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Nathaniel's bus ride was supposed to be just another boring commute. But now, he, 23... Read more Nathaniel's bus ride was supposed to be just another boring commute. But now, he, 23 fellow passengers, and a corgi named Biscuit are stuck in a "Hell difficulty" tutorial, battling monsters and leveling up. With five years to get back to Earth, Nathaniel's got to get a handle on his terrifying talent for mana manipulation - fast. Follow his crazy journey as he takes on nightmarish foes, grapples with moral dilemmas, and teams up with an eccentric bunch of allies to outsmart the odds, survive, and emerge stronger than anyone else.***New chapters will be released on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (CET). Occasionally, I may post an additional chapter if I'm able to. Collapse Anti-social Protagonist, Antihero Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Character Growth, Clever Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Crazy Protagonist, Curious Protagonist, Fast Learner, Hard-Working Protagonist, Introverted Protagonist, Magic, RPG, Survival, Sword And Magic, LitRPG Story Development: 4Writing Quality: 3World Background: 4Character Design: 3As of chapter 179.Let's start with the plot. A group of people from a bus get transported to the tutorial. It's set at hell difficulty, the highest you can get picked to. From the very beginning, the main character shines. He has some sort of battle instinct and immediately uses mana, though only subconsciuosly. Everyone gets 2 skills, one common and the other "fitting" them. Fitting, because there are exceptions to this rule, and author just mentioned it casually after a hundred chapters. So mc gets his Focus, which helped him in battle and Mana Manipulation, or sth. He is a genius when it comes to mana. Unfortunately, there are other people there. His abilities just suck, compared to what others can do. For example Desintegration skill, which literally disintegrates anything.Anyway, there is this girl named Sophie,Spoilerwho has Manipulation ability. She basically f#cks up Nathan's (MC's name) brain and he forgets some of his memories. There is also the thing, with him not being able to hurt her at all, while under the effect of her ability. Ofc he doesn't kill her, because of the potential benefits, she can provide. If she just died, our protagonist would have to spend 2 more minutes on fighting. SecondlySpoiler, his Focus makes him supperss all his emotions. He gets dissed every chapter. Like really, if you are this strong, show them their places. It only gets worse in later chapters.The author really hates Nathan. He gives him multiple obstacles, in forms of his "comrades". Mc only snaps, after someone hurt the girl (Lily), that has crush on him. He explains that he owes her. SpoilerShe used her skill, Sacrifise, to regrow his left arm, simultaneously giving up hers (she has a healing ability and gets it back in no time). Nathaniel kills 2 guys he just met, and wants to kill Sophie, the bitch who tried killing him, but Lily makes him stop. It's really frustrating to watch his enemies still live, just because of some nonexisting morals he has. At the beginning he appeared cold and ruthless, but later he's just a big joke. SystemSystem is not badly written. There is this cool status window and it looks nice. You can level skill by becoming more familiar with them. Also, there is little to none explenations from the system. Only the necessary things you get from side quest and quest are explained. Quest are generally about clearing a floor. They vary from surviving to killing. The real power ups are generally side quests. You can get them complete while killing monsters and leveling up your skills. There are a lot more side quests. I think as of now they had better rewards, than the quests. OvrOverall the story is not bad, but I started hating the few characters. I also was prepared for a loner MC, reading the tags, but he is just socially awkward. The author doesn't know how to write human relationships. He just keeps repeating same thing over and over. Characters are too childlish and Mc being a wuss doesn't help. I would not recommend it to people wanting to expolre a new world, wanting to impersonate the protagonist, as it would only anger them. You need to keep your distance, to really enjoy this read. Mid novel. Quote: FrankkioMeh it's decent I guess Quote: FrankkioMeh it's decent I guess Quote: FrankkioMeh it's decent I guess #panic# os capítulos foram duplicados Obrigado por corrigir Beautifully crafted story. Just give it time and you'll grow to love it Okay so the start is a bit rocky and you feel the MC is talking alot but trust me he is very good and dumb he knows that himself especially when does things which you shouldn't do. But he also has a very interesting and Mysterious past which makes it worth it, and there are alot off fleshed out characters and lots of action so if you like fast paced, brutal action and mind games this is your cup of tea my friend Хорошой тайтл но я почти вкинул єго когда идиот начал стрелять в убитого волка а не в шамана которй єго контролировал а также в самом начале он даже не поптался узнать навки других и как позже м узнали там бла уйма полезнх навков которє могли б очень сильно помош и ето єщо больше меня роздражаєт такоє ощущениє что главнй герой то умнй то он глупй и вот так он переключаєтся с тупого на умного и из умного на тупого и ето очень глупо со сторон автора єсли т делаєш главного героя умнм то пусть будет умнм а не делаєт елементарнє ошибки которє любой здравомслящий человек делать не будет Dare mi opinión hasta el momento (cap 98) me parece muy bueno al principio algo soso pero fue mejorando con el tiempo incluso hasta donde lo e leido en estos momentos esta mucho mejor que el inicio, mejorando cada vez más, me alegro mucho de ello y ojala y continue con este ritmo de cada vez interesarle al lector y que no se haga aburrida, espero y continue así. (Actualizare mi opinión cuando lleve muchos más capitulos para tomarlo como sustanciales). Unlike what another reviewer mentioned, the multiple POV is fine. It's rare and only used as a way to show how the MC seems like from others' POV.The start is a little rocky, as if the author is trying to find their writing style and characters, but it stabilizes soon enough.The MC also isn't whiny complainer. They're more of an antisocial cynic, or just observing and emotionally reacting to troublesome things with internal dialogs like most of us do.The story is pretty decent, even if some characters are abnormally hostile and there is some 'movie magic' that makes injuries vanish or give the MC infinite mana lolSeems to be written by an English speaker and the plot isn't swiss cheese, so if you're into the brutal survival genre then this should be a worthwhile read. are there wmd or not? coz summary has not said anything about it The goal of the tutorial is to create WMD, so it's the climbers The second floor has WMD's oh and there are a few of them where can I find the MTL? Treading on dangerous paths my friend... Weapon of Mind Destruction.