Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 595 Lin Fei's Humiliation During Banquet

Chapter 595 Lin Fei's Humiliation During Banquet

Chu Yang leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We throw a banquet, Elder. A grand celebration of your… recent discovery of a rare herb, perhaps? Invite everyone of note in the sect, especially the younger generation."

Elder Xuan's interest piqued. "A banquet, eh? And then?"

"And then, Elder, you shower Lin Fei with attention," Chu Yang continued. "Make him feel like the guest of honor. And most importantly…" He paused, a sly grin spreading across his face, "offer him copious amounts of the finest liquor."

Elder Xuan chuckled. "Ah, get him drunk and have him cause a scene? A classic tactic, Chu Yang. But Lin Fei possesses the Phoenix Flames. He'll burn off the alcohol before it has any significant effect."

"Precisely where you're mistaken, Elder," Chu Yang countered, a smug smile playing on his lips. "I have a special concoction that even the Phoenix Flames won't be able to completely negate. It's a rare vintage known as the Monkey King's Thousand Year Yang Wine."

Elder Xuan's eyes widened in surprise. "The Monkey King's Thousand Year Yang Wine? But that's… legendary! A potent aphrodisiac, known to enhance a man's… vigor. But incredibly dangerous if consumed in excess."

"Exactly why it's perfect for our needs, Elder," Chu Yang said, a glint in his eyes. "The Phoenix Flames might purify some of the liquor's effects, but not all. Lin Fei's suppressed desires will be amplified. Imagine him making unwanted advances towards some of the beautiful disciples during the banquet?"

Elder Xuan stroked his beard thoughtfully, the image of a flustered Lin Fei causing a scene at the banquet conjuring a wicked grin on his wrinkled face. "It's a risky plan, Chu Yang. But… intriguing. However, acquiring the Monkey King's Thousand Year Yang Wine is no easy feat."

Chu Yang reached into his spatial ring with a flourish, pulling out a large, ornately decorated jar. "Already acquired, Elder," he said, setting it on the table with a satisfied thud.

Elder Xuan's eyes gleamed with avarice. This was far better than a single jade medallion. He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. "Very well, Chu Yang. We shall set this plan in motion. Let's see how our dear Lin Fei fares under the influence of the Monkey King's finest. The banquet shall be announced shortly… and the downfall of Lin Fei, well, it shall be a spectacle to behold."

The Star Cloud Sect buzzed with anticipation as news of Elder Xuan's grand banquet spread like wildfire. The venue, a majestic hall adorned with shimmering jade lanterns and cascading silk tapestries, gleamed under the soft glow of setting suns. Young female disciples, renowned for their beauty and skill, flitted around like butterflies, their laughter echoing through the chamber. Elders, their faces etched with the passage of time and battles fought, mingled with core disciples, their youthful energy a stark contrast.

Elder Xuan, the host of honor, stood at the head table, his wizened face creased with a cunning smile. He cast a satisfied glance at Chu Yang, who stood discreetly in the corner, a flicker of triumph in his eyes. The stage was set.

The banquet began with a flurry of activity. Exquisite delicacies, prepared by the finest chefs in the sect, arrived on jade platters, their aromas filling the air. Wine flowed freely – fragrant plum wine for the ladies, and robust rice liquor for the gentlemen.

Lin Fei, basking in the unexpected attention, held court. Elder Xuan, his voice dripping with false flattery, showered Lin Fei with praise. He extolled his lineage, highlighting his connection to the revered Ancient Phoenix Clan, and boasted about his exceptional talent in cultivation.

With every word, Lin Fei's ego inflated like a balloon. He strutted around, his chest puffed out like a preening peacock. The admiring glances from the young female disciples only fueled his arrogance. He regaled them with boasts of his prowess, embellished with outrageous exaggerations that drew snickers from the more seasoned cultivators.

Elder Xuan, his eyes twinkling with mischief, kept the wine flowing. He subtly pushed Lin Fei towards the Monkey King's Thousand Year Yang Wine, a potent elixir that shimmered with a golden glow. Lin Fei, oblivious to its true effects, enthusiastically downed cup after cup, the potent aphrodisiac coursing through his veins.

Despite the Phoenix Flames within him attempting to combat the effects, the wine took hold. Lin Fei's inhibitions melted away, replaced by a brazen boldness. He draped his arm around a startled young disciple, his voice thick with inebriation. "You know, my dear," he slurred, "you have the most enchanting eyes I've ever seen."

Whispers rippled through the crowd. Some disciples giggled nervously, others looked on with disdain. Ba Rong'er, seated next to her father, Sect Leader Ba, observed the scene with a frown. Disgust flickered in her eyes as Lin Fei, his face flushed red, moved on to another unsuspecting female disciple, pinching her cheek and leering at her with a predatory grin.

Sect Leader Ba, a reserved man known for his stoic demeanor, watched his daughter's discomfort with growing unease. This wasn't the confident, charming young man he had envisioned as Ba Rong'er's future husband. This was a pompous, lecherous brute.

The banquet hall grew thick with tension. Elder Xuan, feigning concern, poured Lin Fei another cup of the potent wine. "Ah, Young Master Lin," he exclaimed jovially, "you need to refuel! Tell us more about your glorious adventures!"

Lin Fei, fueled by the liquor and his inflated sense of importance, launched into a tirade about his imagined exploits. He bragged about defeating formidable beasts that never existed and boasted of romantic conquests that sparked amusement amongst the female cultivators but only served to further alienate Ba Rong'er.

The final straw came when Lin Fei, fueled by the Monkey King's Thousand Year Yang Wine, made a crude remark towards Ba Rong'er herself. The once-admiring whispers turned into outright scorn. Laughter, once lighthearted, morphed into uncomfortable snickers.

Sect Leader Ba, his face thunderous, slammed his fist on the table, the force of it jarring the entire hall. The room fell silent. "Enough!" he roared, his voice booming through the chamber. "Lin Fei, your behavior is a disgrace to this sect!"

Lin Fei, momentarily surprised by the sudden uproar, blinked owlishly at Sect Leader Ba. Then, a stupid grin spread across his face. "Oh, come on, old man," he slurred, "don't be so uptight. Just having a little fun!"

This final insult shattered any remaining goodwill. Sect Leader Ba, his face contorted with rage, rose to his feet. "Guards," he bellowed, "escort Lin Fei to his chambers and confine him there until he sobers up!"

Two burly guards materialized from the crowd, their faces grim. They grasped Lin Fei's arms, ignoring his drunken protests, and forcefully dragged him away. As they disappeared through the doorway, a stunned silence descended upon the banquet hall.

Sect Leader Ba glared at Elder Xuan, his gaze as sharp as a honed blade. Elder Xuan, caught in the act, feigned ignorance. "Well, this evening certainly took a turn for the worse," he remarked, his voice dripping with false sympathy.

The tension in the room was palpable. The once lively atmosphere had evaporated, replaced by a suffocating awkwardness.

Even Chu Yang, who had orchestrated the entire scene from the shadows, felt a flicker of unease.

Sect Leader Ba's eyes swept across the room, taking in the murmuring disciples and the disapproving looks cast towards Lin Fei's empty seat. Shame burned in his gut. He had almost betrothed his daughter to a drunken braggart.

"Elder Xuan," his voice crackled with suppressed anger, "explain yourself. Why did you keep plying Lin Fei with wine, especially such potent liquor?"

Elder Xuan's gaze flickered momentarily towards Chu Yang, who remained impassive. Clearing his throat, he offered a weak defense. "Sect Leader, I was merely trying to make him feel welcome. He is a guest of honor, after all."

"Welcome?" Sect Leader Ba scoffed. "He behaved like a barbarian in our midst! Did you not witness his deplorable conduct?"

Elder Xuan shrugged, feigning innocence. "Perhaps the wine affected him more than anticipated. These things happen, Sect Leader."

Ba Rong'er, emboldened by her father's stance, spoke up. "The wine might have played a part, but even before that, Lin Fei displayed an inflated ego and a lack of respect. Father, I thank you for stopping this… farce before it went any further."

Her words echoed through the hall, receiving murmurs of agreement from other disciples. The tide of opinion had decisively turned against Lin Fei.

With a defeated sigh, Sect Leader Ba announced the early conclusion of the banquet. Guests, their appetites dampened and their spirits low, began to disperse.

Later that night, Chu Yang himself sought an audience with the Elder. He found Elder Xuan seated at a low table, sipping tea, his expression unreadable.

Chu Yang bowed deeply. "Elder Xuan," he began, his voice respectful, "I wished to express my gratitude for your… assistance at the banquet."

Elder Xuan raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Assistance? You make it sound like I orchestrated the entire debacle."

Chu Yang chuckled nervously. "Well, not exactly orchestrated," he admitted. "But the way you handled Lin Fei was quite good, it was very helpful to me."

Elder Xuan snorted, "Don't mistake this for a favor. I helped you because you have proven yourself useful with past tasks."

Chu Yang straightened, a sense of purpose washing over him. "Tasks, Elder Xuan? You have more for me?"

Elder Xuan leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. "The Star Cloud Sect faces many challenges, Chu Yang. Challenges that require cunning and resourcefulness. Qualities you seem to possess in abundance."

Chu Yang met Elder Xuan's gaze with a determined nod. "I understand, Elder. I will do my best to serve the sect."

A satisfied smile spread across Elder Xuan's face. Perhaps Chu Yang's youthful impetuosity could be channeled for good. After all, the Star Cloud Sect could always use a talented and resourceful disciple, even if his methods were sometimes… unorthodox.

The next morning, the news of Lin Fei's drunken outburst spread like wildfire throughout the sect. Whispers and rumors painted him as a boorish lout, ill-suited for Ba Rong'er's hand.

Meanwhile, Lin Fei, upon regaining his sobriety, was left reeling in humiliation.

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