Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 755  Targeting Three Politicians Supporting Langston Industries

Chapter 755  Targeting Three Politicians Supporting Langston Industries

The morning after his night with Bella, Wang Jian sat at the head of a long, polished conference table, scrolling through a tablet. His mind was sharp, focused, and fully back in business mode. His pleasure from the previous night had reinvigorated him, and now, he was ready to continue his attack on Langston Industries.

Sarah and Charlotte sat across from him, awaiting his orders. The three of them knew that their battle against Langston was far from over, and today marked the beginning of a new phase. Langston's political ties were proving to be more of a nuisance than initially expected, and Wang Jian had decided that the time had come to sever those connections.

Wang Jian broke the silence. "We need to deal with the individuals backing Langston Industries," he said, his voice firm. "These politicians—they're too close to Langston. They're benefiting from the company's success, and that's why they're so keen on keeping it afloat."

Charlotte nodded, already anticipating where Wang Jian was going with this. "You're talking about the three politicians in California, right? The ones we've been looking into?"

"Exactly," Wang Jian replied. "Two of them are in the lower house, and one of them is in the Upper House. They've been receiving benefits from Langston for years, funneling support whenever the company needs it. If we can take them down, it'll weaken the political safety net around Langston Industries."

Sarah tapped her fingers lightly on the table, deep in thought. "We've already gathered a lot of information about them. But going after sitting members of Congress is tricky. They're part of the Democratic Party, and right now, that party is in power. We'll need more than just a good plan; we'll need allies in the Republican Party to back us."

Wang Jian smirked. "That's why I want both of you to handle the next part. Charlotte, you're going to reach out to our contacts in the Republican Party. Sarah, you'll be backing her up, making sure we leverage the influence of your companies. With VoltX Innovations and Blake Robotics, we have enough sway to get their attention. Money talks, and if we show interest in supporting the Republican Party financially, they'll listen."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "You want us to sponsor them? That's a bold move."

Wang Jian shrugged casually. "It's a necessary one. The Republican Party doesn't have as much power right now, but if we can get their help in removing these three Democratic members, that'll change."

Sarah chimed in, "And what's your plan for targeting these politicians once we have Republican backing?"

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, a calculating glint in his eyes. "We're going to entrap them. These politicians are dirty—there's no doubt about it. They've been cozying up to Langston Industries for years, and I'm sure they've engaged in enough shady dealings to get themselves into serious trouble. All we need to do is set up the right trap, gather the evidence, and let the world see it. We'll record everything, and once we have what we need, we'll file a case against them and make it public."

Charlotte smiled, catching onto his idea. "So, we're not just taking them down. We're humiliating them."

"Exactly," Wang Jian said. "But the net we cast has to be wide enough to catch more than just these three. We want to bring down key figures in the Democratic Party along with them. If we can pull that off, it'll weaken the entire party's support in California, and that'll give the Republican Party the upper hand in the next elections."

Sarah nodded thoughtfully. "This is going to take some careful planning. Entrapping politicians isn't something we can rush into. We need to make sure everything looks organic, like they're digging their own graves."

Wang Jian grinned. "That's where you two come in. We'll need to stage it perfectly—set up deals that look too tempting to refuse. We'll offer bribes, insider information, and the kinds of benefits these politicians won't be able to resist. And we'll have it all recorded, every dirty deal, every conversation."

Charlotte's eyes gleamed with excitement. "This could work. If we can pull it off, it won't just destroy these three politicians, but it'll also send a message to anyone else thinking of supporting Langston Industries."

"Exactly," Wang Jian said. "And once they're gone, the Republican Party will be in a much better position to take control of California. They'll owe us for giving them this opportunity, and in return, they'll help us take down Langston for good."

Over the next few days, Charlotte and Sarah began laying the groundwork for their plan. They made discreet contact with several members of the Republican Party, arranging private meetings to discuss potential sponsorships. As the founders of VoltX Innovations and Blake Robotics, they were well-known figures in the business world, and the Republican Party was more than willing to listen to what they had to say.

One afternoon, they sat in a private room at a high-end restaurant in downtown Los Angeles, meeting with a key Republican Party strategist named Mitchell. He was a seasoned political operative, with a sharp mind for both policy and power plays.

"I have to admit," Mitchell said, leaning back in his chair, "I'm intrigued by your proposal. But you understand the position we're in, right? The Democratic Party holds the White House, and they've got strong support here in California. If we're going to take down these three members, we need to be smart about it."

Sarah nodded, her expression calm and composed. "We're aware of the risks. But that's why we're here. We're offering financial backing for your party. If we can help you remove these three members of Congress, it'll open the door for Republican candidates to take their place. We want to level the playing field."

Mitchell raised an eyebrow, clearly interested. "And what's in it for you?"

Charlotte smiled smoothly. "Let's just say we have a personal interest in seeing Langston Industries fall. These three politicians are standing in the way of that. If we can remove them, we'll have a much easier time dealing with the company."

Mitchell tapped his fingers on the table, considering their offer. "It won't be easy. The Democrats have a lot of resources, and these three members are popular with their base. We can't just push them out without causing a huge stir."

Wang Jian, who had been quietly listening until now, finally spoke. "We don't need to push them out directly. All we need is for them to make a mistake—one big enough to destroy their careers. That's where we come in. We're going to set them up. We'll create a situation where they'll have no choice but to engage in illegal activities. Once they do, we'll have all the evidence we need to take them down."

Mitchell's eyes narrowed. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

Wang Jian smiled, leaning forward slightly. "We have connections in the business world that can provide insider information. We'll offer them deals that seem too good to be true—bribes, backroom arrangements, all carefully orchestrated. We'll make sure they take the bait. Once they're caught, we'll expose everything. The media will have a field day, and the public outcry will be so loud that no one will be able to defend them."

Mitchell's lips curled into a thoughtful smile. "You're talking about a sting operation."

"Exactly," Wang Jian replied. "And once they're gone, you'll have an open path to place Republican candidates in their seats. In exchange, we'll need your help to ensure Langston Industries doesn't recover from this. We want to make sure they're done for."

Mitchell nodded slowly. "It's a risky plan, but if it works, it could be a game-changer. We'll need to move carefully, but I think we can make this happen."

"Good," Wang Jian said. "We'll start setting up the trap immediately. Just make sure your people are ready when the time comes."


"Good," Wang Jian said. "We'll start setting up the trap immediately. Just make sure your people are ready when the time comes."


As the days passed, Wang Jian and his team began to put their plan into motion. They made contact with shadowy business figures, offering them the role of intermediaries who would provide the politicians with enticing but illegal offers. Everything was carefully choreographed, designed to look organic and unavoidable.

Each meeting was recorded with hidden cameras and microphones, capturing every incriminating detail. Wang Jian watched the footage as it came in, satisfied that the politicians were falling right into the trap. The web was tightening around them, and soon, there would be no escape.

All that was left now was to wait for the right moment to spring the trap and bring the entire operation crashing down. Wang Jian knew that once these three politicians were exposed, Langston Industries would lose its most powerful allies, leaving the company vulnerable for the final strike.

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