Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 444

Episode 444: If only I could live (1)

The Silhouette Heavenly Lord was also bare-handed and did not carry a weapon.

However, his hands, filled with the energy of lightning, were more threatening than any other weapon.

‘What trick are you trying to pull again?’

Yu Jin-san, who was rushing, felt ominous as he saw him reaching out a hand to him.

just as expected. A ray of blue light shot out like a thunderbolt from his fingertips.

Yu Jin-san urgently twisted his upper body without even thinking.

At the same time, the ground he had stepped on exploded.


Judging by the powerful energy wave felt behind his back, it seemed that if he was hit properly, serious injury would be inevitable.

‘Are you using lightning as a force?’

As expected, Cheonju was using strange and vicious martial arts as the owner of Thunder Shrine.

However, no matter how powerful a martial arts attack was, it was useless if it did not hit.

About a dozen miles away from him.

Thunderbolts spewed out one after another from Heavenly Lord’s hand.

It was an accurate and threatening attack, but Yu Jin-san dodged it like a squirrel and continued to charge.

Quang-!! Kwakwang-!! Kwakwakwang-!!

Without fail, black pits were forming everywhere on the ground that Mount Eugene had stepped on.

But there was no time to worry about such things.

‘It must be ended quickly and quickly!’

Only then could there be a chance of victory.

This is because, unlike himself, who has already consumed some of his internal power, the Silicified Heavenly Ju maintains its intact state.

And one more thing.

We could not be sure how long our troops would last in a situation where they were outnumbered.

Even if we defeat Heavenly Lord, what is the use if our allies are wiped out?

About three miles away from him.

Jinsan Yu kicked off the ground and took a short leap.


As if it had been waiting, another bunch of lightning was fired.

Yujinsan twisted his body in the air to avoid the attack.


He narrowly avoided the last attack and pulled his fist behind his shoulder.

Now was the time to launch a counterattack.

Heavenly Father’s white-powdered face was grinning unpleasantly.

‘Let’s see if you can still treat me like that in a little while.’

Cheonma Explosion Fist (Gu Chosik Mukryong Slaughter).

The black fist erupted from his fist and fiercely rushed towards Heaven.

The shape looked like a dragon with its mouth wide open to devour its opponent.

It was a powerful chosik that unleashed ten-star attack power.

In an instant, a wave of lightning came pouring out of Heaven’s hand, causing a violent collision in the middle of the two.

Damn it-!!

With a loud sound, the force released by both sides exploded.

At that moment, moans came out from the mouths of Yu Jin-san and Cheon-ju at the same time.



Even though the number was equal, Jinsan Yu was secretly surprised.

I never would have thought that a strong attack with a turning blow would be blocked so vainly.

Likewise, Cheonju also seemed somewhat embarrassed by the power of his internal and martial arts skills.

But the fight started now.

‘Okay, let’s give it a try until the end.’

Yoo Jin-san gritted his teeth and continued to move forward without even breathing.

The goal was to win the game quickly, even if it meant putting some effort into it.

Heavenly Demon Explosive Fist Four Herbivorous Rainfall Combo Strike (强雨連擊).

Immediately, his two fists moved rapidly and began to pour out a barrage of blows towards Heaven.

But he didn’t just stand still and defend himself.

Cheonju also raised both hands and began to confront Yujinsan head on.

Kwakwang-! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-!!

The fight was so fierce that gusts of energy swirled around them without stopping.

Others didn’t even dare to get involved in this fight.

The tense battle continued, as if a dragon and a tiger were competing against each other.

And as the fight exceeded dozens of sums, Yu Jin-san’s heart became increasingly anxious.

‘If things continue like this, there won’t be a final decision, so it’s a big deal.’

Even if they mobilized all the skills and martial arts they had accumulated so far, they could not gain the upper hand.

However, it wasn’t a big pushback situation.

Up until now, they were in perfect harmony with each other.

It seemed like it wouldn’t end until one side’s internal power was exhausted first.

And of course, it was Yujinsan who was at a disadvantage as the game went on. Because even before meeting Heavenly Father, I had already exhausted more than 30% of my internal power.

It was a time when we were fighting frantically and contemplating a method.

Suddenly, shouts of joy began to erupt from behind.


“Reinforcements have arrived!!”

Reinforcements come out of nowhere? Yujinsan and Cheonju distanced themselves for a moment, took a breath, and glanced around the battlefield.

No doubt there was a new group that had joined.

The number was not that large, about 500 people, but each and every one of them was a person of great skill. Among them, there were often strong people who could be classified as absolute experts.

The only thing they had in common was that everyone was wearing official uniform.

‘Has the provincial commander led elite officials!?’

It was definitely true. The reinforcements he had promised had now arrived.

They were an elite group of martial arts officials, including the survivors of Changnyongdae, and were comprised of the most skilled military officials in the country.

Their joining instantly turned the unfavorable situation around.

The morale of the Cheonchuk warriors was low, and it was visible that they were being pushed back unilaterally in many places.

“Do you see it? “This is our strength, you ghostly bastard.”

As the situation of the war changed, it was Heaven and Earth that became urgent.

The longer the fight lasts, the more damage Cheonchuk will suffer. The situation was growing to the point where the conquest of the Central Plains had to be abandoned.

Kyuhwa Cheonju, whose expression hardened, softly let out a strange voice that was a mixture of male and female voices.

“Playing ends here. “Now let’s compete, Yanggoe.”

After finishing speaking, a gust of wind carrying a thunderstorm began to swirl around Cheonju.


Jinsan Yu felt it instinctively. The universe is trying to take a gamble on this merger.

It seemed impossible to avoid the intense energy waves he gave off.

“OK. “The sea I also wanted.”

Even so, Yu Jin-san also had no intention of dragging it on for too long.

The problem was with what kind of martial arts they would fight back.

It would be no problem with the herbivorous food that we have been eating so far.

With a solemn expression, Yu Jin-san took out a square card emanating eerie demonic energy from his chest and grasped it tightly in his right hand.

It was an ink spirit tablet, a sacred item of the Demonic Cult.

It was an essential item in order to unleash the final battle of the Heavenly Demon Explosion Fist.

‘I haven’t completely mastered it yet, but it’s probably the strongest herbivory I can do at the moment.’

I didn’t know anything else, but the power was certain.

However, there was a problem that the accuracy was low because the herbivory had not yet been completely refined.

There is only one way to compensate for this.

‘I’m taking a step late so that he can’t dodge.’

It is a belated statement, taking advantage of the opportunity for the universe to develop herbivorous behavior.

But how easy would it be to capture that brief moment?

It shouldn’t be too fast and it shouldn’t be too slow. If I were not careful, I could have died without even being able to use Jeolcho.

It was a risky approach, but there was currently no other alternative.


A pitch-black light began to emanate ceaselessly from Yu Jin-san’s fist.

At the same time, his true energy began to be sucked into his right hand at an incredible speed. The hand holding the ink spirit tablet trembled and vibrated.

After completing his preparations, he sent a signal to Heavenly Father with a glance.


A sphere of lightning was created on the right palm of the Silicified Heavenly Lord and rotated at an incredible speed.

Judging from the felt flow of energy, it seemed clear that the fearsome inner energy had been condensed.

Jinsan Yu remained tense and concentrated all his attention on his every move.

‘You can do it, Jinsan!’

One more breath had passed.

The moment when I confirmed that the fingertips of the Silky Heavenly Lord were moving.

Jinsan Yu unleashed his final special move.

The Fist of Exploding Heavenly Demon, the Fist of Absolute Destruction (絕對滅拳).

Even Cheonma, the founder of the Demonic Cult, could not perfect it and only left it as a theory. It was the strongest magic attack in history.

Immediately afterwards, the wave of power extending from his fist collided head-on with the sphere thrown by the Silicified Heavenly Lord.

And it brought about unimaginable results.

Kwahia Ah- !!!

The ground cracked open and a tremendous vortex of energy spewed out in the shape of a mushroom.

And Yu Jin-san, who received the shock right in front of him, vomited blood and kept taking steps backwards as if he would fall backwards.


It was clear that he had suffered internal injuries, as the energy flow was not smooth, but it was tolerable.

And his expression wasn’t that dark. This is because he was confident that he had the upper hand in winning or losing this clash.

Jinsan Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and looked at the front with expectant eyes.

Soon, the thick dust cleared and the shape of the silicified sky was revealed.

Yu Jin-san narrowed his eyes after checking his condition.

‘…Damn it. Did I miss the mark again?’

Of course, Cheonju’s appearance was also not normal. Because his left arm was not visible.

Only one arm was cut off, and it failed to end the battle.

But I guess it didn’t matter.

Because physical conditions were now more advantageous.

Yu Jin-san, who was approaching him again, suddenly stopped in confusion.

“what? “Are you already scared because you got hit once?”

For some reason, the Silic Flower Heavenly Lord was trembling like an aspen tree.

It was as if he was frightened after seeing something terrifying.


Yu Jin-san had no choice but to tilt his head.

What kind of situation is this all of a sudden? It was something I could never understand.

“What do you want to do with me now?”

Instead of answering, Gyulhwacheonju knelt down on the floor.

Then he began to apologize profusely, like a child who had committed a sin.

“I was very wrong. Mercy…”


At that moment, Jinsan Yu could also notice.

The universe before my eyes is not afraid of me.

Yu Jin-san, feeling something ominous, glanced behind him and was startled.


Unbelievably, one young monk was smiling brightly.

At first glance, it was a smile full of mercy, but Yu Jin-san felt very unpleasant and unpleasant from that expression.

Moreover, it has a foreign appearance that does not suit this place at all.

For some reason, an ominous feeling sent a chill down his spine.

Since when have you been here? And you couldn’t notice while I was getting this close? In that case, there was only one person that could be guessed.

‘No way, is this guy an Arhat?’

His appearance was completely unimaginable for a person who had lived for over three hundred years.

Have we just passed the terms and conditions? Moreover, looking at his fair skin and slender body like that of a woman, he was not thought to be an arhat at all.

However, there was no doubt that it was enough to make him this nervous, even though he was a member of the Heavenly Demon.

“A long time ago, there was a person who came from Jungwon Murim and entertained me.”

He was speaking quietly, like a monk with deep training. However, Jinsan Yu did not believe his appearance and was wary.


“You remind me of him. “I feel a similar energy.”

It probably refers to a heavenly demon who challenged Arhat long ago and was defeated.

However, Yu Jin-san was embarrassed and could not say anything.

Why does Arahat suddenly appear here? He was obviously smiling with a friendly smile, but every cell in his body was sending out signals that he was in danger.


Arhat smiled at Yu Jin-san and then approached the Silky Heavenly Lord.

Then he began to open his mouth with a smile on his face.

“Didn’t you ask for it? “I would have asked you to stop me from getting involved in petty human affairs.”

“I’m sorry. If you trust me and leave it to me, I will definitely finish it…”

Kyuhwa Cheonju was unable to finish his sentence.

This is because his body, which was kneeling, ‘floated’ into the air.

In the blink of an eye, the Arhat’s hand tightened around his neck.

No, it was so fast that I couldn’t even see how he was holding it.

“Your army has already damaged my dignity. “Isn’t that right?”

The Gyulhwacheonju was shaking his limbs and begging for his life.

“…Ugh. Please save me.”

“I gave you two chances. There is no third.”


He couldn’t believe that Heavenly Ju, who had fought on equal terms with him, was subdued so easily. Although I was somewhat prepared, the level of Arhat was beyond my imagination.

Yu Jin-san’s body froze as he watched Cheon-ju dying helplessly.

But that didn’t mean I could just ignore it.

Unlike his rigid body, his brain quickly began to think about how to deal with Arhat.

Eventually, he made a decision and sent a message to heaven.

– It looks like you really don’t want to die at the time, but I can help you if you want. If you grant me one condition.

The probability that Silichwa Heavenly Lord would accept the proposal would be less than half.

But isn’t it worth it anyway?

In the face of an unimaginably powerful enemy, I had to grab whatever straws I needed.

Yujinsan continued to send telegrams.

– If you want to help me fight with Arhat, blink twice. Immediately I will attack Arahant.

Arhat was completely defenseless with his back exposed.

Now was the opportunity, but even as the Silic Flower Heavenly Lord was dying, there was no response.

Judging from the burst blood vessels in both eyes, it seemed like it wasn’t long before he died.

Jin-san Yu once again urged him with his voice.

– What are you hesitating!? Are you going to be loyal until the end to a guy who considers you less important than the life of a fly?

At that moment, the red and bloodshot eyes of the Silky Flower Heavenly Lord slowly moved downward.

Towards the face of the devil hidden behind a bitter smile.

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