War Online

Chapter 417: Lucius Draconus as the King of Dragon Island

Chapter 417: Lucius Draconus as the King of Dragon Island

After puzzling Wil and Lucius with a mysterious statement, the Divine Dragon didn't explain the meaning and asked the fifteen-year-old once again to choose between the throne and Wil.

However, Lucius was adamant about his decision. Wil felt the maximum favorability might be the reason behind it.

The Divine Dragon Velakazar glanced at Wil and then, looked back at him, suddenly, letting out a smile, "Congratulations, you passed the final test."


The chains around Wil, his pets, and his servants disappeared. Everyone no longer paused.

The old woman then proceeded to announce to the whole world of dragons about the appointment of their new king, stunning Lucius. He didn't expect he would still become king despite his refusal to choose the throne over Wil.

"The King is dead, long live the King." "The King is dead, long live the King." "The King is dead, long live the King."

Everyone in the entire Dragon Island kneeled on the spot and chanted the phrase over and over for a few seconds upon the announcement.

As for the people at the Divine Dragon Abode, they were enveloped by blinding flashes of light as Velkazar's eyes glowed.

*Ding! You are about to be forcefully teleported to Imperial Palace.

Seeing that he wouldn't have to fly all the way to the Imperial city, Wil was also satisfied with the arrangement and didn't try to resist it, although resisting will bring him no result.

In the next moment, Wil and the others found themselves in the middle of an empty courtroom.

Patting Lucius, Divine Dragon Velkazar pointed to the throne, "go and take your rightful place. After that, your coronation will take place, officially establishing you as the King of this land. Then, you need to appoint a temporary guardian for a period of at least one year. Only after that, you can proceed with the appointments of your ministers and other court officials."

"Temporary guardian?" Lucius remembered how the divine dragon Velkazar implied that she won't protect the people of the island after he took the throne. 

Not only Lucius but everyone also felt why there must be an appointment of a guardian for the kingdom when she's alive. But, since it is the Divine Dragon, no one dares to question her decision and just accept it as it is.

However, Wil was different. He was a player. His thoughts weren't controlled by some programming. Now her words made him suspect that there's something that she was hiding.

"What are you thinking? Go" Upon urging of the old woman, Lucius proceeded to walk towards the throne and sat on it. He felt overwhelmed as he couldn't believe how his life changed from a son of an ordinary fisherman to the Ruler of the entire kingdom in the past few days.

Everything changed because of one man. Lucius couldn't help but look at Wil in gratitude while the Divine Dragon Velkazar walked towards him and then, put the crown on him and then, handed the staff.

"Long live the king."

Everyone except for Wil and the old woman, prostrated before Lucius, showing their respects as well as their submission to the new King.

The Divine Dragon turned towards Wil and asked him, "Aren't you going to pay your respects to his majesty?"

"Ah, No, Your Grace." Lucius hurriedly waved his hands as he stood up from the throne, "Mister, *Ahem* I mean, Lord Time Traveler doesn't need to."

The old woman firmly shook her head, "no, the king is above all the civilians and soldiers. It is the duty of every citizen to pay their respects to the king."

Everyone stiffened by her words. In their hearts, Wil was clearly above the king. However, Velkazar's words also make sense. It wasn't about the power. It was more about submitting to the authority. Not bowing signifies that the person refuses to admit that Lucius is his King.

As Lucius appeared to be troubled because of the Divine Dragon's behavior, Wil opened his mouth, shocking everyone else, "A King cannot bow to another King, Velkazar."

"Eh?" The entire courtroom filled in silence for a couple of moments as everyone went into a daze. King? What kind of bullshit is that? After all, Dragon Island only has one king. It was that way from the beginning. At the same time, they were also surprised to see how Wil addressed their Divine Dragon by her name.

Calling the Divine Dragon directly by her name is blasphemous. Even the King cannot address as such. It was then they remembered Wil was an outsider. So, he doesn't need to follow their rules. Thankfully, for Wil, their high favorability points made him save his image.

As for the Divine Dragon Velkazar, she wasn't offended by his words but frowned at his identity. "If you are a King, then, I hope you won't have any intentions on occupying this land."

Everyone gripped their hearts as they looked at Wil, waiting for his answer. His reply will decide their loyalty towards him.

Wil also didn't expect the old woman to suddenly interrogate him like this, and that too, in front of Lucius. He suspected her intentions instead. But, in the end, she was nothing but a program whose reaction depends on his response. If the favorability is high enough, he can manipulate their thoughts with ease.

Wil calmly answered, "If I have such intentions, forgive me to be blunt but I don't think apart from you, anyone would be able to defeat me. Even if every citizen of these lands came together against me, they will still be massacred. Considering how you rarely interfered in the matters of the world, the throne would have been mine if I choose it. Moreover, your land is too small, poor, and disorganized compared to my Empire. I would gain nothing even if I occupy it by force. "

He tried to be as calm as possible, bluffing his way around and trying to be an imposing figure in everyone's eyes. He knew that this old woman isn't against him or else, she would have intervened when he killed the elders or when he killed the dragon king and brought chaos upon the island. So, he didn't hesitate to feed everyone lies upon lies.

And as expected, his image became greater in the eyes of his faction members and their favorability rose by a few points.

The old woman narrowed her eyes and looked into Wil's past or one should say his data. Unfortunately, she could only see two weeks' worth of data. So, there's nothing new she found except for Iphi and the Battleship. She doesn't even know whether he was a king or not. But the least she knew was that he was the inheritor of a Demi-God. She could at least trust the words of the future savior of the world.

In the end, she nodded and turned around to face Lucius, "very well, then."

"Okay, now that the coronation is finished, The King should now appoint the guardian of the kingdom."

Lucius fell into a dilemma. Before, he already decided to name Wil as the guardian of the kingdom. However, now that he heard that his benefactor was also a king, he couldn't appoint him as one. He was also a little bit disappointed by the fact as it implied Wil would have to leave sooner or later.

Even though he can't appoint Wil as one, he still can ask him for a piece of advice. Lucius looked at him and said, "Mister, I wish for you to help me in choosing the temporary guardian."

Wil shrugged his shoulders as he pointed at Reuben, "isn't there, one already? Choose Reuben Draconus as the temporary guardian, then."

"Eh? Me?" Reuben who was also prostrating like everyone else raised his head in surprise. Wasn't he now a slave to the King? How come he became the Guardian instead?

Wil replied, "If it is you, it will be more accepting to the people of this island. And you swear your loyalty, it will be better if you will be the guardian to protect the King and the kingdom."

*Ding! Favorability with Reuben Draconus is increased by 40 points. He is no longer a hostile force.

After the appointment of Reuben is over, a new throne, a step below the Imperial throne, was erupted and the ex-crown prince took the seat while everyone greeted him.

It was then, the old woman told everyone that she need to talk to the new King alone and patted Lucius, disappearing from everyone's view and leaving Wil in confusion.



. Thank you.

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