Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 761: Attack By Another Influential Individual

Chapter 761: Attack By Another Influential Individual

The next morning, Richard and Harold Langston sat in a high-rise office, frustration clear on both their faces. Every move they had made against Wang Jian had been blocked or reversed, and now they found themselves backed into a corner. Richard had his hands steepled, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the city skyline, while Harold leaned back in his chair, deep in thought.

"We've tried everything we know," Richard muttered, rubbing his temples. "That bastard's untouchable with Charlotte and Sarah backing him. The market's stabilized, and no matter what we throw at him, he's one step ahead."

Harold grunted in agreement. "We need to think outside the box. Someone bigger... more ruthless."

Richard turned to face him, eyes narrowing as an idea crossed his mind. "What about Leon Devereux?"

Harold raised an eyebrow, sitting up. "Leon?" He shook his head slowly. "That man's a loose cannon. We've avoided dealing with him for years. You know how he operates."

Leon Devereux, in his mid-thirties, was the heir to Devereux International, a massive conglomerate with holdings in everything from technology to entertainment. Leon had inherited his father's business empire and turned it into a multinational powerhouse, expanding into lucrative markets in China, India, and Korea. He was a man with an unquenchable lust-not just for money and power, but for women. And not just any women. Leon had an obsession with conquering beauties who already had a man by their side, as if taking them was the ultimate symbol of his dominance.

"Exactly," Richard replied, a hint of desperation in his voice. "He's obsessed with women- especially the ones that are taken. If we tell him about Bella, Charlotte, and Sarah... He won't be able to resist. He'll go after Wang Jian for us. And if anyone can break him, it's Leon."

Harold frowned. "You know he won't respect us. He'll probably laugh in our faces."

"I know," Richard admitted, "but we don't have a choice. Wang Jian's taken down every move we've made. If we want to hit him where it hurts, Leon's our best shot."

After a moment of silence, Harold nodded. "Alright, set up the meeting. Let's see if Leon takes the bait."

A few hours later, Richard and Harold found themselves in an extravagant penthouse, the kind that screamed wealth and power. Leon Devereux sat across from them, lounging on a luxurious leather sofa, a smirk on his face as he sipped an expensive glass of bourbon. He was a tall, athletic man with sharp features, dressed in a designer suit that screamed opulence. His reputation for seducing actresses and models was legendary, and it was well-known in Hollywood that nearly every beautiful woman in the industry had crossed his path.

"So," Leon began, his voice smooth and dripping with arrogance, "what brings the Langstons to my door? Last I heard, you were trying to fight your own battles. Things not going well?"

Richard forced a smile. "We've run into a bit of... resistance."

Leon chuckled. "I'm sure. Word's already out that Langston Industries is on the brink. You've lost your edge, boys."

Harold cleared his throat. "That's why we're here. We need your help with someone-a man named Wang Jian."

Leon raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Wang Jian? Never heard of him."

Richard leaned forward, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "He's been systematically targeting our businesses, and worse, he's got some serious martial arts skills. He took down an entire gang armed with guns, grenades, the works. This guy's dangerous, but... there's something else."

Leon's smirk widened as he took another sip of his drink. "Go on."

"He's got women," Richard said, almost hesitating. "Beautiful women. One of them is Bella... David's fiancée. She's been seen with Wang Jian recently."

"And?" Leon asked, clearly intrigued but waiting for the real hook.

"And then there's Charlotte from VoltX Innovations and Sarah from Blake Robotics. Both are backing Wang Jian, and both of them are... stunning," Harold added, choosing his words carefully.

Leon's eyes lit up at the mention of these women. "Bella, Charlotte, and Sarah, huh?" He set down his glass, a predatory grin spreading across his face. "Now you're speaking my language."

Richard and Harold exchanged a glance, knowing they had him hooked. "We need you to take care of him for us. We know you have your ways... and we think you'll enjoy it. After all, conquering women like them is your specialty, isn't it?"

Leon chuckled again, this time more deeply. "You two really are desperate, aren't you?" He leaned back, crossing his arms. "Fine. I'll take care of Wang Jian. But this isn't for you. I'm doing it because you've piqued my interest. A guy with women like that... and martial arts skills? Sounds like a challenge I can't pass up."

Richard exhaled slowly, relieved. "Thank you, Leon."

Leon waved him off. "Don't thank me yet. I'm not doing this for free. I'll let you know what I want once it's done."

With that, the deal was struck, and Richard and Harold left, knowing they had just unleashed one of the most dangerous men they knew upon Wang Jian.

It didn't take long for Wang Jian to feel the effects of Leon's influence. Charlotte and Sarah's companies suddenly faced a new wave of attacks-this time, more subtle but far-reaching. Deals were getting blocked, key clients were withdrawing, and the media began to paint both companies in a negative light. It was clear someone with serious pull was behind these moves.

Wang Jian sat in his office, watching the reports come in. He leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. "Looks like we've got a new player in the game."

Charlotte, who had just walked in with Sarah, looked worried. "It's worse this time. Whoever's behind this is coming at us from every angle. We've been able to keep things stable, but we can't take much more of this."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "We're being cornered. Whoever it is, they're powerful."

Charlotte looked at him, her brows furrowed in concern. "What do we do, Wang Jian?"

Wang Jian turned to her, his gaze unwavering. "We adapt. I want you both to use your contacts in the Republic Party. We need to counter these attacks-and, more importantly, I want to know who's behind this."

Sarah stopped pacing, her eyes meeting his. "Are you sure we can handle this?"

Wang Jian's smile widened. "Of course. Besides, this could be... interesting. Whoever this guy

is, he's made a mistake targeting us. And once I find out who he is... I'll make sure he regrets


The next few days were filled with a flurry of activity. Charlotte and Sarah worked tirelessly, leveraging their political connections to counter the attacks on their companies. It wasn't easy― Devereux International was a formidable opponent-but they managed to hold their ground. They were able to stabilize their stock values and maintain public support, just as

they had before.

It wasn't long before Wang Jian discovered the identity of their new adversary. "Leon Devereux," he muttered.

Charlotte frowned. "Leon Devereux? The billionaire playboy? He's known for being... difficult, to say the least."

"More than difficult," Wang Jian replied with a chuckle. "He's after the same thing I am- power."

Sarah crossed her arms, worry etched on her face. "So, what do we do? He's got influence, and if we don't act fast, we could lose everything."

Wang Jian stood up, walking over to them with a calm, confident air. "Don't worry. We can

handle this. Go and talk to some of your contacts in the Republic Party. They'll help counter Leon's attacks and keep our companies protected. This isn't the first time someone like him has come after us."

Charlotte let out a small sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing. "Your mind works really fast."

Wang Jian smiled, his hand brushing against her arm. "Of course. But now... I think it's timen/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

we turn the tables on Leon."

Sarah looked up at him, curious. "How do we do that?"

Wang Jian's smile widened, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Leon has quite the collection of beauties, doesn't he? Actresses, models... women from all over the world. I think it's time I tasted what he's been keeping to himself."

Charlotte blinked, realizing what he meant. "You're going to... take his women?"

Wang Jian's smile never wavered. "Why not? If he wants to play this game, let's see how he

feels when I take what he values most."

As Wang Jian prepared for his next move, Leon Devereux was already plotting his next attack.

He had his sights set on Wang Jian, but little did he know, Wang Jian was more than ready for


It was a game of power, seduction, and dominance. And Wang Jian wasn't about to lose.

Not to Leon. Not to anyone.

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