushed.

But Xylia, fueled by generations of hatred, countered his every move. Her void blade, a dark counterpoint to Elder Mu's spear, seemed to devour the cosmic energy it intercepted. The duel became a dance of light and darkness, hope and despair.

The battle raged for days, turning the once pristine star system into a swirling vortex of destruction. The combined might of the Devil Tribes, the White Tiger Clan, and the Astral Wraiths was slowly overwhelming the human forces. The Star Lords, their connection to their celestial sources severed, fell one by one.

Desperation tinged the cries of the human cultivators. Their initial arrogance had been replaced by a grim realization that this time, they were facing an enemy they might not be able to defeat. The Eastern Cosmos, once a beacon of human supremacy, was on the verge of falling under the combined might of demons, vengeful wraiths, and a brutal beast clan.

Only the flickering flames of the Phoenix Clan and the desperate struggle of the remaining Star Lords offered a glimmer of hope in the encroaching darkness. The war for the Eastern Cosmos had reached its tipping point. The fate of humanity, once secure in their own domain, hung precariously in the balance.

Deep within the opulent confines of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, laughter echoed through the silk-draped chambers. Wang Jian, reclining on a luxurious jade divan, found himself surrounded by a captivating spectacle – Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan, elders with youthful appearances defying their cultivation ages, and a contingent of the Pavilion's most stunning disciples.

Cui Lan, a vision in flowing lavender robes, her eyes sparkling with amusement, leaned closer to Wang Jian. "Master," she murmured, her voice a melodious whisper, "the war in the Eastern Cosmos rages on. When shall we of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion intervene and secure our own share of the spoils?"

A sly smile played on Wang Jian's lips. "Conquest? Territory?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "My dear Cui Lan, why chase after fleeting glory when we can cultivate true power?"

He gestured around the room, his gaze lingering on each woman present. "Look around you. Our focus should remain on these beautiful flowers – nurturing their talents, honing their cultivation. The Heavenly Jade Pavilion already possesses enough influence and wealth. Unnecessary expansion would only invite unwanted attention."

Cui Lan wrinkled her nose in slight disagreement. "But Master," she countered, "shouldn't we capitalize on this war? Weaken our enemies and expand our borders while the humans and demons are busy tearing each other apart?"

Wang Jian threw back his head and laughed, a rich sound that echoed through the chamber. "Fear not, Cui Lan," he said, his voice tinged with amusement. "This war will reach its climax soon enough, and on our terms."

A flicker of curiosity sparked in Cui Lan's eyes. "On our terms? How so?"

A glint of mischief gleamed in Wang Jian's eyes. "We have played our part subtly thus far," he explained, reaching for a jade wine cup adorned with intricate phoenix designs. "Queen Xiulan… she's done a splendid job leading the Devil Tribes. But now, it's time for a shift."

He took a sip of his wine, savoring the delicate sweetness. "Soon, I shall send a message to Xiulan. It will be time for her Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe to… retreat."

Cui Lan's brows furrowed in surprise. "Retreat? But Master, she practically commands the entire demonic force! Why would you order her to pull back now, when victory is within their grasp?"

Wang Jian smiled, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Victory," he drawled, "is all about timing and manipulation, my dear. The Star Lords have been crippled, their vast reserves of power weakened. The human sects are reeling from the combined might of the Devil Tribes and the Astral Wraiths. Our goals have been achieved."

He leaned closer to Cui Lan, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "But the real battle for Xiulan lies within the Ancient Demonic Starry Cluster."

Cui Lan, ever the keen strategist, began to grasp the true motive behind Wang Jian's seemingly illogical decision. "So, you're sending her back to fight… her own kind?"

"Precisely," Wang Jian confirmed, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. "While the other Devil Tribes were busy bleeding themselves dry in the Eastern Cosmos, Xiulan's own territory remained untouched. Think of the resources she can claim – stars brimming with demonic energy, ripe for the taking."

He gestured with a flourish. "This war has served its purpose. It has weakened our enemies, caused internal strife within the Devil Tribes, and left a power vacuum waiting to be filled. And Xiulan, with her depleted forces, will be perfectly positioned to exploit that chaos."

A slow smile spread across Cui Lan's face. "I see," she said, nodding with growing understanding. "So, the war was a… distraction?"

"Indeed," Wang Jian chuckled, swirling the jade wine in his cup. "A well-orchestrated one. By the time Xiulan returns to the Ancient Demonic Starry Cluster, the other Devil Tribes will be weakened, their leadership fragmented. She'll be poised to conquer one of the largest, most resource-rich stars near the center – a prize that will solidify her dominance for generations to come."

Cui Lan's eyes gleamed with admiration. "Master, your cunning is unmatched. With this single move, you've eliminated threats, empowered an ally, and secured a potential ally in the future. Brilliant!"

Wang Jian raised his cup in a toast. "To a war well-played, and a future brimming with possibilities," he declared.

The women in the room echoed his toast, their laughter filling the chamber once more. As Cui Lan stole a glance at the scheming mastermind before her, one thing was clear – the war in the Eastern Cosmos might be nearing its end, but the true game of power was just beginning.

Queen Xiulan, a woman with eyes like burning blue suns and skin the color of midnight, made a swift decision. As soon as Wang Jian's message arrived, she gathered her loyal Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe and made a beeline for the pre-arranged teleportation portals. With a strategic glint in her eye, she ensured all her demons passed through safely before unleashing a devastating blow.

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