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Chapter 207 ~ Carnage

Chapter 207 ~ Carnage

Ten strong men emerged from the forest, forming a semicircle around the coach. 

None of these men were equipped in the exact same way. Still, while they were not masterworks, their equipment was not of poor make. 

The casual way in which they were discussing how to deal with their target and the order in which they would go sounded like they already had their prey in the bag. Indeed, they had done this sort of thing countless times in the past. It would be strange if they had felt worried.

They brandished their weapons so their prey could see if they so peeked through the curtains covering the windows. It was a wordless warning; If they do not come out quickly, they would be in trouble. 

In but a few moments, the coach doors slowly opened. And a… girl who might be considered “little” showed up, revealing herself. 

Her silvery hair gleamed in the moonlight, and her dewy, crimson eyes held a seductive radiance. 

The bandits could only gasp at the sight of such beauty, unable to so much as muster up the words for praise. In this moment, even their bestial lust shrank away in the face of true beauty. 

They were hoping to find some beautiful lady of nobility, a high class one at that given the information they’ve gotten from the coachman, Zack. And they seemed to hit the jackpot. 

They’ve never seen a woman more beautiful than this before. They doubted that even the golden princess, who was rumored to possess unparalleled beauty, would hold a candle to this “girl” before them. 

All of them stood in awed daze, except for one. 

While he was also shocked at her beauty, something more important took his attention. 

Who was she?

Zack had never seen this beauty before. However, the coach was very familiar to him, and the contrast between the two plunged Zack into confusion and left him


Shalltear smiled lewdly as she bathed in the enthralled gazes of the men. It was simply natural, after all. She, who was created to belong to Yuuji-sama, should possess an awe-inspiring appearance, worthy of becoming his plaything, his cumdumpster, and his beloved. 

She advanced unguardedly before them and said: 

“Gentlemen, thank you for coming all this way here for me. May I know who your leader is? May I negotiate with him?”

All the bandits look towards the same person, giving Shalltear the answer she wanted to know. This only meant one thing; everyone else here was expendable.

“...What do you want to talk about?”

The man who became the center of attention seemed to have come to his senses after his close encounter with such a beauty. He strode forward.

“Ah, please forgive the misunderstanding. What I meant by ‘negotiations’ was just a joke for me to learn what I needed to know.”

“Who are you…?”

Shalltear looked to Zack, who asked that question.

“You must be that Zack fellow… I will give you to Solution as promised, so could you please step aside for a while?”

Some of the bandits sought an answer for their confusion in each others’ faces. However, among them…

“Hmph! You’ve got a good body for a brat, don’t you?! And that pristine face… I’d love to see your tears and my cum staining it!

The bandit who happened to be standing in front of Shalltear reach out to grope that ample bust of hers, which did not match her age. 

Then, the appendage tumbled to the ground.

“...How dare you try and touch what belongs to Him.”

The dumbfounded man looked at his now handless arm, and after a moment’s delay, a wail filled the entire area of the darkened road.

“AAAAAHHHHHH! My, my haaaaaaaaaaand–!”

The smile on Shalltear’s face disappeared. Her eyes glaring at the wailing man, who was holding onto his bloody stub. 

“And now you’re screeching like a pig… Hmph, know that you are lucky to die painlessly after daring to touch my body which belonged solely to Him.”

Shalltear casually flicked her hand as she muttered quietly, and the man’s head fell to the earth as well.

How had she chopped his head off with her unarmed, dainty and slender hands? The nightmare before them hardly seemed real. The bandits were terrified beyond all capacity for rational thought, unable to react in the wake of this tremendous shock. However, what they saw next snapped them back to their senses.

The fresh blood spurting from the severed portions of the body moved as though it had a will of its own, gathering above Shalltear’s head and forming an orb of blood that eclipsed the moon in the sky. 

Shalltear and those within the coach knew this was the effect of the skill called [Blood Pool]. However, the first thing these clueless bandits thought as they saw this

inhuman ability was:

“She’s a magic caster!”

Anyone who understood magic should have been able to give a more accurate

warning. “Magic casters” was a very broad term which referred to many professions and jobs, and the means of dealing with them were just as varied. In particular, one might think of Shalltear — who only wore a dress — as an arcane magic caster, or perhaps a spiritual magic caster. However, none of them spoke a warning like that. One could thus conclude that none of them knew anything about magic. In other words, they thought of anything they could not understand as magic.

As Shalltear realized this, all interest she had at these panicking bandits, who desperately raised their swords against her, disappeared.

From her shadows, two vampire brides arose. 

“Go. Clean this mess up. Also, leave this one and that one… understood?”

““Yes, Shalltear-sama.””


In just a few moments, wails of grown men echoed throughout the woods. Bodies fell to the ground, while their blood moved towards the orb of blood in the air above Shalltear’s head, leaving a lifeless, dried up husk. 

Zack could only smile stiffly as he watched the horrific sight before him. 

He wanted to vomit as he smelled teh blood which came from the carnage before him. 

Men had their hands and feet torn off like scraps of paper, and skulls popped between paired hands like ripe pomegranates.

A breastplate was ripped off and a hand stabbed into the now-exposed belly. When it came back out, it took several meters of gleaming, slippery intestine with it. The fact that the victim was still alive after that spoke of the resilience of mankind.

A man was squirming on the ground, trying to flee even with both legs broken. White spikes — his broken bones — protruded through his skin and flesh. He was desperately trying to crawl away with his hands, struggling to get himself away from the source of this horror, wanting to stay alive for just one moment longer.

The beautiful girl looked at the man groveling at her feet, and her shrill laugh was unpleasant.

How had things ended up like this…?

Zack thought as hard as he could.

His hand instinctively reached for the shortsword he had hidden inside his clothing. But even then, it gave him minimal comfort.

Why was his sword so small? How could it possibly stand up to these monsters which could twist off men’s arms so effortlessly?

Zack hugged himself, as though trying to conceal his presence. 

The monsters were simply choosing not to attack him at the moment… If he tried to flee, they would most likely do something that would make him regret such hasty decision. 

Something painful… and nausea-inducing, for instance. 

Just who was she? Zack did not recognize that silver-haired girl at all. He would’ve definitely recognized such beauty if he saw her before, but no matter how much his rattling mind struggled to jog the memories out to the surface, nothing came to mind. 

And just as he thought about that —

“Zack-san, come this way.”

—A gentle, dulcet voice came from behind him, completely at odds with the cruel scenery in front of him.

A familiar voice…

Zack looked fearfully behind himself, and saw the maid, the one accompanying the old butler, standing before him. 

Her expression did not match the haughty and argumentative maid that he knew her for. If he had been calm enough, he might have felt suspicious about this, and perhaps attempted to connect the dots that she might be the silver-haired girl’s maid. 

But Zack — who had been driven into confusion by this bizarre world and the stink of blood — had no energy left to suspect anything.

“What are those monsters?!” Zack wailed, his voice cracking, at Solution, the maid who seemed to be of nobility herself and who knew nothing of the world.

“Why didn’t you tell me there were monsters like these around?!”

Indeed. If he had known about this beforehand, things would not have ended up like this. The bitch before him was responsible for the frightening scene before him.

“Don’t keep quiet, speak up! Let’s get this straight, this is all your fault!”

Anxiety and terror combined to impel him forward, and a furious Zack could no longer bear it. He reached out to grab Solution by the collar and roughly shook her.

“...I understand. Please follow me.”

“You… are you going to save me?!”

“No, I simply wish to take this last chance to enjoy you.”

An ivory-pale hand, cold as ice, gripped Zack’s own. Softly, ever so gently. A stark contrast to how the haughty maid had acted before.

“You… What are you doing?”

“What do you think?”

Her eyes suddenly dark… The bright, shimmering shine in the eyes of the young, innocent lady who knew nothing of the world disappeared right before him. 

All he could see… was the eyes of a monster, on par with the cruel beasts that were tearing up men like dolls behind him. 

He instinctively tried to pull his hands away, but her hands – with an unholy amount of strength impossible for such a lithe pair of arms – did not let go. 

Then… his entire hand sank into hers. 

Zack thought for a moment that her body was so soft that it felt as though his entire hand had gone into her. But as he looked at his hand, he realized that this was not the case.

Zack’s hand had literally sunk into Solution’s arms.

“What… what the hell is this!”

Zack screamed in surprise and tried to pull his hand back, but he could not budge it. Not only did it not move back, it was sucked further in. It seemed as though there were many writhing tentacles inside Solution which had latched onto Zack’s hand and were drawing him in.

Solution’s beautiful face did not change even under these strange circumstances. She simply watched Zack in silence. Her expression was that of a scientist watching as a lab animal was injected with some lethal chemical, blending a cold dispassion with curiosity and excitement.

Before becoming a succubus, Solution relished in absorbing her victims directly into her body. And at first, she wanted to absorb the unfortunate sap before her directly. But doing it that way would require him to touch her chest, which she found now extremely unpleasant. 

Having been granted the seed of lust and turned into a succubus, Solution was reborn both physically and mentally. 

She now regarded her succubi form more highly than her slime form, both to show respect to the Supreme Being who had granted her this new form and power, and because of her new inclination towards favoring beauty. 

And just like Aika, Albedo, and the rest of her sisters who had been turned into succubi, Solution had chosen Yuuji-sama as her “destined one” the moment she became a succubus. 

Her body was now sacred, and the only one who could touch her was her destined one.

Even the thought of letting someone other than Him touch her was simply unpleasant.

“O-Oi, stop! Let go of me!”

He yelled and yelled. A scream that now filled the now silent space as the shouts of agony of the men behind him disappeared. 

The unreal scene of carnage behind him — forgotten due to his excitement — suddenly flashed through his mind.

Zack choked back the impulse to scream. 

Eventually, it dawned upon him.

The woman baring her chest to him before his eyes was also a monster.

“Did you finally realize it? Then, let’s begin the fun part, shall we?”

As she said that, a pain like the stabbing of hundreds of needles radiated from his stuck hand.


“I am now dissolving your hands.”

Zack could not understand these cold words through the agony which gripped him. This was no longer in the realm of his comprehension.

“The truth is, I deeply enjoy watching things dissolve. Therefore, I felt it was a happy coincidence that you wanted to be inside me, Zack-san.”

“Giiiihh—!! Damned monster, go to hell!”

“Unfortunately, only one being in this entire world is allowed to be inside me and claim my womanly body as his. While you… You’ll simply be a food for me to consume~”

“Who the hell are you?!”

The agony in his hand was slowly spreading up the rest of his arm, but the fear

of impending death overrode his pain, and Zack asked his question even as tears brimmed in his eyes.

However, the answer made him want to stuff his fingers in his ears to deny it.

“I am a predatory Slime. And a succubus as well. However, that side of me is only for Him. Now then, since time is limited, I will need to swallow you up.”

Zack’s arms were pulled into Solution’s body. So forceful was the suction that Zack could not resist it, even if he were capable of doing so.

“Stop stop stop stop stop! Spare me, spare me, spare me please!”

Zack cried and begged, but the force drawing him into Solution’s body was still very strong, enough that a human being could not resist it. His arms, his shoulders, all of them were steadily devoured by her body.


With that last scream, Zack’s face was sucked into Solution’s body. Completely.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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