Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 438: 438: The Final Card Appears, All of You Die!

A trump card of trump cards, so to speak.

When Jiang Xiaobai first acquired this formation, he knew such a treasure should not be used indiscriminately, and never used until the utmost critical moment!

No kidding, it’s the Nine Bends Yellow River Array, one of the most badass formations!

This formation houses the marvel of the heavens and the earth, within it lies a pill that can bewilder immortals, a sealing incantation that can close off an immortal, capable of causing immortals to lose their divine spirits, consume their soul, trap their form, diminish their aura, bereave them of their original divine spirit, impair their divine body!

The immortal becomes a mortal within it, and the mortal is doomed the moment they enter!

Of course, that’s the full power of the original version of the formation. Now, this formation, well, it’s nothing but a castrated version.

Moreover, it has experienced a significant decrease in power due to the constraints of the local laws of heaven and earth.

But hey!

Given the current situation, it’s more than enough, and this is the best time to use the Nine Bends Yellow River Formation!


The power of the formation was like a surging divine thunder, pouring down directly.

With a furious roar from Jiang Xiaobai, terrifying power erupted around him as the center, lighting up the entire sky with golden light!

In an instant, everyone present was enveloped by the Nine Bends Yellow River Formation!

Jiang Xiaobai stood in the center, his face twisted in a fierce snarl, murderous intent billowing like a storm, with both gold and red light manifested within!

Everyone was stunned!

“What kind of formation is this, why is it so terrifying!”

“Good gracious, compared to this, my Gu Clan’s ancestral formation is nothing more than dust.”

“You guys better stop being stunned and get a grip on the situation, we’re inside the formation too!”

At this point, everyone realized that the formation had covered everyone there. They were done for, weren’t they?

Xu Lingyu’s face was filled with terror!

She had thought that her punch just now would turn Jiang Xiaobai into mincemeat on the spot and obliterate his soul, how could it turn into this situation?

And this formation!

How could Jiang Xiaobai have such a method, it’s impossible!

“Boss, you are awesome!” AnRan shouted excitedly.

He just felt that at this moment, his whole body’s blood was burning.

Ao Cheng also roared with excitement: “Well done Jiang Xiaobai, you sneaky bastard, you actually hid such a treasure!”

“Damn it, let this young man kill them!”

Zhuang Huanling was stupefied, even though she has a mysterious identity and has seen much of the world, and even been to that particular place.

She’d never seen such a terrifying formation!

“What…what on earth is this? But I feel like this formation’s power has weakened way too much. If it were complete, I’m afraid the moment it appears, heaven and earth would be no more!”

Thinking of this, Zhuang Huanling started murmuring to herself.

“Oh come on, who cares if it’s complete or not, as long as it can keep those people down and rub their faces in the dirt!”

Ao Cheng sneered.

On the perimeter of the formation, seeing Jiang Xiaobai not only survive but also unleash such frightening power, Ao Yan woke up from her daze.

A single tear fell slowly.

It’s okay, it’s okay…

Within the formation, Jiang Xiaobai was laughing ferociously while observing the people before him, a golden orb held in his right hand.

The orb was the key to controlling the Nine Bends Yellow River Formation!

“Impossible, such a formation is unheard of, unseen, it’s impossible for you to possess it!”

Xu Lingyu finally couldn’t hold back and shouted.

Such a degree of formation, even Hall of Martial God’s mountain protection formation couldn’t compare!

“Haha, just because you’ve never seen it, you think it doesn’t exist?”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered continuously: “Hall of Martial God, huh? You were quite arrogant just now.”

“If I don’t go with you, you want to force me to go. If you can’t take me away, you want to kill me?”

“You’re very domineering, very rampant?”

“Okay, today I will show you what is called domineering!”


With a furious roar from Jiang Xiaobai, the Nine Bends Yellow River Formation, showed its true colors.

A yellow gas emerged within the great array. It looked slow-moving, but in an instant, it enveloped all the Gu Clan’s masters!


Shrieks followed!

Just a touch from the yellow gas would completely annihilate the affected area, no debates, no matter how much power you have, if you’re within this formation, you have to endure the terrifying invasive force!

The Gu Clan’s many experts were merely at the Unity Period, their powers seemed strong, but they absolutely couldn’t resist the erosion of this yellow gas!

In just a moment, quite a few Gu Clan experts melted into a pool of blood right there and then!

Even an immortal would have to become a mortal in this place, let alone these bastards?

Continual screams of agony, it was absolutely horrifying!

And what was most frightening was not this terrible yellow gas, but the fact that you were standing there, watching people all around you turn into a pool of blood continuously, and in the face of such a predicament, there was nothing you could do!

Many experts took out all their best protective means, but they were still useless!

As the saying goes, it’s not death that is terrible, but waiting for death is the most terrible!

Many of the Gu Clan experts could not bear such mental pressure and began to beg for mercy. Some even fell to their knees, sobbing uncontrollably, continuously calling Jiang Xiaobai “Grandpa”.

Unfortunately, it was all in vain!

Within the crowd, GuBei was watching this, his heart chilling!

Good heavens, Jiang Xiaobai actually has such a trick!

“No, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

Watching the yellow gas gradually closing in, GuBei no longer had any pride or integrity of what a son of the Gu Clan should have.

He didn’t want to die!

Seeing this scene, Xu Lingyu’s expression was ashen.

“Jiang Xiaobai, I’m giving you one last chance, withdraw the formation now, and you might still survive. Otherwise, you will die even if Dragon Valley and Jade Ling Palace support you!”


Jiang Xiaobai grinned: “You must have had your head squashed by a door. Please, get your facts right, who is going to die here!”

“Just because you have such a formation, do you really think you’re invincible?”

Xu Lingyu seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was being unappreciative, she directly crushed a golden token in her hand!

Immediately afterwards, a purple void rift suddenly appeared nearby!

“No good, that’s the Hall of Martial God’s transportation method, experts are going to come over!”

Zhuang Huanling suddenly shouted.

Such a method could only be found in a Saint City!

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyebrows furrowed.

He was well aware, he might seem awe-inspiring in his moment, but this Nine Bends Yellow River Formation was a sham!

A castrated version, and suppressed heavily by the force of heaven and earth, it was impressive he could trap Xu Lingyu and the others within!

If a power peak expert in the Tribulation Hypothesis stage arrives, the formation wouldn’t be able to hold!

“Humph, even if an expert comes, it won’t matter. You are within my formation!”

Jiang Xiaobai roared, he wanted to send everyone here to their graves before that so-called expert arrived!


“None of you will escape!”

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